I’m going to an event soon and the last time I was there there were some of those awful street preachers with megaphones shouting bigotry. They’re a nuisance and nobody wants them there, but it’s a public festival and evidentially they’re allowed to be there.

I tried looking online (reddit-logo)and most of the advice was stupid lib shit, ranging from, “Call the cops and tell them they’re violating statute blah blah blah” or, “Just ignore them, you can’t change their minds and engaging just feeds their persecution complex.” Obviously the cops do nothing, I don’t care about changing their minds or what they think I just want to shut them up. But I also don’t want to get arrested and if possible, it’d be nice to avoid disturbing the other people further.

Most likely, I’m just gonna have to endure it, but I thought I’d raise the question for brainstorming bc it feels like a common enough situation that other people will encounter it too. Best I can think is screaming something back at them emilie-shrug

UPDATE: I ended up just wearing a bunch of pride stuff and then they weren’t even there lol

  • ReadFanon [any, any]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    So this is a psychological phenomenon that doesn’t get used nearly as often as it could be, although it’s very much in the realms of Saul Alinsky-tier disruption rather than anything that has real teeth. Still useful though.

    I can’t remember the name of the tactic or the phenomenon itself but when a person is speaking, if they hear their words spoken back to them directly after they have said each one, it disrupts their ability to maintain their train of thought and their verbal fluency.

    I guess that sounds a bit abstract, right? But we’ve probably all been there when there’s been feedback or an echo on a call or in a zoom meeting (where someone’s speakers are feeding back into their mic so that when you talk there’s a half second delay and you hear your own words just after you said them) and it just fucks with your brain.

    You can harness that effect yourself and weaponise it against public speakers to disrupt and frustrate them. It’s also particularly effective because they are likely going to experience a lot of frustration inwards rather than just experiencing people around them booing; if you can’t even get your words out to finish your sentence then it’s really kinda disabling and by making someone feel broken it really wreaks havoc on the individual on a psychological level. It’s pretty unlikely to cause someone to have a mental breakdown but you can expect someone to give up and stomp away because they’re so infuriated with themselves.

    It may require a little bit of practice but if there’s someone else who is keen to get in on the action then you can play around with using it on each other to get a sense of how to do it effectively.

    The other thing is ensuring that you have enough volume to be heard sufficiently that the desired effect of disruption actually works. Doesn’t mean that you necessarily need a megaphone yourself if you can project your voice or you have a makeshift acoustic megaphone made out of a stiff plastic sheet or some heavier cardstock or something similar.

    This is known as Delayed Auditory Feedback. Surprisingly, there’s almost nothing out there on using this as a non-violent protest or disruption tactic so I feel like it was either something that was developed but never really given a label in protest movements or it goes by a completely different name in common parlance.

    There’s a knack to getting your timing right in doing this and it varies depending on the individual speaker but you can induce a lot of verbal disfluency that means a person might be reduced to speaking at a rate of like a word or two per second, meaning that they aren’t going to get through much material and it causes a lot of stress in the speaker.

    A more advanced tactic is, if you get someone on the hook with this and you’re really fucking with them to the point that they are struggling to get their words out because they’re focusing so much on your words, you can throw a curveball at them and say a word before they get to their next word to potentially derail their speech or even to get them to say the wrong thing.

    As an example:

    The Bible
    The Bibe



    Is… wonderful

    If that makes any sense. By shifting from just repeating back what say to interfering with what they are about to say, it can really throw someone off balance. But they will need to get kinda sucked into your words for this to work. Confident speakers who are rapid tend to be more immune to this but ymmv.

  • CthulhusIntern [he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    If I weren’t so shy, I thought of a bit of telling them “God’s not real, I know God isn’t real because God told me he’s not real.” And if they question that whatsoever, say “What are you doing? Questioning God? He came to me and told me he’s not real. So God isn’t real.”

  • ReadFanon [any, any]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    Another idea, although this requires a fair amount of confidence:

    If you know any theatre kids especially, get one of them to play as a mime in front of the speaker.

    If you use physical comedy to turn their speaking into a parody and a comedy routine then it’s going to really mess with what they’re doing - it should attract a reasonable amount of attention but all of it will be focused on what that silly person over there is going to act out using exaggerated gestures and comical body language, so people will find it humorous and delightful rather than paying attention to all the scorn in whatever the speaker is yapping about.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
      11 months ago

      Yeah, this is probably the best answer. Clowning, like literally getting a clown to perform using them as a prop, makes them look silly and absurd.

  • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    I bother them until they give me a chick tract. Sometimes they try to give me a lower quality knock off religious screed but I keep pushing till I get the comic I want. I’m bad at reading people but I think they’re starting to get annoyed by me

    • Wertheimer [any]@hexbear.net
      11 months ago

      When we were in high school a friend and I cornered the Chick Tract guy at an event and acted like giggling fans. He was so happy we were familiar with Jack Chick, and we spent a while talking about our favorite tracts. Dungeons and Dragons, all the hits. When we got to “the one where the Catholics coming back from feeding the poor are in the plane crash and learn that good works don’t get you into heaven . . . love that one. No one should ever do good works” the smile fell from his face and he looked at us with hurt in his eyes. “Wait . . . are y’all just bein’ sarcastic?”

      • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
        11 months ago

        The Dark Dungeons tract is my holy grail. I’ve asked every Chick Tract guy I’ve come across but nobody has them. I’ve even looked on the website but they only make them as a special order in batches of a thousand, so I’ll probably have to wait for a new satanic panic about role playing to get that on. The plane crash one is another of my favs, the whole “good works don’t matter” just really exposes that ideology. I don’t know how anyone can call themselves christian and think “accepting Jesus*” is all you need.

        *As long as its the correct White American JesusTM

  • tamagotchicowboy [he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    This brings back to mind an ancient meme, you ain’t got no pancake mix. So basically some hateful street preacher was preaching nonsense and some college kid kept interrupting with accusations of no pancake mix and lying about it, since seriously that’s what street preachers might as well be saying when you’re busy minding your own business, absolute ridiculous nonsense.

    When I lived in the city some of those ‘street preachers’ were sadly just attention seekers or very hurt people, like some dude after a bad breakup went on about no women in heaven for absolute months and would fight people over it, go to jail, come back to preach his misogynistic nonsense only for the cycle to repeat. When I moved away he was in there for a good bit for pulling a knife on someone who fucking had it since he’d do legit 8hr shifts of ‘preaching’ about the evil of women and telling every woman he saw regardless of age they were damned to hell no matter what. Men and everyone else he’d just slur at, which is why he’d get into constant fights, no matter if they agreed with him.

  • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.netM
    11 months ago

    Many people have a desire to punch them in the face and run away. They virtually always covertly record video for just that reason with the intent to sue. Usually from multiple locations.

    Legally I cannot tell you “good luck.”

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    I mean, aside from just breaking their shins with a bat there isn’t much. Iafaik they all think they know the law and wear cameras so they can sue or arrest anyone who tries to stop them.

    They’re fanatics who are fully convinced they’re in a divinely mandated war against everyone else and tend to have nasty personalities on top of that. Shaming them or embarassing them can work something but it’s not reliable.

    If you’ve got someone who has absolute calm they could try to debate bro them to distract them.

  • Wertheimer [any]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    I got rid of one once by reciting poetry at him while imitating his voice. He could not handle the raw power of “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”

    • CthulhusIntern [he/him]@hexbear.net
      11 months ago

      Do one better, find all their videos, put them into an AI voice algorithm, and then have it make them recite the Communist Manifesto, then play that.

  • Doubledee [comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    If they’re interested in converting people you might be able to take one for the team by appearing interested and distracting them with, basically, bait.

      • krolden@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        Ive found most people standing on a street corner with a megaphone to have the same mentality. They just want to annoy as many people as possible which somehow validates their own opinions.

        Obviously I’m talking about the religious and really nutty ones, mostly.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    Pulls out copies of Justin Matyr, Gutierrez, and De Chardin to audible whine of rhetorical weapons charging.

    (Seriously, Jesuits have entire manuals for dunking on these types until they log off.)

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
      11 months ago

      You can instruments at home, too. Put dry beans in plastic bottles to make rattles! get a heat gun and some pvc pipe and make different kinds of horns. Bang pots and pans. Lots of stuff.

      • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
        11 months ago

        Pretty sure I’ve seen a couple viral drummer vids that was just some twink rigging up a bunch of different-sized buckets and pvc pipes and just thundering away

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
          11 months ago

          Sweet! I love that shit. Some of my buddies used to load a bunch of garbage in to the truck of their beater then go have jam sessions in the city park, just absolutely rocking out on jugs and tubs and pots and whatever they could scrounge.