I’m gonna start a weekly Sunday evening thread where we all talk about what we’ve been playing the past week.
I have been doing a replay of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice this week. It’s one of my favorite games and I was surprised how much muscle memory Ive retained for most of the major boss fights.
I’m playing stardew. Apparently the 1.6 update is a big deal but it’s like my 2nd time playing it and I never got past the second year so I know fuck all about the game. It’s at once a fun chill relaxing game and also very hectic getting all my farm chores done in a day. I have a friend who actually knows what they’re doing and it’s very fun to insist on having them help around the farm but not be allowed to teach me the deep lore.
Hell yeah, I’m back on my Stardew Valley bullshit. If you ever need guidance, check the wiki, it’s very comprehensive (although it might be missing some of the 1.6 stuff still). I haven’t played it in a couple years, so it’s nice!
I’m revisiting New Vegas
Hell yeh
I’m taking a break after old world blues made me face the wall (of text).
It’s been a good 7/8 years since I did a “full” playthrough of the game and it’s nice to have a reflection of my improved understanding, to know why Caesar is a big dialectic dumb dumb rather than just nodding my head like umm yeah, I guess it really is inevitable the NCR be destroyed.
hell yeah same, via Viva New Vegas
I went through Mega Man X and was probably going to go through them up to 4, from what I hear the series took a nose dive after that and they even made a 3D one? Gotta pace them a little bit because it’s brutal on my hands.
The 3D ones are ass. I don’t remember 5 being bad but I also just don’t remember it.
X4 is really good. If you play buster only and don’t abuse weapon weaknesses, the bosses are some of the best in 2D platformers if that’s your thing
I was like “What, you’re doing a Buster only run? The Argon Buster sucks!” and then I realized you were talking about Megaman, not the X4 space 4x game.
Also the soundtrack has lived rent-free in my brain since I was a child
X4 is amazing and X5 is okay. 6-8 are pretty ass though.
5 is fine enough, but after that you should just skip ahead to the Zero games.
Helldivers mainly
Even with all the chuds and chodes
Game is fun
It seems like if you have a good group it is a blast. I need to grab it at some point.
Disco Elysium, I can see why its popular around here lol.
Helldivers II: Just picked this up to play with some friends from a former job. It’s a ton of fun with a good group, and the hit-you-over-the-head-with-a-hammer Western imperialist satire adds a lot.
Soulstone Survivors: Vampire Survivors with more active combat and build variety.
Dead Rock Galactic Survivor: Vampire Survivors with mining and aiming.
Splatoon 3: Tracking down the final uncollected palette chips in Side Order. Team Baby Chicks will win this weekend, mark it down.
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DRGS is very polished already! It’s at the state where all it really needs is More Stuff. Mining materials gets you currency for both in-run upgrades and overall stat upgrades, plus you can carve out paths to escape danger or funnel enemies. Weapons have decent variety and are satisfying, and the levels give you just enough time to explore before it’s time to beat the boss and escape.
Once they add some more levels and objective variety, it’ll really shine, but even now it’s one of the best examples of the genre.
Still mucking around with my old mmorpgs, I have Everquest, Ultima Online, and Final Fantasy XI in rotation. I tried to play some MGS Peace Walker but either I suck or the controls are wonky and I ended up not really liking it. Feel like as I get older RPGs like mmos or JRPGs are more my speed now.
Mario Wonder. I find it’s kind of a weekend only game cause it’s hard to play when tired after work
bought darkest dungeon (1) cause it was $3 and its been great, no deaths yet so overconfidence will definitely be my slow and insidious killer
It’s usually bosses or mini bosses that you aren’t prepared for that will get most of your deaths. I’ve never actually beaten DD because I get burnt out and then always start a new campaign when I come back to it, but it’s a lot of fun.
no man’s sky, i’ve been trying my best to polish up our hexbear space commune
yogthosgrad was attacked by the space feds, it was a bit of an ordeal to sort out but they should be out of our hair at least for now
Been playing some modded Minecraft. Working on my rail network . I automated iron production but need far more gravel supply to keep up with the amount of iron for rail and machinery for more factories. The productive forces must grow
What modpack are you using?
I’m playing Create Astral. I’ve been on that pack for a year, haven’t gotten too far because I’ve put some restrictions on myself and not played super actively. I really wanna get back to Forge packs to try Hex and some other mods, though.
Looks interesting, I’ve been wanting to try create and a space modpack where you go to space early sounds good
It is very fun. It is a little bit expert mode though. Nothing crazy, just forces you to go through the planet progression for a lot of the machines, gates brass behind going to the moon, that kind of thing. I think it takes about 300 hours to complete solo if you just focus on progression.
Just made it to chapter 1, enjoying it so far. It’s enough different from packs I’ve played before to stay interesting, and I see some interesting possibilities with stone generation and sifting starting to show up on the progression roadmap, especially knowing that AE2 is coming eventually. I spawned in a seaside village, so I’ve wasted some time digging out and draining an underground base and not finding tin until I checked its optimal spawn y level.
You almost never dig deep in Create Astral, I do most of my mining by just diving into crevices in the ocean and finding lots of the resources I need. I have a stack of diamonds and a ton of gold that I literally never touch, very very rarely used in the first 4 chapters.
I wasn’t even trying to dig deep, I just started at ground level like y=60. Speaking of digging deep though, I just went looking for lava and found that the world doesn’t stop at y=0 which is kinda neat.
EDIT: apparently that’s a vanilla thing now, the last version of minecraft I really played extensively was 1.12
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Im still playing pokerogue, my current run started with a clodsire, cinderbunny and a turtwig all with good stat and natures thanks to eggs and catching them.
I think this week im going to do a endless to see how far i get, with a meowstick with good ivs i got from an egg
Oh this is dangerously addictive. Goodbye cruel world, I have egg gachas to grind
I am up to 3 ships with victory cleared on FTL Advanced Edition on Normal difficulty. This was impossible for me even a few years ago.
Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I started playing as a ranger but it was boring so I switched to conjurer and now it’s more visually interesting.
Also Mordheim: City of The Damned, to get hyped to play WFRP in the near future.