Transcription: A side by side picture of Star Trek Strange New Worlds character Hemmer and The Next Generation character Geordi La Forge.
Clearly you haven’t spent enough time around engineers. There’s a reason the laser warning sign says " do not use remaining eye to look at laser "
Reminds me when Data and Geordi was testing that phaser right next to the damn Warp Core.
Forget the episode but it’s the one Romulans mind controlled Geordi.
“The Mind’s Eye” Season 4 Episode 24
It’s crazy that the entire engineering section on Starfleet ships is just right next to the warp core, with absolutely zero structural separation.
The number of times ships had to eject their warp core, or had the warp core go critical, or had other warp core related accidents, you’d think Starfleet would have learned not to exclusively rely on emergency force fields and that they would have simply built two separate sections for engineering and for the warp core.
But no, even after all those experiences, they instead even ditched the isolation doors when they designed the Intrepid class, and basically wrapped the engineering section around the open warp core.
Cause what could possibly go wrong with that approach, eh?
How else are you going to plug two more warp cores into it?
Thanks I hadn’t read that in a few years. Classic.
Wait, are we the Pakled?
“Quick! Eject the
warp coreengineers!”
I feel like they do that all the time throughout the TNG era, owing to the fact that they didn’t have a “science lab” set in addition to the warp core set which at any rate looked cool and they wanted to use it whenever they could.
Sets are expensive.
But yes never ever test a phaser next to the Warp Core, kids. That’s a violation of the OSHA Directive.
I mean at least the pointed it away from the core.
IIRC either data or Geordie were standing right next to the target box when they first it the first time. They sure trusted their aim.
Hurty beam
“And with it I will take over the Tri-State Area!”
“What is this? A Soong-type Android?”
PERRY the Soong-type Android‽
I was thinking Data, but here we go:
Doo bee doo bee doo ba
I mean Hemmer’s species (the Aenar) are naturally blind and see through telepathy, all of them. So that really doesn’t include him.
The desire to look into lasers is natural.
Hemmer isn’t really “blind” though, he just sees in a different way than humans do
Geordi isn’t really “blind” though, he just sees in a different way than other humans do
Not directly related, but my favorite exchange about human eyesight…
(Lt. Commander Data) “Sir, Lieutenant La Forge’s eyes are far superior to human biological eyes, true?”
(Capt. Picard) “M-hm.”
(Lt. Commander Data) “Then why are not all human officers required to have their eyes replaced with cybernetic implants?”
(Lt. Commander Data) “I see. It is precisely because I am not human.”
Tbh I agree with Data. It’s absurd that they don’t go full AdMech and replace all their fleshy bits with machine bits. Maybe I just crave the strength and certainty of steel more than the average human.
Resistance is futile
Geordi’s visor gives him constant pain
It’s amazing he didn’t turn into Dr. House.
Resistance is futile after all
Hemner isn’t human.
I thought the blue skin and antenna gave it away.
Geordi started as the blind navigator, for irony. They moved him to engineering in season 2 when they decided the did need a chief engineer as a regular character, and Wesley could serve as helmsman.
This is Argyle erasure and I won’t stand for it!
Geordi started as the blind navigator, for irony
To be fair, a space ship is probably strictly on IFR all the time. Can’t imagine the Enterprise doing a lot of visual approaches.
Also IIRC canonically Geordi’s implant gives him better vision than natural eyes.
I don’t know if Geordi would describe vision with his VISOR as “better”, just that it allows him to see more of the E.M. spectrum. The few times he gets to see with natural eyes (when Riker’s Q powers restored his eyes, and when the magic immortality planet “healed” him) he describes seeing beauty that he normally isn’t capable of experiencing. “Better” is always subjective
Good point!
Also don’t forget like he said it was like seeing everything all at once, it’s just a bunch of noise and you have to learn to pick out what you want to see. Like when you’re out of concert and everybody is loud around you and you want to listen to your friend, you have to learn how to do that, I’m not sure I’d classify that as better
Yeah, my understanding is that it wasn’t better. But I imagine his “current” implants are.
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Paul Stamets was the engineer on Discovery… That dude was pivotal to the story in a lot of ways. Not sure how you missed him 😲
It’s not like anyone knows half the names of the crew of Discovery. Most of the time it was The Michael Burnham Show ™.
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He was just a mycology engineer, not the chief engineer. I honestly can’t remember if we ever see main engineering on Discovery. They mostly work in the Spore Drive engine room. But that was Discovery’s schtick, that it wasn’t the “main” crew that were the stars originally.
But that link literally says he’s the chief engineer. I’ve never actually watched discovery though.
He eventually became chief engineer when Burnham was made captain. He started out just as a regular crew member. None of the main cast were in special positions at the beginning. That was one of the main complaints, because we never learn much about the bridge officers.
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Yeah man, you just can’t argue with some people.
I’m seeing people saying both I, and the official Star Trek bio that I linked are wrong. How about an image of his personnel file?
Some people just like to argue for no reason at all.
It’s the same amount of Vulcan science officers! (Maybe even 2½, if you count Burnham’s upbringing)
‘Hi we’re Starfleet, and we recruit our captains from among the best and the brightest on 150 member worlds, spread over 8,000 light years! But the vast majority of the time, when it’s not Jean-Luc Picard, we just get them from this one particular country that accounts for about 4% of the population of Earth. Weird, huh?’
Yeah, well have you looked at the starting salary? And the mortality rate of enlisted… all the smart species know to stay away.
Starfleet is a uniquely human thing. I wonder if the other worlds think we’re weird for wanting to explore the universe.
Vulcans in Enterprise definitely did. All of the other member races maintain their own space force so it really is a human thing even if it’s not a human thing
Wasn’t the Vulcan ship in DS9 still technically a Starfleet vessel?
That one was, but the Vulcan science directorate still has a fleet.
Wait, are you counting T’Pol and Spock? What about Tuvok? He was a science officer on the Excelsior.
I know the actor was the same, but was that the same character?
Well he should count for half like Michael. :D
I see after your edit that you posted a pic of Enterprise B. I was talking about when he made tea for Sulu on Excelsior.
lol yep, "ence the "ignore me, I’m confused " :D
There was a flashback to Tuvok on Excelsior, as well. It is incredibly confusing.
If this was Star Wars they would have “Special Editioned” in some Vulcan ears (on Enterprise B) by now.
Tuvok was the security officer on Voyager.
Yes, and during one episode he has flashbacks to the excelsior where he served with sulu. On the excelsior he was a junior science officer.
Spock is also half Vulcan, no? So it’s 3 people and 2 Vulcans.
It’s hard to be a blind tactical officer.
Tuvok kind of managed in the Year of Hell, didn’t he?
Martok half managed it. He’s not technically a tactical officer but he must count.
If they were smart, they’d bring back Hemmer in the first episode of season three. Having him on one of the Gorn ships would be a perfect entryway for the storyline.
From which series is the left guy from?
Strange New Worlds
Ah… Paramount plus, there are to many streaming services.
All the big companies who owned a majority of cable television channels have all essentially created their own streaming service
Paramount/CBS: Paramount+
Disney/ABC: Disney+
NBC/Comcast: Peacock
Fox: not aware if they have a major one
CW/WB/Discover: HBO Max
Then of course the conpanies that spawned from streaming services.
All the big companies who owned a majority of cable television channels have all essentially created their own streaming service
Before that, we had all their content together available on Netflix. Like it should be.
Imagine if each record label would do their own streaming service and pull their content from Spotify, YouTube music and Apple music.
Would all 3 take the Netflix way and start producing their own bands?
Music is still not being pirated as much as before Spotify & co existed. The streaming model still works.
I have a feeling that now, that the streaming model for movies & series got more confusing and more expensive than before, the seas will be full of pirates again.
I loved having all of Star Trek together on Netflix, together with everything else. Just like it is with music, it was somehow very comforting having such a good service for the money paid.
Is trek not available on Netflix in other countries? I’m in Canada and we have TNG, Voyager, TOS, and DS9 on Netflix.
Actually we have all those still in Germany - also TAS. I should have phrased it better - i meant new Star Trek, like lower decks, SNW, Picard, Discovery & Prodigy
If only the streaming services could federate and make it all very easy.
They have to be easier then piracy. Not cheaper, just easier. And right now… They are missing that mark
I watched the few first episodes and didn’t hate it but wasn’t really interested where it was going. Is it worth watching the rest?
It’s widely regarded as the best of the new trek shows.
Only by people who haven’t seen Lower Decks or Prodigy
…is that a compliment?
I like most new trek shows so yes.
First season is really good. Second is a bit hit and miss.
Huh. I would say literally the exact opposite.
Same. The second season the show really begins to stretch its legs.
grow a beard*
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Season one every episode was solid 4-4.5 stars. Season 2 had a real mix, mostly hitting around 4 stars but with one that’s got to make its way into the top ten episodes of all time, and one that’s got to make it into the bottom ten.
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Strange New Worlds