Keanu Reeves in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Don’t get me wrong. Reeves is awesome in the right role, but he just can’t fake a British accent.
It’s not perfect, but the biggest reason I refuse to watch the Les Mis movie again is because Russel Crowe cannot sing for shit; having him play Javert, a leading and powerful singing role, ruined what was otherwise a decent movie adaptation of a stage musical. It even had some really amazing casting choices, but that one absolutely ruined it for me.
It’s so bad isn’t it! He has a band as well. I imagine it’s horrendous.
I still remember the CinemaSins for that movie, they didn’t spare him
The one with Depardieu as Jabert is 100 times better, anyway.
Walken in Dune.
Was just jarring imo. He has the right look, but he did his usual thing and I couldn’t help but see him rather than the character.
He was so-so for me. Not great, not terrible either. Since he had so little to work with, they could’ve cast any other good actor and it wouldn’t have mattered. I was hoping he would bring something special though.
IMHO and I’ll probably get flamed for it, Zendaya was the weakest actor in the cast. She was ok (not bad), but when comparing to the rest of the cast, she was definitely outclassed.
Agreed on Zendaya. Both she and Momoa suffered by comparison to their castmates.
Yeah, I wasn’t fond of Zendaya in Dune.
I haven’t read the books so maybe that’s how the character is supposed to be, but the angst was frustrating.
Walken was fine for me. The emperor played a smaller role in the film anyway.
The real miscast and the only problem in what is quite possibly one of the best adaptations we will ever see: Brolin as Gurney and Momoa as Idaho. They had the right actors in the wrong roles. I just don’t understand how you could flip those two pivotal characters like that. I really don’t think Momoa will be able to pull of a good mentat in the 3rd film.
I even kept switching the roles while watching it. Such an odd case where two actors were ideal for the opposite role.
glances at Face Off.
Did I dream the moment when the Baron was exposing the situation on Dune and Walken said “give me more!” like he wanted more cowbells?
He’s a caricature of himself at this point, making it next to impossible to take him seriously in a role like that.
All I could see was King Louie from Jungle Book lol
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World / Michael Cera as the titular character.
Yes, Michael Cera is great at portraying awkwardness. But… I don’t think Michael Cera’s awkwardness was the right kind of awkwardness that Scott Pilgrim had. But maybe that’s just me.
Yeah. I actually really like Michael Cera in the movie, but he’s not playing the same character. In the movie, he’s a loveable dipshit. In the comic, he’s more of an embarrassing asshole, with a TON of stuff to learn.
I love the movie, and I love the comics. But they’re both very different things.
Agree with this one
Benedict Cumberbatch in “Star Trek into Darkness”. Perfect movie? Not really, but the casting pretty much ruined the movie IMHO. It was supposed to be Benicio Del Toro. I have no idea why they couldn’t secure him for the role, but the backup plan was like a wet noodle.
BDT would have been much more interesting. I liked the movie, but BC was a bit odd of a choice.
For me, he was one of the only good things in that movie. It was a departure for Khan, but I thought he did well with the material. In saying that, I lost interest with the other movies since that one, even though I enjoyed it.
Ezra Miller as the flash . Even before all the contraverversy I didn’t really think they made a good flash .
Yeah I never felt that he was good at acting. It always seemed like he was playing a character who was acting, like RDJ in Tropic Thunder. He was the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.
The way he ran as the flash was so weird. They said that they studied figure skaters or something but it just looked so weird. They should of asked grant Gustin for some pointers .
Quentin Tarantino (pick whatever film you like. I think he’s great as a writer and director, but a terrible actor).
He plays creepy pedophile/rapist pretty well though
Yeah, he was perfect in From Dusk Till Dawn.
Jamie Foxx in Django Unchained. I don’t know if I can articulate exactly why he felt miscast, but every time they had a less recognizable actor on the screen I couldn’t help but wonder how they would look in the leading role, and every time I found myself wishing I was watching that movie instead.
I feel the same way and I think it’s because he’s not a strong actor so you’re just seeing Jamie Foxx playing himself. He breaks immersion.
The interviews I’ve seen of him show him to be an egotistical wanker so that doesn’t help either.
Matthew Broderick in the Lion King. How can James Earl Jones - The Lion, give birth to such a pissant little voice? How could the pride rally behind the trembling call of twinky soft-boy Broderick? Matthew can play the voice of the awkward teenager Simba that crosses the bridge in the Hakuna Matata song, and that’s IT.
Dustin Hoffman in Perfume. Just, no.
Those two interchangeable pairs of eyebrows with faces that ‘starred’ in Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets. It could have been incredible with the source material and all that went into it getting made, but nope, not with those two. Wrong kinda movie for both of their…styles?
I literally thought they were supposed to be siblings for that whole movie. They both look related and they had whatever the polar opposite of chemistry is.
Estelle Parsons in Bonnie & Clyde. It could have been the way her character was written, but that character irks me.
Also, let’s add movies where Robin Williams plays Robin Williams - he is way to over the top for some roles.
And Zeppo Marx in Monkey Business.
Have you ever seen Robin Williams movie One Hour Photo? It’s the polar opposite of a Robin Williams character, quiet and reserved, creepy but Inna sad way, it’s a good movie.
Maggie Gylenhaal as the recast for Rachel Dawes.
I didn’t mind Will Ferrell in most of Stranger Than Fiction but I couldn’t quite buy the romance w Maggie Gyllenhaal
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