Going by the starter kit format, what type of person can we construct with this stuff?
40-something gay guy who works in tech and is also a Christian Scientist
Also suffers from ED
How does the fez work?
uhhhh he’s into dr who and started wearing one unironically
Hides the effect of the cialis
He’s Turkish
He’s a Shriner too?
The last remaining Shriner that’s below retirement age.
Problematic kink, he’s literally just
Got me at Cialis. Erections are awesome and magical.
There’s a voice that keeps on calling me
Down the road, that’s where I’ll always be
Every stop I make, I make a new friend,
Can’t stay for long,
just turn around and I’m gone againMaybe tomorrow, I’ll want to settle down,
Until tomorrow, I’ll just keep moving on~I realized the other day that I really only hate American companies. I think I expect more from them or something being the same nationality. Idk just a random observation.
Familiarity breeds contempt, or some wise-sounding shit like that
Honestly that’s a fair assessment.
rookie stuff, gotta hate every firm that was in axis nations in ww2
Aww London’s a good boy
Giffgaff sim (briish)
Hello Kitty is SOY and CRINGE real rio-heads support the REAL PATRIOT Big Challenges!
What did Golden Girls ever do to you?
Leave ps2 alone
I don’t care about anything in this pic and that makes me angry
This is type of shit I’ve been on TW: Everything that will make you believe less of humanity. Transphobia, etc.