“It’s a kind of maritime terrorism that the entire world has an interest in seeing brought to a close.”
You can easily end it by fucking ending the Israeli genocide you fucking idiot
Also is this the world he’s talking about?
I think that line rules because there’s two options, all the rest of the world is geopolitically 2gay2act or alternatively they don’t actually have an interest in it and both are pretty much equally funny
Sorry wtf does being “geopolitically 2gay” mean? Which countries are geopolitically 2gay by this definition???
Homosexual geopolitics!!!
Globohomo intensifies
Fuckin, down with cis.
Yemen: are…are you showing us? Is that it? That’s all?
that’s why you don’t have healthcare?
I love this site
They literally called it “Prosperity Guardian”?
Operation protect muh treats
Somehow every American military operation has very
If it’s not that it’s a hamfisted pile of words chosen so they can have a slick acronym like Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism
did… they really call the operation “Prosperity Guardian”? As in “Prosperity Doctrine”, or the idea that wealth signifies God’s approval?
They were also calling the thing where the part where they launch missiles at shit “Poseidon Archer”
Prosperity gospel?
Yes they sure did.
Wacky evangelicals <3 israel
Resistance leaving the Empire in shambles. Yes, one thousand times, yes
Did the Houthis ever even get to find out why America doesn’t have free healthcare?
Funnel billions to the MIC and get themselves into a military quagmire they struggle to extricate themselves from, while failing their objectives?
Yeah I think they’ve had a pretty good lesson.
Yes. We neglect everything to makw rich people richer
Didn’t the us government offered a check to let the ships go?
Wow um sweetie the houthis are terrorists and they want to kill american soldiers, I wouldn’t call this a “victory”.
Yes, I support the troops
The best thing the US can do for itself is deliberately and gradually dismantle its empire because it is a paper tiger.
But unfortunately contradictions
Remember this day because they’re going to try very hard to memory-hole it
Bleed, empire, bleed.
US Military supporting/spectating in a decade of Saudi bombings of Yemen, and thought but it might work for us?
It’s a victory for Radio Shack weirdos across the world
I saw the
interview with Timhouthi Charlamet and now that I read this I can’t shake the sensation that I’m reading about Luffy as he fights a yonko
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
What is stand in for the west here, would it be big mom. Big mom loves her treats.
I was thinking Kaido because he has a precedent for using others to do his dirty work with Doffy overseeing the SMILE production. So Israel can be Donflamingo, especially with their illegal occupation (though Dressrosa would be closer to Cuba pre-revolution, they are not part of this story). The one bankrolling Doffy would be Kaido.
is this real or a limited hangout to drum up support for the MIC and attacks on Ansarallah in particular? sort of like how we always ‘lose’ war games
Could be, but it does seem like the appetite for fighting ansarallah is diminished