I have to ask, why is this article posted? It’s a top journalist at CNN. Why did the state dept allow access to the camp? Why now during an election year?
Democrats are getting hammered for being ineffective when responsible, if they lose the Presidency they get to keep their positions but don’t have the responsibility to do anything as everything will Trump’s fault, the Republicans’ fault, or the voters’ fault.
I have to ask, why is this article posted? It’s a top journalist at CNN. Why did the state dept allow access to the camp? Why now during an election year?
i think they’re assuming that the lingering inertia from ISIS war propaganda will cancel out any humanitarian feelings this would enculture
i mean Guantanamo & Abu Graib are public record and the US public hasn’t hanged anyone involved in either so what’s the danger to the ruling class?
Democrats are getting hammered for being ineffective when responsible, if they lose the Presidency they get to keep their positions but don’t have the responsibility to do anything as everything will Trump’s fault, the Republicans’ fault, or the voters’ fault.
They’re trying to lose
Limited hangout?
Yeah the full truth is probably much worse
They literally admit that they were limited to two relatively clean mass cells when they visited the “infamous” prison, a literal limited hangout.
Big News Morgans has intercepted the airwaves.
Need a BIG NEWS! emote fr
The kind of people who care about this enough to no longer vote for Biden already weren’t voting for Biden for doing the same thing but worse in Gaza.