It was great. I was 10. I needed to be able to win once in a while, and I did.
They were laughing because they were early neckbeards. They probably had 16k of ram on their fancy BBC Micros.
It was great. I was 10. I needed to be able to win once in a while, and I did.
They were laughing because they were early neckbeards. They probably had 16k of ram on their fancy BBC Micros.
Yup! I remember it so well. I even remember seeing this ad in a magazine and begging my dad to order it… I was 10 years old, and built it with him.
I also remember going to a home computer sale event in my hometown. No shops were selling computer stuff in that town yet. Men with beards and long hair laughing that I was buying 1k Chess to play on my new computer.
The location for that sale was turned into public toilets.
The trauma center is in America dumbass. I said I’ve seen fatal stabbings IN AMERICA. I never saw a fatal stabbing IN THE UK, where I did not work in a level one trauma center. Seriously, go fuck yourself.
Hey, you started with the accusations. I merely set you straight. I couldn’t give a shit that a dickhead doesn’t believe ne.
Im 53 years old. I’ve seen grizzly bear, shark, and cougar victims. I work in one of the busiest level 1 trauma centers in the world. You know the high profile accidents that make the news? The plane and train crashes? I work in the ER that sees those patients. I couldn’t care less what you think.
You know, the one person who is MOST aware that you’re stupid and wrong is me.
Haha. What a well composed rebuttal
I have worked in Accident & Emergency in England and in an ER in America. Guns are a curse.
You all need to see the deserted dead body of a 15 year old laying on the table after an unsuccessful resuscitation attempt. A baby who has been shot through, or the crowds of relatives helplessly sobbing in the streets outside the emergency room.
Every gun owner thinks they are a responsible gun owner until they arent. Its simply not possible to be 100% safe 100% of the time. That’s not a thing that humans do.
And no. There are nowhere near as many knife deaths in England.
I never saw a fatal stabbing in the UK, but I’ve seen many in America. The numbers are insignificant when compared to gun accidents and murders.
All “tools” that kill this many people should absolutely be regulated.
Americans never shut up about freedom, but don’t pay attention to the freedom taken away simply by the threat that anyone around you could be carrying a gun. You’re all just used to it being your way. It’s so nice not to have to consider the possibility. The american way is like spending your lives with the sword of Damocles dangling over your heads. That’s your freedom.
Me too, except I think it’s been about a year now and the box slid off the back of my desk.
Haha. High five (10 times and then high three). 1971 babies unite! (…tomorrow).
The evidence is on my side dude. It’s not bigotry to think Americans are stupid for voting for a compulsively lying perverted felon. Ask the other Americans. They think the same as the rest of the world. Why can’t you figure this out?
You know nothing about me other than i think that blaming the left for the current situation with the elected president is as dumb as fuck. Which it is. You have no argument as far as i am concerned. You are simply a dumbass for believing that. You don’t flush america and the rest of the planet down the toilet for one questionable stance. It’s a stupid conclusion for you to make.
The moment you figured out that foreigners also judge half of Americans as idiots, you started hunting for a reason to dismiss them based on their nationality. Frankly, that says everything i need to know about you, your bigotry, and your critical thinking skills.
Im not remotely phased by your other insults because im not a child.
Hook. Line. Sinker. Well done bigot fuckstick. You’re too easy. So far we have Jews, Monarchy and a hatred of outsiders. What’s next? Let’s see how you do with Islam.
You would have voted for Saville and blamed me for it.
I work in American hospitals. You know. Putting shot people back together
You blame English people for racist, bigoted, far-right, incoherent, crazy, serial sexual predators becoming president? I’ll be sure to check in with my psychiatrist right-away. If there’s one thing I know, it’s to take advice from dickheads who don’t know when to give up and just go and fuck themselves like they were initially advised. Seriously. Go fuck yourself. Fucking moron.
Nope. America has a far right president, widely celebrated by white power and far right neo nazi groups. You are blaming the left for that. The shoe fits you perfectly Cinderella! You will be Trumps bride! I mean the two groups are called RIGHT and LEFT. I guess your parents didn’t let you watch Sesame Street because of the immigrants.
There’s a little tiny hill with a little tiny you dying quietly of ignorance.
Nobody is taking you seriously dude.
Trump will do absolutely anything to stay in the news. We are his narcissistic supply. The solution is to ignore him completely.