I can see a psychiatrist I recently got health insurance through the state. They also recommended psychiatrists with the therapists I was supposed to call.
I can see a psychiatrist I recently got health insurance through the state. They also recommended psychiatrists with the therapists I was supposed to call.
Weekly depression/anxiety post/cry for help incoming: (possible CW: stomach problems)
Im still in the closet and living at home. I went to peer counseling one day last week and couldnt open up as much as I could when I went in October (I was more optimistic in October and now im completely hopeless, the place temporarily closed the week after and I could only do phonecalls between the two times). They recommended a few therapists I still havent called. Im in a near constant state of panic. I used to be able to chalk up my inability to go through with transitioning to my extreme anxiety, a male sexuality (when i imagine emotional “making love” sex im a female that gets held but then i get a boner and it all goes male) and concerns about wiping due to IBS and hemorrhoids. I wasnt happy but I was accepting. Then I Saw the TV Glow came out and idk im also a failed filmmaker and not only was the movie about my life, it also completely nailed the mood/setting/atmosphere of movies I wanted to make (my movies were silly genre fare tho). My friends even noticed how eerily similar it was and even in trailers it looked that way. I saw it in theaters five times. I uber for work and thats all Ive been doing for work for seven years. My parents are Liberals who would have hot n cold acceptance of me that ultimately went cold when I was younger and more able to tackle all this. My mom has apologized since (and my dad indicated he may be closeted himself which makes it way worse actually) but idk they did things like when I failed two classes freshman year of college they had an intervention telling me theyd be accepting (I wasnt ready I was a virgin and unfortunately didnt realize im trans until I was 14 and the only stereotype of trans people available in the late 2000s/early 2010s was “knew since I was 5”) but the next year I was ready and they threatened to kick me out. They would also always tell me I was doing it wrong and that people who transitioned in their 60s/70s were doing it right. It took Caitlyn Jenner media blitz for them to get accepting. I need to move out and estrange myself, Ive been open about this and theyre supportive/graceful about it. (Honestly it may be differing political views that motivates my decision a lot more, it feels like they never took my autism/anxiety seriously either and I just dont fit in with my family). Ive tried to apply to the post office but I sent in one application a few months ago and didnt notice a further quiz/assessment they sent me. Ive sent in another application but Im worried that not doing the second quiz/assessment blacklisted me. If I really lock in I can make $1050-1300 ubering 40ish hours a week. Theres always the constant risk of car accidents though. I dont know how I should go about getting my own place.
Lately theres so many horror posts I see about new ways they find to fuck with us and Im in a constant state of panic. I just dont know what to do. People acted like the sky was falling during first Trump admin and that genocide was at our door any second. It scared me last time even though if I genuinely just tuned it out/pretended it didnt exist I wouldve been ok. It doesnt seem like thats the case this time. Im still 100% pre everything and I honestly need a much more robust irl support network. I just dont know what to do. Should I just stay in the closet even though Im really sad because its too dangerous? And if I do, how do I cope? What drugs should I take to tune it out? Im always sleepy so I need stims (been taking Adderall nearly every day for the past few years by buying it off a friend) I also really dont want to live as long as normal life expectancy probably even with transition. Im almost 34 now. Tbh 40 sounds like enough life.
Movies are better than they were around 2010-11ish
The Brutalist. It sucked.
We bring the BOOM
I like how they CGI’d the kiss at the end so Jonah Hill was never in any real danger (whitest kids u know reference)
Any good reason Biden didnt do this against Trump?
It seems like every trans person has to decide between transition or suicide and Ive picked the latter unfortunately. I just hate how much of a coward I am.
I went to a doctor in 2015 and had a horrible anxiety attack when I saw the list of expected effects/side effects. DIY is too scary for me. I wish I could take that experience enough to go into full-on denial. I need a robust support system if I were able to transition and it just doesnt exist or im too unlikeable for people to continue supporting me for very long. Im honestly pretty incompetent at day-to-day life besides transition, I think I have really bad undiagnosed autism/possible adhd. I used to be able to just write it off as an impossibility due to my IBS but the news just has to be about trans stuff all the time.
Im near Philadelphia. I wish I could go to China but im genuinely too stupid to learn Mandarin or pick up a skill that theyd value enough to have me.
I appreciate the resource. I just wish there were enough drugs to make me forget being trans. Im still the scared teenager who would freak out trying to google transgender in the late 00s and now the trauma I repress is all around me. Im one of the few people it would be ethical to have reparative therapy for. Id probably still be suicidal as a cis person because im suicidal for a lot of reasons.
I dont have access to firearms or ghouls and the propaganda machine works so well that it would just hurt us if I did anything.
Ive been suicidal my whole life. I just hate that im too much of a coward to do anything about it. I hate that im not old enough to know death is definitely coming really soon. I dont want to do another few decades of this. Im tired.
Might not have worked the first time, I sent it again
I sent u $15 on cash app i hope it helps
CW Suicide
___ i just cant handle being trans. I couldnt handle it when it was vaguely tolerated and now that ill probably be thrown into a camp if i transition its just an impossibility. I dont like my hobbies or friends and family very much. Id want to make a list of touristy fun things to do before a suicide in 2026/27 but I cant even think of anything I want to do. Maybe watch the movies in my blu ray collection once around? I just wish there was an anti depressant powerful enough to make me stop caring. I also hate it because I cant get a gun due to previous attempts and have to rely on hanging/household poisons and theyre pretty scary. Life just isnt worth it for me and it sucks because Im kind of privleged and just wish I could give this life to someone whod enjoy it.
The image appears to be of a leak of the movie.
Yeah I mean it reminded me of an Herschel Gordon Lewis movie but for modern times
Scotus sounds like scrotum to me