Waldoz53 [he/him, any]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2020


  • hatoful boyfriend is a dating game that first seems like a joke since all the dateable characters (and characters besides yourself) are sentient birds. its all good fun, but if you keep getting into the lore it gets so weird (in the best way). your main character is a human going to a school for sentient birds, but theres a secret lore reason as to why, rather than just a simple joke

    big spoilers

    the reason the birds are sentient is because a bird flu wiped out most humans, but the countervirus developed by humans to stop the spread of the disease also made all birds develop human level intelligience. theres a massive bird-human war which the birds win because humans still end up dying of bird flu. birds now keep humans away and segregated and living in the wild. about ~100 years later your character is a human from the wild invited to go to the normally bird-only school