God damn do I hate the gaming community. Just absolutely obsessed with picking everything apart and never actually having fun with the hobby they supposedly enjoy.
Everything is about complaining about wokeness or about which souless corporation is the best/worst or about over analysing whether Silent Poopoo 3 is the worst game ever because 59 frames per second and Resident Pee had 60.
To be fair about the framerate comment, some people are very sensitive to shifts in framerates. It’s one of the reasons I have an issue with quite a few Nintendo games. 30 or less fps can make me a little queasy. This effect is magnified if the framerate jumps around a lot. It’s the main reason why my PC is specced out for a smooth 60fps for anything I play. I just can’t handle it otherwise, literally.
It’s also worth noting that each frame is an opportunity for player inputs to be registered by the game, so for any sort of game where tight reactions are an important part of gameplay (which is many – particularly fighting and other competitive games), higher framerate can directly translate to more responsive controls.
Yeah, idk how “I want my games to not run badly” is getting lumped in here. Trying to play something like Shin Megami Tensei V on an actual Switch where it swings from 25 - 30 FPS the whole time feels bad compared to 45 - 60+ FPS on an emulator. The game slows down or “lags” when those dips happen and you can absolutely both feel and see this. Games that don’t hit the 60 FPS mark don’t have a lot of excuses when so many of their contemporaries manage it without issues. There’s no reason people should have dips to 30 FPS in Dragons Dogma 2 on overpriced enthusiast PC hardware. I’m not gonna call the devs lazy, but it often reveals that their priorities do not align with mine in more ways than just frames per second.
That’s the exact reason why I stopped playing SMT5. I could not handle that jumpy framerate at all.
i used to be able to handle it better. I just…hm… acquired, the whole Battle for Middle-Earth series and it’s locked at 30fps. it’s literally unplayable now by giving me headaches. I’m sure I could manage it again after a while, but eughh it’s not worth the pain
Battle for Middle-Earth
Particularly BFME 2 for me… yeah, those games need a remaster badly, but they’re locked in IP hell.
So, fun fact. You can download a launcher from moddb that just allows you to install the games and some of the more popular mods, because yeah. You literally can’t buy it.
AND someone made a program to break the code to remove the lock from the fps in a way that doesn’t make the game run faster (this used to be a big thing back in the day, they’d lock the fps to the speed of the game) but they’ve paywalled the tool on their patreon
Wow, great info here. Thanks comrade. I had no idea about the mod launcher letting you download the games. I have BFME2 + RotWK on CD, but it’s a hassle to install these days.
As for the tool, I’m a bit annoyed at the paywall, but I’d consider tossing a few bucks in if I feel like giving those games a go again.
You can’t jump properly unless you have a framerate of 125
huh huh huh huh huh huh huh
playing csgo for years on 144hz 300fps ruined me
I can handle 30 fps when emulating old games since often there’s no way to go higher or existing 60 fps patches break stuff.
Lower than that just feels really bad
The misery of gamers isn’t that surprising to me. A lot of them probably didn’t start gaming because they were particularly drawn to it, there was just nothing else to do.
People should pick apart things, people should be critical of the things they consume (most of it is absolute fucking trash anyway, what do you expect from late-stage capitalism). The problem is that gamers just completely lack the critical thinking skills to actually engage with the medium in any productive way. The vast majority of gamers and game journalists view and engage with media as if it was a piece of consumer electronics, like it was a fridge or a stove that had one specific function (that function being “to entertain”) and its quality lies only in whether it can perform that function with the least amount of friction for the least amount of effort. For them games are not art or cultural artifacts, but any value they have lies completely in what mindless entertainment they can provide.
Complaining on a communist website about people not being able to enjoy things lol
Ironic, I know.
I keep forgetting the number one rule of communism
take the retro gaming grillpill
n.b. do not talk to people about “retro gaming”, just play a bunch of games you can easily pirate and run on a potato
Some are gems. Some did not age very well.
Any recommendations for someone who is as old as most of them with reactions to match. That aren’t ‘fiddly’ to play (e.g. menu heavy, twitchy, brutually punishing etc)?
I’ve been diving into the communities forming around UFO 50 lately and it’s amazing how every single one of them actually likes video games.
Indie games stay winning
Natural side effect of games becoming more like jobs
Holy shit, that’s a based take and I’ve realized so many games have the fun sucked out of them because of that.
Take Old School RuneScape and then also Pizza Tower, both are radically different games but the former is so efficiency-focused that you can go for hours if not days grinding just to have a couple of hours of fun doing one quest. Pizza Tower has one tutorial level and then you’re well on your way, the latter’s just a fun game with no serious plot.
Old School RuneScape is probably best as a nostalgic cozy game.
ill be honest i hate all the new additions to OSRS since OSRS came out. i dont mind restoring content that existed between 2007-2012 that is seemingly lost or before runescape 3 was a thing but the obsession with endgame dungeons/bosses and items as if OSRS is WoW or FF14, annoying combat/tick mechanics that are literally bugs but the game is sometimes designed around them?? like theyve added so much optimization content to the game, when the original runescape 2 didnt have that lol. so what if firemaking has “no use”? it was fun to level up! thats why i played it!!
As a gamer who loves my treats yeah fuck gamers for real
Look, I don’t care what consenting adults do in their game-room, as long as they keep it in there. I don’t want my children seeing that shit.
g*mers don’t actually like games, they’re creatures of pure consumption that just like being catered to
hope the industry crashes again tbh
deleted by creator
I have seen this progress so much over the last decade in Steam discussion forums for so many games. Most comments have devolved into whining entitled p.o.s. negativity. What people didn’t get from an update, or what isn’t fixed. They don’t care about what IS there, or what it took to get there. One thing is bad or missing so they’ll gladly comment the entire thing is shit. Just insane. Short, rude tone, sometimes evil remarks from the armchair jackass who thinks they know better about game development, and displays how if their partner had 1 flaw, they’d throw them in a dumpster.
Especially when you see recent stats like 20% of all European developers laid off in the last year. The corporate side of the industry is bad enough that it’s amazing we get good games eith good artistic ideas in them at all. So many goodnideas that make games good are passion from developers, not the corporate side of it. Not the project managers. Not the idiotic st9ck watchers. No it’s the developers and artists and writers and actors doing the grunt work for a job with too much crunch that would gladly dump them 5 minutes post-release. The last thing they need is nitpicking every tiny fucking little flaw to shreds for games which are often very enjoyable and well done for their prices.
The CEO making shitty decisions doesn’t read the comments, but I guarantee you the passionate developer who put their life and art into it might see some of them.
But this isn’t just gaming. Society is chock full of entitled whining little dirt bags. This is why my circle of friends and family is very small, and focused on quality. I can walk down the street and it don’t take long before I see or hear something that I can associate with blatant hatefulness.
So many people don’t know what “being content” means, nor “constructive criticism,” nor sympathy, empathy, or compassion.
It is amazing what choices we have today for gaming. Value it and enjoy while you can.
Thank you for putting into words exactly what I was feeling.
Proof that gamers are the most oppressed group
g*mes and their consequences
Starting a new playthrough of AC: Odyssey as Cassandra to own the treat hogs. And because I never finished it the first time around. I started as Alexios, not knowing the behind-the-scenes drama with the
s pissing and shitting themselves about the game having a woman protagonist, so they had to add in a dudebro option to stop the pissbabies’ temper tantrums.
And no, I won’t just play the Witcher 3 – entirely too much
to have going on with a child in the room. Or my cats. Mainly the cats. Even if you disable the nudity, they’ll know, and they’ll judge you.
pissing and shitting themselves about the game having a woman protagonist, so they had to add in a dudebro option to stop the pissbabies’ temper tantrums.
literally forced diversity
Forced feminization
This is why I’m the one true gamer because i enjoy every game no matter how shit.