Good luck with the yokai
Good luck with the yokai
Eu preciso saber da sua viidaaa…
Teu comentário me lembrou aleatoriamente dessa música https://youtu.be/U4jz_fp-oVE
Very interesting
The drawing looks like something out of " Le petit prince"
On this subject, I really recommend the documentary “A perfect crime” from Netflix.
I thought the same thing!!
Surprisingly informative
You could also understand the image as a difference of social classes, as described by Karl Marx. The thing is that capitalist of today gathered so much power that the balance of dependency in our society is totally broken: capital doesn’t need workers anymore. At least not in the classical sense, as it was with the factory worker.
Thus this image depicts the abandonment of a free and upper class from the struggling local worker.
It’s very scary indeed, and add to that the “new” policy of “fuck the planet, let’s pollute” by one of the most polluting nations in the world.
Vc é incrível Ademir; abraço!
Very cool, both of you! I’ve never seen that before
Exactly. And may I add to your point the privatization of public communication by social media ( especially Instagram ). It’s becoming very hard to find information about your city public action without an account on Instagram; now to be a citizen is required to have an “social media id”.
Also, business are becoming hostages of Instagram: their only way to communicate with the customers is through this mediation. I think is very very important to platforms like pixelfed to become more popular and indeed brake these people free.
“It’s good to be proud of German culture, German values, and not to lose that in some sort of multiculturalism that dilutes everything,” Musk said.
They want Germany out of EU to fracture the block. Then, when Europe is fragmented and weak they can provide ( sell )“the solution” again.
Yes! We need a better interface between them
Damn, that computer is hungry!
I don’t even have X, but everywhere I go there’s an Elon’s tweet
B A S S !
That should be interesting to see per country