What kind of supposedly trans-friendly space has a bunch of people defending defaulting to male and getting upvoted? That shit would get dogpiled and banned here. It’s really basic stuff, like on top of being misgendering it’s also sexist. What is this, the 1800’s? Simone de Beauvoir was criticizing it in the 40’s.
Legitimately this is extremely disgusting and vile behavior
Removing criticism of transphobia because “the evil hexbears” is fucking wild.
Placing anticommunism above transphobia on your priorities list guarantees a slide into fascism. Once you start covering up and defending bigotry as long as the bigots are anticommunists you give the perfect cover for fascists to fuck around in your space. By the time a server owner realises that they’ve made everyone non-fascist leave (or conform to the culture they create thus becoming part of them) they end up just accepting it because doing anything about it would mean killing the entire community population. Because the narcissistic power of being community owner comes first.
they’re prioritizing anti-leftism over transphobia on an instance literally named after a transgender shark lmfao
I agree with you and you’re being really correct, but narcissistic is a slur. The origin of the word comes from the disability Narcissistic Personality Disorder. You’re obvious talking about neurotypical behaviour, so could you use a different word?
The origin of the word actually comes from the Greek myth, and vastly predates the disorder but I’m going to assume you’re just trolling.
Narcissus is a Greek name. Narcissistic is an english word. The ancient greeks did not call anything narcissistic, because the word didn’t exist.
The N word comes from Spanish but people who use it aren’t speaking spanish, are they?
An English word that existed long before anyone was ever diagnosed with NPD. I’m very sorry for your diagnosis but trying to make an entire existing word unusable for everyone else is kinda the definition of narcissistic also.
X to doubt on your claim there, but why does that matter? The N word and the R word existed before they were slurs too. Are you going to apply the same logic there or do you have a unique hatred for pwNPD?
You doubt that a word meaning “like Narcissus” was used to describe behaviour similar to the popular thousands of years old mythological figure, before modern psychological science used it to describe a personality disorder?
Yes. I’m also going to doubt that anybody in this thread was speaking Greek when they used the word narcissist, given that all these comments are in english.
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Personality disorders are divergences from normal patterns of thought and behaviour. In plenty of cases, they are caused by physical differences in the brain.
They are definitionally neurodivergance, and become disability when the resulting behaviours impact an individual’s ability to function normally in society.
Wouldn’t choosing to maintain the fake sense of status that running an online community creates instead of deleting it because of the harm it does or will do definitionally narcissistic? Or is there a requirement here for such actions to be a lifelong pattern?
i would just change it to self-centered. this is an online topic that’s not worth the argument and also narcissism unfortunately does have lightly ableist connotations now since the word has now been medicalized
i think calling people narcissists is kind of a
ism in general and should be abandoned entirely for that reason when as you said ‘self-centred’ accomplishes the same aims.
Enters a room full of trans people
Misgenders everyone
Well actually male is the default so
is this solidarity?
“I don’t like politics” people are actually the devil incarnate
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i’m not really into politics, but [the most bigoted thing ever posted online]
I’ve only ever, ever heard ‘male is just the default’ from people who deny trans people exist. Everyone else, my entire life, refers to people of unknown gender with ‘they/them’, Shakespeare fuckin’ does it, it’s such an old argument based on literally nothing.
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Ada’s going to be shocked when she finds out the user I told her was being transphobic is a transphobe. How could she have known, why didn’t anyone tell her!? /s
Nice effort post.
In all honesty you seem like a person who doesn’t like having any inaccurate or vague statements while communicating, leading to wordy posts. I commend you for that but it seems to automatically get vitriol on the internet before you factor in Blahaj Zone users being shitlibs. I highly doubt any change will happen on there but best of luck to you.
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I don’t hate philosophy tube etc to be clear, I just find their videos to be self indulgent slop
I don’t disagree, but I think she and contra hold a special place in my heart cause they were really the start to my radicalization. Contra’s earlier videos really got me thinking outside of a capitalist mindset and got me to think “oh, there’s alternatives to capitalism, and gender, and blah blah blah”, then I read the manifesto, then I started listening to Teach Me Communism, and then I became a chronically online tankie lol. I feel like I’m not the onlyyyy one that did this (I have friends who I think consider themselves socialist and anticapitalist who still like some of Contra’s newer stuff), but I definitely feel like the vast majority of her fanbase is annoyingly liberal to a fault. In her recent ‘anti-JK Rowling’ lane she’s been pretty decent I think except for when she steps even slightly out of it.
I don’t hate philosophy tube etc to be clear
Then you should probably edit that you’ve misgendered her in that same sentence. Fucking gross, and it hurts doubly when it’s coming from another trans woman.
generally dont consider using they/them to be misgendering tbh, i default to it in trans spaces when i dont know someones gender. but its clearly being used in the plural here
Yeah, not surprised by this. Harboring chasers and kicking out trans communists is a great way to make your community a shithole of reactionary jerks.
“i made my space ‘safe’ for anti-communists and now it’s mostly reactionaries! how could the left do this to me?!”
I guess the post got 1984’d because I don’t see it anymore.
The post-Hexbear Blahaj really is something else.
Can someone explain what happened? Been gone for a few days. From my understanding the admin of Blahaj didn’t handle some stuff well and so Hexbear defederated from Blahaj, but that’s the last I heard. Did we refederate or…?
No, that’s mostly it. Basically Blahaj was starting a lot of bad-faith arguments, their mods were deliberately trying to wreck conversations, they seriously failed to address the repeated spouting of transphobia and chasers on their own instance, and the admin either couldn’t or wouldn’t address the problem.
That’s why we defederated, and since then Blahaj users actually seem to be significantly more aware and outspoken that their own instance is actually plagued by these issues. They also seem to live in the constant fear that the Hexbears are secretly ‘brigading’ every thread and vote they ever have now. So it’s been an interesting change in attitude to see.
Someone in there is positing that hexbear users are upvoting that post.
I mean, I guess we could make accounts on other servers, but we’re defederated so that’s kind of a hassle lol
Is the hexbear in the room with us right now
Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of Hexbear.net?
Whats your goal in posting this here? Hexbear has already defederated blahaj. It seems like the only other actions are dogpiling on individual users.
I feel crazy for having the opinion that misgendering trans people is bad, and I want to hear people agree with me instead of gaslighting me.
We love our mandatory pronoun tags here, it’s great for rooting out transphobes who can’t resist making smartass comments too.
I remember those struggle sessions here shortly after they were introduced lmao
Get fucked transphobes
I’ve read the entire thread. that person did call you a guy and a dude, and their response is a pretty sad face-saving excuse.
The way you have constructed this post reads to me like a vague call to action detailing the crimes of a person and group of persons. This may not be your intent, but at least one person interpreted it that way. You may wish to reflect on that in your future posts.
Your feelings are real and valid, but your actions based on them only seem to be making it worse for yourself.
How so? They were insulted in a place that was supposed to be a safe space for trans people, so they went to another space that is supportive of trans people for support.
I’m cis, but it would probably suck to have a space online that is supposed to be for a vulnerable group and the admins and mods spend more time catering to and protecting those that want to harass and abuse that group than they do to the group itself. Someone who feels attacked or alone because of that behaviour shouldn’t feel afraid to reach out in other places where they do feel safe to talk.
Thanks for the fierce support, but I’m an it, not a she
I can’t set my pronouns, the page times out when I change my nickname
Sorry about that! I just assumed, but should’ve defaulted to “they” anyway. Fixed it now.
Yeah, if you have been victimized, you should cater your response so that you don’t alienate the people who victimized you
Post hog
Hey victim, I know this person hurt you, but don’t you think it’s better to let people hurt you and let that hurt roll off your shoulders instead of confronting them and expecting abusive behavior to have consequences?
Consequances have already been had, blahaj has been defed.
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What the fuck is chaserphobic and how is it a bad thing if it’s a real thing? My cis-brain can’t comprehend this
It’s what a particularly bold chaser invented to make not fucking them Ina hypothetical scenario a form of oppression.
So an incel with a spesific fetish, makes sense
From the people that brought you “people of means” comes a whole new flavour of too-online-yet-not-online-enough nonsense fresh for this year of our lord two thousand and twenty-three
trans people should come here, especially to traa and other lgbt spaces here. even if they arent hard left we’d treat them better.
As a person who feels anarchist principles would be the most benificial way to organize a society, I don’t personally feel like its possible to be harder left.
I always feel trepidatious engaging in hexbear threads. I can’t tell if many of the takes on here are sincere or trolling, and the immediate mass response to guessing wrong is a dissincentive.
Hexbear has some anarchists but more MLs. The mods delete more blatant sectarianism, but it’s not always perfect.
The main point of friction always ends up being US foreign policy. MLs see you criticizing a socialist state like China and think you’re an anti, when of course it’s still evil because all states are evil. But on the other hand, we’re having this conversation in English. The biggest influence we’d have on Chinese politics from over here would be to convince other English speakers to support anti-China foreign policy in their own governments. That’s state intervention, not anarchism.
Yeah, thats fair. The biggest thought trap I see people going in to is “the enemy of my enemy”. As I see it, capital impiaralism must be dismantled, and countered, but state capitalism with socialist characteristics doesn’t look like an ultimately fruitful path for enhanced liberty, so I think its important to be critical but not dismissive. I haven’t found that to be a minority stance amongst anarchsts. Ultimately, the idea of “foriegn policy” itself is statist and true solidarity means standing up for everyone regardless of who the oppressor is.
but state capitalism with socialist characteristics
How much have you actually investigated this claim?
The characterization of china as state capitalism? You know, I hadn’t ever gatten a first hand source for it, so you did inspire me to check my understanding.
Its a central tenant and a core part of Xi Jiping thought. It was unanimously affirmed at the 20th party constitution convention. Some key highlights:
- the system under which public ownership is the mainstay and diverse forms of ownership develop together
- the socialist market economy
- efforts to foster a new pattern of development that is focused on the domestic economy and features positive interplay between domestic and international economic flows
you can read it yourself in the resolution on Party Constitution amendment
That’s something. Now, what do you mean by “state capitalist”?
My understanding of it is a system of ownership and direction of enterprizes, where the state participates as a capitalist and as managenent, either wholely or in concert with private ownership.
You know, like Lennin meant
edit to add: Lennin was certainly against any private participation in capitalism, but the soviet party did loosen that with parastroika, and the Chinese Communist party started with, I believe, Deng Xiaping Thought, tho I would have to double chetk that it didn’t start earlier
If Hexbears get at you for being a left anarchist report em. This is a left unity site. Sectarianism is not welcome. Our anarchist comrades are.