What about what about white females?
jesus tapdancing christ, he actually said that. In public. To a reporter.
We need to vote these
peoplefucking racists into oblivion. They genuinely think her skin color is the most important thing about her. Get lost, my country doesn’t need asswipes like you.Shit like this makes me not even care what Kamala does as president. She could sit in the Oval Office and spin around in her chair for four years and still be leagues better than Trump. I’ll vote for her just to upset the racists.
The problem is their voters think race is the most important factor. They just need a way to imply it and act like they aren’t racist.
They’re not even acting like they aren’t racist why more. “What about white females” is literally a racist foghorn with a hint of incel
This is the 2024 republican party. We are days away from Trump using the N word in public.
The problem is Americans (left, right, center) aren’t demanding this racist piece of shit to resign. This country has tolerated entirely too much racism, sexism, and phoney Christianity over the past 250 years. It’s time we demand these people stop representing America and crawl back into their caves.
To be fair, he said it last night. Maybe Americans won’t demand he resign, but give them a little time.
We’ve been waiting for 250 years. The calls won’t come. And if they do, please come back and tell me I’m wrong. I would love to be wrong.
I’m just saying, give them time to not do it before you condemn them for not doing it.
By all means, please define the appropriate amount of time before I am allowed to be outraged.
I would suggest that the appropriate time would be not during the night when everyone is asleep about a story that also came out at night.
I’m not sure why you think pointing fingers at people before they even know about something is productive.
jesus tapdancing christ, he actually said that. In public. To a reporter.
He’s from Tennessee. This will probably get him re-elected.
(To be fair, he could say that 1001 elephants were standing on his toe and get re-elected.)
I fully recall their fair and rational response last time a white woman ran for Presidents /s
They’re still people. Fucking racist people. People can be terrible.
People? Wait, I thought we were talking about conservatives.
what about white females?
I read that in the ferengi voice on ds9. “Feeeemaaleeesssss”
You’d think we were in the Stone Age.
Similar, only with early TNG Ferengi.
Is the singular of Ferengi “Ferengus?”
What about them? One ran in 2016, remember?
What about the E-males!
What about buttery males?
It’s only a little bit of collisional with the DNC to fuck over Bernie.
It was her turn.
Not just collisional, but liability and comprehensive too.
Stop being woke.
What happened to white women? Well, she ran for office and you claimed she was unfit for office because women are emotionally unstable and something about emails that magically disappeared as soon as Ivanka got caught ACTUALLY deleting emails.
Abysmal record of, checks notes, being vp? Gtfo of here you clowns. Do better
Points at brown woman
“Why isn’t she white?”
Somehow this is where our political discourse is
And a Senator. And a District Attorney. Elected as both of those, not “hired.”
She hasn’t been “hired” for anything. Of all the issues to take with her, calling her a “DEI Hire” has got to be the most ridiculous.
What a truly idiotic position to take.
Someone here on Lemmy yesterday said her record as a senator would hurt her because she didn’t come up with any major legislation.
As if voters give two shits about who comes up with what in congress and not just the result for them.
Yeah, I’ve been reviewing her record because of all the hate, and I definitely don’t like a former DA as VP/President, but… her record is surprising good from what I can see. She sponsored a ton of good bills, was fairly left-leaning (for a US politician) on the bills she sponsored, and even while a DA/AG she refused to seek the death penalty and tried to work against racist behavior in police (without actually, you know, holding any of them accountable). She wasn’t perfect by any stretch, and she was still a DA who is practically a cop, but she seemed to be one of the better ones (I know, low bar).
I’m not really understanding all the hate she is getting, even from her own side. The amount of “hold your nose and vote for her” seems out of proportion for her record.
Wow. The panic is palpable
Did they just endorse Hilary?
what about white females
Aren’t they supposed to be at home cleaning, cooking, raising kids, and missing out on health care?
Get fukt you backwards ass prick.
Wooooow, him calling her unqualified is so cringe
Just compare their education and work
He’s straight up only qualified to run fucking Tennessee, what an embarrassment for him to call anyone else unqualified
Good. The more racist they get, the more likely they will lose. There are a lot of racist Americans, make no mistake, but even a lot of them get a bad taste in their mouth when the racism gets overt from politicians. They want laws that benefit them as white people, they don’t want to hear about how Biden is a friend to the N-s.
They are actually questioning Biden’s inherently racist decision to only consider black women for certain roles. The Republican position is that race should not be a factor in hiring decisions, and they’re using Biden’s VP and Supreme Court nominations to setup the counterpoint that he is the racist one - racist against whites.
inherently racist decision
Balancing the scales is not racism.
Let’s simplify this down to a coin flip.
Now for a long time, heads has been weighted to be the result for a while. So say the last 50 flips, it was 40 heads and 10 tails.
So you evaluated the coin and realize it’s imbalanced. Would you weigh the tails side so the next 50 flips show more tails so that over the 100 total flips, it’s balanced?
Or do you remove the imbalance completely, and can say the next 50 will be fair.
Statistics would say the later, but seems people feel the first option would make it “fair” even though it’s not balanced.
Equating “the attempted mitigation of generations of systemic oppression” with “coin flips” is both idiotic and deranged behavior.
You’re not being “logical”, you’re being flippant.
But, sure, let’s play in your space. Heads or tails. My coin is “fair”. Of course.
Heads, I kill something you like. Maybe friends, maybe family, maybe you like having all your fingers. It doesn’t matter; it’s all hypothetical.
Tails? Well, we just flip again.
Aaaaand, it’s Heads. Off goes the thumb.
Heads again, and I take the middle finger.
Heads, Heads, Heads! Might as well just take the whole arm while I’m at.
Oh, but alas! My coin was not fair; “unwittingly” balanced toward Heads. I’ll use a balanced coin now.
Yes, your arm is gone but it’ll be fair in the future.
Exactly! I’m glad you understand. And weren’t overly aggressive or anything.
Unless tails has the option to regrow said fingers or arm. You need to move forward with what is fair for everyone.
It’s pretty much impossible to balance anything after the fact. You need to have a forward thinking mentality for progress to be made.
Judging someone (or refusing to consider someone for a job) based on the color of their skin is racism. At least to most Americans. Which is why this is politically smart for the red team. The weird variation where you dismiss racism directed towards groups that were historically powerful is a fringe left idea, recently outlawed even in liberal California when affirmative action was banned.
No, only ever hiring white people is racism.
Hiring black people because white people are the ones who almost always get the job is redressing the balance.
That would also be racism. Any time you use race as a hiring factor in the US, you are breaking the law and promoting racism.
You really don’t understand the concept of racism.
Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group.
Putting my PoliSci cap on… Most Americans would say, “Two wrongs don’t make a right. Being racist today isn’t a valid fix for the harms of people being racist yesterday.” And that’s why Republicans win when Democrats focus too much on racial issues - the 7 in 10 perceive it as a new form of racism directed at them.
Do you want to be right at all costs? Or do you want to win this election?
I’m just talking about the way most Americans define it. You don’t have to agree, but from a political science perspective, you’re playing a losing game if you stick to that definition. The majority of Californians don’t even agree with it, so imagine how much worse it polls in the rest of the country…
Do you have evidence to show that the majority of Californians think that Harris was a “DEI hire?”
Now you’re twisting my words. I’m not trying to defend Republicans. I’m trying to help you understand the nature and intent behind their words so you realize they aren’t as dumb as you think. Respect thy enemy and all that.
Most Californians think hiring based on race is wrong, and racist. Across the country, the margins on that get even better.
Republicans are just playing into that. You can downvote me all you want, but it doesn’t change the political reality of the situation.
Edit: I just checked - 7 in 10 Americans oppose affirmative action (reverse racism). To quote Biden, “It’s a fact, Jack!” You may support it, but that doesn’t make it a winning campaign strategy.
The Republican position is that race should not be a factor in hiring decisions
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! The party of cronyism and nepotism, the least diverse political party? Really?
So Republicans fully support a white republican female as president?
Where is this candidate?
Oh right they’re still on the “old white guy” train and it’s not about skin color or gender beyond their racism and sexism.
I already need a second hand to count the number of times I’ve heard people saying “she used to be a prostitute” in public or at work, while also not remembering WHO said that, where they heard it from, or any sort of evidence to back it up beyond “I just pulled this out of my ass because she’s a woman and that’s what I associate women with”
Nikki Haley passes for white enough, apparently.
I wonder why Nimarata Randhawa doesn’t use her first and last names. Bit of a mystery, that.
I dislike her as much as the next guy, but Nikki is her middle name, and she’s used it basically all her life: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/05/05/fact-check-haley-didnt-white-wash-her-name-nikki-punjabi/4928061001/
And she married before going into politics, so I imagine she’s used the name Haley for her entire political career. Generally you don’t want to change your name once you start, because name recognition is huge.
No idea. As Rafael Cruz- er, Ted Cruz.
Not exactly. It’s more that they are questioning Biden’s decision to only consider black women for certain roles (VP, Supreme Court Justice). They know affirmative action polls poorly, so they’re attacking him where he’s weak.
Americans, by and large, want people to be selected based solely on ability. They want everyone to have a fair chance - but despise the idea of guaranteed slots being held open for people who look a certain way. Even California outlawed affirmative action.
This isn’t the terrible double-standard you think it is - just a decently calibrated political attack.
Yeah, but Trump doesn’t have the lobes for it, either.
Sorry House Cons, did you say Hillary Clinton? It’s really hard to understand you with all that feces in your mouths.
Btw when the GOP says “DEI hire” they mean “<n-word>”
All black people with jobs that aren’t fast food worker or janitor are “DEI hires” because conservatives are racist and don’t believe that black people can actually be qualified for any higher level job.
You’ll never see a conservative praise a business or department for clever hiring if the person/people they just hired happen to be black. It’s either white person or DEI hire to their minds.
What really frustrates me is the sudden latching in to a phrase or acronym. DEI has been corporate policy for a WHILE, in that exact wording. But all of a sudden it’s this hot take talking point insult. Idk I’ve had a few beers I hope that makes sense
Idk I’ve had a few beers I hope that makes sense
You’re 100% correct despite the beer.
I know this has been posted ad nauseam but it still makes me laugh.
I think no one would object if Republicans changed their mind to nominate a “white female” as their candidate. Just a reminder though, no Trump in drag, according to Republican policies that is no woman, right?
Maybe Rudy Giuliani in drag. Would that work?
(Btw, that actually happened. Google “Giuliani Drag Trump Motorboat” if you dare.)
Google “Giuliani Drag Trump Motorboat” if you dare.
Tbh, I’d like to see Trump in drag
I’d like to see him in prison and then never again.
Yeah that would be better but drag seems more likely at this point
Have a look at a photo of his mother. It’s like something out of a comedy movie. It’s just Donald with lipstick and a bizarre wig.
I’m not judging, but damn that’s a weird kink.
It’s a reach, and a really weird one at that, but it’s all yours.