Whenever I see some moronic term like “Stop Woke” it just translates in my mind to “Stop Education”.
I know these guys are trying to morph “woke” into some negative term, usually with some racially charged undertones, but it will always be synonymous with “englightened” to me.
Are they genuinely trying to stifle education, or is it all just racist bullshit?
Whenever I see some moronic term like “Stop Woke” it just translates in my mind to “Stop Education”.
Not so fun fact:
It is popularly known in Nigerian and Western media as “Boko Haram,” which means “Western education is forbidden” (the word boko is a holdover from the colonial English word for book).
Too many similarities between these guys and republicans these days.
Speaking of:
Man I tried to get more cultured by reading 1001 Nights and boy lemme tell you I couldn’t even make it that far because it was literally a whole buncha (muslim-coded, not the main concern here) incel manosphere bullshit but written in the middle east however long ago. Legit there was one story about how a lady was cheating on a djinn who kidnapped her while he slept and the message was "man, if bitches cheat on BIG, STRONG men like him, bitches will cheat on anybody" This comes after one of the characters (a king) finds out that his wife was having orgys with all his “large-membered, intellectually-inferior, dark-skinned servants” (paraphrasing). There was another story about how it’s a man’s moral obligation to beat his wife. Apparently every incel talking points including “BBC” is at least as old as that damn book.
Makes sense venn you put it like that.
Well both of them are Abrahamic cults.
Yup! I have one for that too:
Same god, similar bullshit.
Pro terrorism
Making the wealthy even wealthier
Raping children
Picking and choosing which scripture to believe
Making up lies that aren’t in the scripture
Being hypocrites
You don’t want your state governed by Talibangelicals and Y’all Qaeda?
Are they genuinely trying to stifle education, or is it all just racist bullshit?
That’s the fun part: stifling education is the racist bullshit.
They’ve been anti-education since desegregation. Back in the ‘60s the Religious Right, particularly Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell, and the people in that orbit, tried really hard to go through the courts and use their freedom of religion under the First Amendment to keep black people out of their church-based schools. Obviously they lost, but they have never forgotten how the mean ol’ federal government defiled their perfect little angels by forcing them sit next to some filthy negro while they learn their multiplication tables or whatever. Ever since then they’ve made it their mission to destroy public education.
By the 1980s that Evangelical movement had become fully ingrained into the Republican party, and that drive to destroy public education came with it. It’s what’s behind the push for charter schools. It’s what’s behind the push for private school vouchers. It’s what’s behind Evangelicals astroturfing school board meetings, and sometimes taking over the school board itself. It’s a big part of why public schools (inner city public schools in particular) have been chronically underfunded for longer than I’ve been alive. It was racism the whole time.
But yeah, whenever I hear a conservative use the word “woke,” I’ve found you can pretty much always mentally transpose “woke” with “ni–er stuff” (or “fa–ot stuff,” depending on the context) and whatever they’re trying to say suddenly makes a lot more sense.
Here in Florida that’s exactly what’s happening. Mother’s of liberty bully the school boards and administrators and teachers and take over at the ground level like PTA’s. The charter schools get to be selective on who can attend and suddenly a town that’s 10% non-white has a charter schools that are 99% white and is better funded than the public school. Charter schools are a work around for segregation. Also no teachers union in Charter schools, so toe the line or be fired. Now, with better funding and support from the good 'ol boy local politicians the Charter school is the only A rated in school in the district so everyone thinks charter schools are better and wants to get their kids in there. They’re setting the stage for a 2nd civil rights movement but they do not intend on losing again. Fuck! I hate racists.
It definitely, directly benefits them to choke out education for American citizens. They do not want critical thought. That is bad for bottom lines.
They want: Obedient. Workers. Obedient. Workers…
It isn’t just affecting education, unfortunately. There’s a number of topics (e.g. human rights, equality, etc) that society has become more enlightened about and that they’d like to revert.
Are they genuinely trying to stifle education, or is it all just racist bullshit?
Could be a bit of both.
Attacks on “woke” are attacks on civil rights. It’s a way to undermine anyone who might stand up for “others.”
I used to hear this joke “the first thing we do is kill all the lawyers.” Like, haha, lawyers suck. But it’s really a playbook for fascism: get rid of the people who might defend the othrrs. Not funny at all.
They’ve been giving funding intended to go to public schools to charter schools for a while now. The intent is to make public schools so bad that parents will be forced to either pay for expensive (religious) private schools, or to send their kids to charter schools which aren’t openly religious, but allow for “some religion” when it’s reflective of the population of the school community itself.
It religiously indoctrinates, and segregates communities at the same time. It’s by design. They don’t want a class war if they can perpetuate culture wars. Religious people are less likely to question authority. Dumb people are less likely to question authority. Uninformed people that have never met a person from “X” background are more likely to perpetuate culture war nonsense.
I know these guys are trying to morph “woke” into some negative term, usually with some racially charged undertones, but it will always be synonymous with “englightened” to me.
Because that’s pretty much what it means, social enlightenment. They hate enlightenment.
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it will always be synonymous with “englightened” to me.
I love it. Personally, I change ‘woke’ to ‘being a decent human being’, and it really highlights how batshit crazy and awful the speaker really is.
[DeSantis] then added, “The minute you go into these other things where all of a sudden people get elected district attorney and they release criminals, or they refuse to prosecute criminals, crime goes up. Well, actually, statistics don’t go up, because what they start doing, they stop reporting crimes. So they say, ‘Oh, this crime is down all these cities, and everyone’s scared to walk down the street.’ And no, it’s not that crime is down — it’s that the reporting is down. Because first of all, if you get mugged in some of these places, it’s not even worth reporting it. There’s never going to prosecute somebody for that.”
So he makes a completely unsubstantiated statement regarding crime, then attempts to back up his claim with another unsubstantiated one regarding crime reporting. Makes perfect sense. 🙄
I am glad some politicians and the media are finally starting to call out this type of shit as what it is: weird. We’ve been living in bizarro world for almost a decade and it’s about time the people in power got loud about calling out how fucking weird everything has become.
It’s literally what he did with Covid statistics. In order to make it look like Covid disappeared in Florida, he simply stopped reporting test results, and then stopped testing altogether.
Don’t forget that he sent state police to raid one of his public health officials home in the middle of the night because she dared to talk about his stats mishandling publicly.
Republicans are nothing if not hypocrites.
What he’s alleging is literally what the Trump administration did with things like the weather.
Don’t like what the weather is doing? Just lie about it! If the weather scientists call you out on that, fire them!
Fetch me my crime-stats sharpie!
We’ve been living in bizarro world for almost a decade…
Republicans have been in bizzaro land as long as I can remember, which is back to Regan in the 80s.
DeSantis does know an awful lot about suppressing statistics - https://www.bmj.com/content/383/bmj.p2419
And it’s an idiotic statement. The one thing that is not under-reported in our shit media are crimes.
The governor then said, “The whole gender surgeries for minors. We said not going to fly in Florida,” claiming, “There’s a lot of people making a lot of money off this, and you take some teenager and you cut off private parts, and then they get into their 20s and they can’t reverse it, and it becomes a big, big problem. And it’s not based in science, it’s based in ideology.”
I always suspect that they are terrified that they will have sex with a trans woman, not know she is trans, and be scared to death that they like it.
Didn’t one of these goons post a picture of themself with a bunch of trans porn tabs open?
The bottom line is that these DeSantis/Trumper types are extremely weird people who are unable to manage their own emotions. I don’t know how the fuck they grew up but everything with them is about what everyone else is doing, never about what they are doing.
Pretty sure that was Alex Jones; here’s a reddit thread(sorry) with him trying to make excuses:
They have yet to grow up. They are immature broken children with bizarre ideas about Humanity. Creepy, creepy people.
It’s so weird that they always fixate on one billionaire’s (Soros) political activities and ignore the political activities of other much richer millionnaires (Musk, Cochs, etc). It’s almost as if the guy they fixate on and try to demonize is Jewish or something.
Let’s be real, this isn’t grounded in logic at all. Soros is just a useful bogeyman in order to rile up the voter base.
It’s grounded in antisemitism
Never has been. I’m just pointing out the underlying antisemitism here. They’re never picking on Warren Buffet or Melinda Gates, arguably much more outspoken Democrats. They’re picking on the jewish guy.
Very fair, It’s alarming to me that based on recent elections, this man reflects the views in Florida. Down right repugnant.
The “logical” parts of bigotry are meant to both whitewash bigots in the eyes of moderates, spectators, etc., many of whom believe bigotry = prejudice without reason; and to further torment their victims.
it’s not based in science, it’s based in ideology.
Accidentally telling on himself. Bigoted anti-scientific demagoguery is all of what he does.
Hurting real people based on imaginary dangers and arbitrary traditions is 100% of where this pathetic homunculus gets his power and 100% of what he uses it for.
Wait, is it really not clear from that context that he believes it’s the gender affirming care that is not scientific but ideological? Or are you just not clearly saying it’s a projection?
I’m saying that he’s clearly projecting but that it’s not clear whether or not he’s self-aware enough to notice it himself
One problem is that he either doesn’t know or doesn’t care that “gender affirming care” doesn’t automatically mean “surgery.” Medical guidelines say that should be limited to 18 years or older, but of course he talks about chopping children’s penises off.
Oh, make no mistake about it, he’s an idiot who is at best pandering to a base. It just wasn’t clear if the other poster was calling him out for projection, or if they couldn’t parse what he said.
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These kinds of people, the ones who warp and twist society for their own gain, will always be around in some form or another. So will the people they fool into ushering in their brand of fascism.
I’ll grant you that the “anti-woke” crowd is particularly brain dead though
I’m afraid that you need eugenics for that.
Just pushed back to “socially unacceptable” would be nice.
The Republicans have run a campaign specifically on that topic. Not sure what you want.
Can we just appoint him ambassador to Neptune and be done with it?
I don’t know if the technology is there. We better just freeze him in ice right now.
Did he stomp his weird white boots when he ranted?
So fucking weird.
If we put him in a room with Musk do you think they’d entertain each other long enough for us to finish this election?
I think they’d annoy the fuck out of each other.
Ah so they’d entertain us.
DeSantis dropped out of the Republican presidential race in January after failing to gain any serious traction among primary voters. He will be ineligible to run again in the next Florida gubernatorial election in 2026. He will leave office in January 2027.
Maybe then I can finally stop hearing and reading about his garbage opinions.
lol no then he’ll run in’28
And sadly, Nixon has demonstrated that a shithead with a grudge can make a comeback after a terrible performance and win the seat. You’re probably right.
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