That’s why they hate us deep down. They can’t reconcile the fact that they are not actually the most progressive and tolerant person in the room.
We actually support the LGBT community, we don’t just say we do. We don’t just wait until politicians finally get on this side of the fence and then cheer when they finally get on the right side of history.
Liberals are the kind of person to say their community is accepting of all genders, all nationalities, all minorities etc. but then not ban fascists who threaten that acceptance (and even lives) because everyone deserves free speech. It’s like they walk half the way, then suddenly stop and stand there, claiming this is actually where the trail ends even though you and they can clearly see the trail keeps going beyond the horizon.
We have better politics in all ways.
- We actually want things to get better
- We actually don’t want people to die, no matter if it’s from homelessness, hunger, or Ukraine.
- We actually want to hold our politicians accountable.
- Shit, we actually want competent officials.
- We actually want democracy, not whatever capitalism passes off as democracy (hey here’s a riddle, you get to vote every 4 years and your boss can decide your schedule without consulting you! Is that democracy?)
- We actually recognize fascism, even when it comes from liberals.
- We actually fight against it too.
- We are able to deeply analyze societal issues and not simply repeat from our high school history lessons.
- We know our history and geopolitics. Liberals will repeat from NATO propaganda. We’ve actually read about it.
This is impossible to the liberal who thinks so highly of themselves that they must, by default, be the most accepting and progressive person in the world.
And so they resort to calling you a CCP shill instead of actually examining their privilege and positions.
Face it liberals, we are actually the person you think you are. Not the person you want to be, because you don’t want to be anything other than what you are right now (because as a liberal you are, after all, perfect). But the person you and your fellow liberals spent years building up as being a pretty great guy.
And yes that includes whatever the fuck conservatives think they are.
During break, a colleague today (at a school) brought up Hitler after watching a documentary about it. We started talking, and he admitted he knew very little about Hitler and how he came to lead Germany, and wanted to know more. I analyzed the whole thing. Other colleagues in the area started jumping in and asking questions. They were appreciative of the way I talked about it and praised me for knowing so much about history and politics, while admitting that they also knew very little.
Now, I’m not saying this story to tout my own horn, but to emphasize what happened next. Bear in mind, nobody at the workplace knows I’m a communist. They know, I’m left-leaning, but that’s it.
Anyway, someone then jumps in and says communism and fascism are the same thing (“communism is red fascism and you have to be an idiot and not know any history to be either one”).
I bite my tongue and laugh inside. Here they are admitting they know very little history and praising me for knowing so much of it, then saying communists don’t know history.
At any rate, I don’t think I’ll reveal my politics any time so. It’s really effective injecting them with historical materialism without using the buzzwords.
There was a boomer lady at work yesterday who had the same reaction when she was in line behind some younger folks who I was explaining who John Brown was.
Hahaha I can do you one better, a friend of mine asked why people hated Hitler so much (she is from a caucasus country, I am in Mitteleuropa), she was under the impression that only Stalin was bad and Adolf was just a particularly motivated guy whom one could/should be ambivalent about, particularly when compared to Stalin. She did listen very carefully to me and is a very smart woman, don’t get me wrong.
Her friend (also from said country) explained at a later point that the education system in said country had degraded significantly since… I’m sure you can guess the rest
Unfortunately, the situation in my country, and among my fellow countrymen is the same. Especially the education part.
Being a country that receives a lot of the refugees/immigrants jumping onto boats in the Mediterranean, we’ve devolved to the point where fascists are openly saying we should deport or outright kill immigrants. Last Friday, there were was even a pogrom organized, which resulted in a lot of beatings and burning-down of immigrant housing and businesses (but thankfully nobody was killed).
How did you explain it to them? Hitler coming to power
TLDR: I went through the whole story, from Hitler joining the German Worker’s Party, to becoming chancellor and tried to be as factual as possible, regarding the events. I steered away (and disproved where possible) the “great man” theory regarding Hitler. I emphasized giving context regarding the social, economic and political situation at the time, the prevalent ideological movements among the Germans, how WW1 and the Depression shaped German politics. I tried to show in a materialist way, why the Nazis developed the beliefs they held and why many other Germans were sympathetic to their message.
The original question was that he didn’t know that Hitler was Austrian and how come an Austrian became Germany’s chancellor. He then asked why the Germans were willing to follow him.
I explained that he was born in Austria but his family were ethnic Germans. Austria-Hungary was a melting pot of cultures, but the state at that time was dysfunctional, resulting in hatred between different population groups. Many Austrian Germans wanted to secede to Germany, viewing other cultures as holding back the rest of them. Hitler was exposed to this rhetoric throughout his early life, especially when he was studying art in Vienna.
I then went through the economic and political effects of the aftermath of WW1 in Germany, and the stab-in-the-back myth (“the German army was going to win, but Marxist and Jew politicians capitulated before that happened”). I find that explaining this myth, is the easiest way for people to understand both how Germans were willing to follow Hitler, and how fragile German politics were becoming before his rise to power. Although, if you use this, you should probably state that it wasn’t the only reason.
I explained how Hitler joined the German Worker’s Party (precursor to the Nazi party), which by that point had already embraced anticommunism and antisemitism, which appealed to him. However, this kind of rhetoric was already prevalent in Germany, following decades of cultivation of German nationalism and jingoism, the Spartakist uprising, and the stab-in-the-back myth being used widely by the right-wing opposition parties.
I talked about the Munich coup, and how the goverment, especially the military, were sympathetic to it, and how the Nazis escaped with easy penalties.
I then explained how corporations and other nationalist entities supported and financed Hitler and the Nazis, as a way to bust unions, dismantle the worker movement, and to stop (violently) the communists from attaining power. His oratory skills and his actions at the coup quickly gained him supporters everywhere, but especially soin Bavaria and Saxony, which led to the Nazis joining the parliament.
We talked a bit about the Nazi paramilitary thugs and how they were used to suppress worker strikes or outright assassinate leftist figures. I also emphasized how the Nazis, by their own admission, were using leftist iconography and anti-capitalist rhetoric to attract workers to their cause, but that they hardly believed much of it. They also gained a lot of popular support by targeting with propaganda, and aiding financially, people in areas most hit by the depression. Especially farmers and war veterans.
Finally, I explained that following the 1929 referendum to annul the Versaille treaty, organized by Nazis and their allies, gave them a lot of support, which weakened the other traditional parties at the next elections. Chancellor Bruhning started ruling by decrees, to deal with the financial crisis, since the parliament basically could not pass anything. Following this breakdown of politics, and taking advantage of the massive financial and political support that the Nazis enjoyed from the capitalist class, Hindenburg was pressured to hand the chancellorship to Hitler.
Wherever possible, I tried to establish how the capitalist class was very much linked to the Nazi rise to power.
Liberals, especially ones that are past their early 20s, are deeply cynical and hate us for having hope.
this is part of why i became a commie, because my god i dislike cynicism
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Hey, that’s an insult to my homeboy Rick Sanchez. I feel like even he hates liberals. And he straight up shoots fascists.
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Obviously I’m not a fan of the multiverse car battery shenanigans and their implications.
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I understand that comparison, it’s just in a show like Rick and Morty, its hard to take seriously.
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And i don’t understand their brand of cynicism either, they are ignorant of the problems around them and i myself am a cynic and everything does feel hopeless all the time but i do not understand how a liberal who is very much in support of the status quo and doesn’t want to fight for anything beyond the length of their shoe lace has anything to feel cynical about.
They’re in support of the status quo because their cynicism makes it impossible to image anything better. They’re “realistic”.
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It’s almost every single piece of action/adventure/fantasy fiction and people fucking rage if you deviate from it, it’s harrowing
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I need a self-crit detox after watching most entertainment because it can still have such a corrosive effect on my mind even after so many years of fighting a liberal upbringing and education.
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Liberals just care about having the hypothetical moral high ground.
Like yesterday post about someone being mad because people were having fun about the Burning man flood. “A tragedy for an event that brings positivity to the world”, “burning man attendes are solid human beings with strong morals, financially responsible, upstanding members of society” 😂 this is peak liberalism.
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Downvoters, if you don’t explain your downvote, we’ll assume it’s because you know we’re right and you don’t want to admit it.
Liberals (passive supporters of capitalism) only have two responses when they meet something that conflicts with their worldview: either they pretend it doesn’t exist or, if they are forced to reckon with the fact that it does, they will bend over backwards to try and prove that it’s not actually what it says. See how the USSR wasn’t “real communism” – something only liberals say, I have never heard a communist ever say that.
They are in the first phase right now, where they can pretend I’m wrong and not describing reality. Thus they retain the moral high ground as described in the post.
Liberals (passive supporters of capitalism) only have two responses when they meet something that conflicts with their worldview
reminds me of this post a few weeks back:
Our wholesome combatting of misinformation. Their draconian censorship.
Lemmygrad link for comrades there:
Liberalism has always brought out the worst in people. There is little to no difference from liberals anywhere between Johannesburg to Tallinn. Their rhetoric and smug-as-fuck attitude is all the same. In the former, they go as far as to commit treason and in the latter, are openly calling for Nakba.
One also did a bit of ableism (straight to :gulag:, btw) simply because I actually like, read and goes off on the “muslim cant be a communist”. Funny how I never heard this line uttered once in South Africa (even from libs), but has been a constant talking point in the :international-community-1::international-community-2:.
(did you miss a space between your emojis?)
nope. some of the emojis we have are made in a manner so they will stick together like the very long yikes face, the “international community” and stalin with a gun
Oh, it’s not displaying for me. I’ll try refreshing the page.
It’s a federation thing. Try viewing it on Hexbear.
It half loads for me. The text is box-shaped, with a missing image symbol.Edit: it works on Hexbear now.
You didn’t click the autocomplete suggestion so unfortunately you just commented the literal text
which has no emoji representation on Lemmygrad
Generous in assuming liberals have politics, and don’t just consume whatever’s on the television.
Blind support for status quo is a politic, however dumb.
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That’s very well articulated, and very much the reason why liberals have such a visceral hate for communists. I think the key part that infuriates them is that we reject the idea that nothing better is possible. Their whole world view is based on the idea of accepting the evils of capitalist society in favor of doing anything different.
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They see atrocities as not only necessary but good if they happen to people they don’t like.
See the way they gleefully talk about how much red states “deserve it” when something terrible happens and their governments fail to respond to environmental catastrophes, because they “voted for the wrong people”.
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I love that it looks like this on Lemmygrad, really makes it feel like an authentic wine cave warrior experience:
Hexbear emotes be like
(I feel the need to explain this. One time someone tried to upload an image of a DPRK soldier and the resolution/file size were so large it literally crashed the entire site for a while)
I appreciate the explanation, but I did lurk on Hexbear for a while, I would’ve made an account, but with federation I decided that this account is fine.
I wasn’t there for the Smallest DPRK soldier JPEG sadly, but it sounds like a fun time.
Funniest reason the site was down for over a day
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Can I ask who the people in the emotes are?
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Thank you! Also I love the comments on the video, I was surprised people were actually against the tiktok person.
A YouTube link was detected in your comment. Here are links to the same video on Invidious, which is a YouTube frontend that protects your privacy:
This is the one on the right
A YouTube link was detected in your comment. Here are links to the same video on Invidious, which is a YouTube frontend that protects your privacy:
like a dog
Went through a catastrophe in the last 5 years, and yeah to liberals its all a joke because it happened to a “conservative” area
I think this is mirrored on some people’s frothing hatred of veganism, the contradictions are clear but the cognitive dissonance is too strong so you lash out
Look I clap when people order a Beyond Burger, anything more risks being insensitive to [bad faith party used for posturing].
every time liberals accuse us of being aggressive against people who disagree with us
I ask them what kind of disagreements we have and that’s when they’ll start spewing the most rancid transphobia or racism or Holocaust trivialization. Every single time. They’re always vague about what kinds of disagreements they have with communists because they know they’ve got something putrid still rotting in them. They know they’re still a national chauvinist or a bigot or they wanna own their dad’s factory one day. They have to accuse us of being secretly bigoted because that’s what they are.
They’re also forever gonna be jealous that we had absolute kings on our side like Castro and Chavez. No liberal leader has come even close to how cool they were
It’s always “Hexbear calls everyone fascists for having different opinions” then when you dig into them those opinions turn out to be the most vile, racist shit you’ve ever heard.
Simón Bolivar was pretty cool, he even came around on slavery after his exile in Haiti. Still a bourgeois creollo, don’t get me wrong, but at least he got the Spanish the fuck out of South America.
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About lgbt rights , i remember when I was in a pride march in bangalore india , and we had banned all political posters in the pride , the liberal party people did not attend that year , however commies on the other hand attended the pride.
Liberals don’t get mad at injustice. They have nothing to offer when you bring up why injustices even happen in the first place, and will eventually get angry at you if you don’t drop the issue. Do liberals get mad about cop city? About charter schools? About health care? About homelessness? About the millions that have died due to COVID?
No. They don’t. They go “Ah jeez that’s terrible” and then they act like they can’t think about it anymore because “it can’t be helped.”
Fucking hate that.
They do… for about five minutes before they’re switched back on to “this is all bad, but what can we do about it?”. As long as they have their state department designated enemies to rally against, they’ll blindly follow along since “we have it bad, but those ones are even worse!!”.
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Veganism is very much a divided topic for many comrades (vegan btw)
Yeah, I’m divided on veganism.
I support mandatory enforced veganism but am not currently vegan.
Animals are comrades, and every carnist product you use right now has easier and cheaper replacements. There’s a ton of vegan comrades like myself who’d be glad to help you get started down that path.
The main thing for me is laziness. I hate cooking, and it’s difficult to have lower active prep time than eg throwing a frozen pizza in the oven and walking away. Naturally, none of the prepared/frozen vegan meals near me are even remotely as cheap as the carnist ones. This is why I support enforced veganism: with the proper policies (eg turning meat subsidies into lentil subsidies) vegan options would be way cheaper.
Anyway, since you offered advice, do you know of any dinners that would take 5 minutes or less active prep time? Again, and I cannot stress this enough, I hate cooking.
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Huh, for some reason I’d just assumed pasta had milk or butter or something mixed in with the flour but apparently not (for the boxes in my cupboard anyway). Perfect example, comrade!
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Go to an int’l or asian grocery store and buy some ramens. A surprising number of them are vegan, and they’re incredibly tasty, and there’s a lot of variety.
But long term, you should learn to enjoy cooking, and eat veggies. You eating living beings who don’t want to suffer, out of sheer laziness, is not an excuse.
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Liberals aren’t even pretending to have beliefs or morals anymore.
Feinstein and McConnel are both too old, but we can’t get rid of Feinstein because republicans won’t let dems appoint somebody to the judiciary committe (maybe shouldn’t have put an 85 year old in clear mental decline on that committee)
Biden really old and 80% of thencountry doesn’t want him to run, but we can’t give up the incumbent advantage.
They identify problems but then have an excuse for why they can’t actually do anything about those problems and most of the time the excuse is “our political opponents won’t help us solve problems we created for ourselves”
They act like if Republicans didn’t exist everything would be great. Well, if Republicans are the ones holding us back from tearing down a society that murders millions and maims countless more, shouldn’t we violently depose them??
we need a strong republican party
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