Imagine thinking those were bad things! That’s close to 50% of the US voting population (and I’d like to pretend it was only them, but the rest of the world isnt necessarily better).
How the fuck did we get here? Actually scratch that, i know that humans are greedy, tribal animals who are driven by biological urges only sometimes obscured by higher level thought. The bigger question is how the fuck did we manage to make it as far as we have?
Have the American people stop being lazy bastards, generally. Especially young people.
2020 was the highest turnout in a century. And it was still only 2/3 of eligible voters. 79,000,000 eligible voters just went “eh”.
The primaries were even worse than that. The 2022 midterms were the second highest turnout for midterms this millennium. With 52%…. Despite 69% of eligible voters being registered. A ton of people just stayed home instead of making our highest civil duty a priority.
I agree, but part of the problem is that people are tired of choosing between 2-3 old people candidates that dont have their best interests in mind. In the case of Biden and Trump, Biden is most definitely less of an asshole and way more qualified than the Trump, but he’s still going to do what’s best for corporations, not what’s best for the majority of the US population.
I vote myself, but at the same time I understand the apathy especially from the younger generations. They are presented with 2 people who are completely out of touch with them, and the issues they will face in their lifetimes. I don’t think that they are lazy, they just feel helpless and like their choice doesn’t matter or make a difference.
I don’t know how we fix this issue, as it is a problem with the voting system itself. The best we can do is just vote and pick the lesser of two evils. So I also encourage others to do the same, but I don’t look down on anyone for not voting.
The Dem primaries had like 10 people this last go round. From 38 to 78.
Bernie was the front runner and people were counting Biden out until South Carolina when nobody showed up for Bernie.
Voting is not a once every 4 year thing. There are elections at the local level all. The. Fucking. Time. And those are even more important. And they have even less turnout than the big ones. I have had 8 elections since 2020 in my local area. I vote in every single one of them.
Who do you think rise through the ranks through parties and become prominent? People who get elected at lower levels. They have track records.
There is absolutely zero excuse for not voting. I will look down on anyone that doesn’t vote but bitches about the system. They simply do not care. They say they do but won’t do the one damn thing to actually change anything. Everything starts at the local level.
I vote myself, but at the same time I understand the apathy especially from the younger generations.
You came out swinging with a lot of pent up frustration, dude. The other commenter says they do vote. I grant you they didn’t mention the primary, but I have no reason to believe they don’t vote in the primary, too.
So I also encourage others to do the same, but I don’t look down on anyone for not voting.
I feel like this is where you meant to put your energy, since you said you DO look down on people who don’t vote but do complain. But we need both kinds of people in the world. Some people respond better to patience, others to a kick in the butt. You’re both doing it right as long as you’re both trying to convince people to vote.
There are elections at the local level all. The. Fucking. Time. And those are even more important. And they have even less turnout than the big ones.
That drives me crazy. People don’t think how their own city or county is run matters! Even on the “both parties are the same” bullshit level, it makes no sense.
Totally agree with the local elections! When i was young, i used to skip these elections, but i vote in every single one of them now. Hell, im also the nerd who spends free time attending council meetings & stuff to voice my opinions!
It really does make a difference voting in these local elections! Even things you might not see as useful (school board was always that way for me) have significant ramifications on day to day life. Ive seen it first hand.
With that said, i have a bone to pick regarding the presidential primaries. Sure there are 10 candidates for (some) voters, but many voters get effectively excluded from the process entirely. My state is fairly late in the primary process and almost never actually gets a choice. People always say “just vote in the primaries if you dont want the geriatric moderate”, but that is all that is left on the ballot. The last presidential primary for example, while biden hadnt technically won the primary yet, he was the only name on the ballot as all the other candidates had dropped out. Real fucking awesome selection i had… Id like to be enlightened where my choice was. From my perspective, it looks like it was decided before i even got the chance to vote.
its a super fucked up system that im very bitter about.
people are tired of choosing between 2-3 old people
You’re NEVER going to get a good option. You vote for the least-worse. Always – lather, rinse, repeat.
I’m not sure how this is confusing. Show up at the polling station, with some idea of each loser’s plan, and pick the one who can pull off the most of a decent plan – or, said a different way, whoever will suck the least.
Biden was literally my favorite in the primaries. I got my first pick as President.
Frankly I think if people wanted some wacky, off the wall, Williamson-style candidate, they’re too dumb to try to reason with so their votes really just should be assumed not to happen
You’re NEVER going to get a good option. You vote for the least-worse. Always – lather, rinse, repeat.
That is the entire problem and telling people “Thats just the way it is, deal with it” is not going to solve it. Our “democratic” system is completely broken, we are given the illusion of choice when in reality all candidates are preselected and paraded in front of the public as if they have our best interests at heart, when in reality they all have the same mandate from their corporate overlords. The US is a corporatocracy masquerading as a democracy, we as ordinary citizens have no real say in the matter. That needs to change, full stop!
America’s system of voting “first past the post” ensures that one of the top two candidates will win. It pretty much guarantees a two-party system will win.
So, the strategy would be:
Try to get an alternative voting system like “Ranked Choice Voting” in place. This has been done successfully in Maine and Alaska, I think. We need more of it. [Yes, I know Ranked Choice is not perfect, but it’s definitely better than we have.]
Until then, your best vote (mathematically) is to vote for one of the top two candidates that is closest to what you want. Yes, you’ll have to hold your nose a few times to vote for the “least worst” of the two, but honestly, it’s better than the alternative, of having the “worst worst” of the two.
You don’t even have to oppose the two party system to support ranked choice. I like ranked choice, especially for state reps/senators, and I’m very pro two-party system
If you want things to change, you have to accept that it’s rarely going to be a sudden, profound moment. It’s small steps adding up over time. If people aren’t willing to take the small steps, just because they’re not big steps, then we’ll all soon find ourselves pulled backwards through our own apathy.
Yeah election day is a holiday here, and voting is open for weeks in advance leading up to it just in case people can’t find the time.
Not to mention the fact that we have preferential voting, so people are better off putting more independent/smaller parties first so they have a better chance of getting seats
I cannot imagine how anyone could think being compared to FDR would be a black spot for a progressive. I wish he’d be at least one Judicial Procedures Reform Bill closer to FDR.
What makes you think progressives were the target audience for her speech? The kind of person who likes fdr was almost certainly going to be voting blue regardless, and nothing she said would realistically change it, so why bother trying?
Right? Those would only be good things if the right people benefited from them and everyone else (all the people in the outgroups who might as well not be thought of as people) is cut off from them.
Imagine thinking those were bad things! That’s close to 50% of the US voting population (and I’d like to pretend it was only them, but the rest of the world isnt necessarily better).
How the fuck did we get here? Actually scratch that, i know that humans are greedy, tribal animals who are driven by biological urges only sometimes obscured by higher level thought. The bigger question is how the fuck did we manage to make it as far as we have?
And the biggest question of all; how do we unfuck this thing?
Marj’s ex husband has been asking himself that same question.
Some things just won’t wash off, no matter how much you scrub.
it takes a good soaking in bleach and whiskey. bleach for the outside, whiskey for the inside.
Have the American people stop being lazy bastards, generally. Especially young people.
2020 was the highest turnout in a century. And it was still only 2/3 of eligible voters. 79,000,000 eligible voters just went “eh”.
The primaries were even worse than that. The 2022 midterms were the second highest turnout for midterms this millennium. With 52%…. Despite 69% of eligible voters being registered. A ton of people just stayed home instead of making our highest civil duty a priority.
I agree, but part of the problem is that people are tired of choosing between 2-3 old people candidates that dont have their best interests in mind. In the case of Biden and Trump, Biden is most definitely less of an asshole and way more qualified than the Trump, but he’s still going to do what’s best for corporations, not what’s best for the majority of the US population.
I vote myself, but at the same time I understand the apathy especially from the younger generations. They are presented with 2 people who are completely out of touch with them, and the issues they will face in their lifetimes. I don’t think that they are lazy, they just feel helpless and like their choice doesn’t matter or make a difference.
I don’t know how we fix this issue, as it is a problem with the voting system itself. The best we can do is just vote and pick the lesser of two evils. So I also encourage others to do the same, but I don’t look down on anyone for not voting.
So vote in the primaries…
The Dem primaries had like 10 people this last go round. From 38 to 78.
Bernie was the front runner and people were counting Biden out until South Carolina when nobody showed up for Bernie.
Voting is not a once every 4 year thing. There are elections at the local level all. The. Fucking. Time. And those are even more important. And they have even less turnout than the big ones. I have had 8 elections since 2020 in my local area. I vote in every single one of them.
Who do you think rise through the ranks through parties and become prominent? People who get elected at lower levels. They have track records.
There is absolutely zero excuse for not voting. I will look down on anyone that doesn’t vote but bitches about the system. They simply do not care. They say they do but won’t do the one damn thing to actually change anything. Everything starts at the local level.
You came out swinging with a lot of pent up frustration, dude. The other commenter says they do vote. I grant you they didn’t mention the primary, but I have no reason to believe they don’t vote in the primary, too.
I feel like this is where you meant to put your energy, since you said you DO look down on people who don’t vote but do complain. But we need both kinds of people in the world. Some people respond better to patience, others to a kick in the butt. You’re both doing it right as long as you’re both trying to convince people to vote.
That drives me crazy. People don’t think how their own city or county is run matters! Even on the “both parties are the same” bullshit level, it makes no sense.
Totally agree with the local elections! When i was young, i used to skip these elections, but i vote in every single one of them now. Hell, im also the nerd who spends free time attending council meetings & stuff to voice my opinions!
It really does make a difference voting in these local elections! Even things you might not see as useful (school board was always that way for me) have significant ramifications on day to day life. Ive seen it first hand.
With that said, i have a bone to pick regarding the presidential primaries. Sure there are 10 candidates for (some) voters, but many voters get effectively excluded from the process entirely. My state is fairly late in the primary process and almost never actually gets a choice. People always say “just vote in the primaries if you dont want the geriatric moderate”, but that is all that is left on the ballot. The last presidential primary for example, while biden hadnt technically won the primary yet, he was the only name on the ballot as all the other candidates had dropped out. Real fucking awesome selection i had… Id like to be enlightened where my choice was. From my perspective, it looks like it was decided before i even got the chance to vote. its a super fucked up system that im very bitter about.
You’re NEVER going to get a good option. You vote for the least-worse. Always – lather, rinse, repeat.
I’m not sure how this is confusing. Show up at the polling station, with some idea of each loser’s plan, and pick the one who can pull off the most of a decent plan – or, said a different way, whoever will suck the least.
Biden was literally my favorite in the primaries. I got my first pick as President.
Frankly I think if people wanted some wacky, off the wall, Williamson-style candidate, they’re too dumb to try to reason with so their votes really just should be assumed not to happen
That is the entire problem and telling people “Thats just the way it is, deal with it” is not going to solve it. Our “democratic” system is completely broken, we are given the illusion of choice when in reality all candidates are preselected and paraded in front of the public as if they have our best interests at heart, when in reality they all have the same mandate from their corporate overlords. The US is a corporatocracy masquerading as a democracy, we as ordinary citizens have no real say in the matter. That needs to change, full stop!
America’s system of voting “first past the post” ensures that one of the top two candidates will win. It pretty much guarantees a two-party system will win.
So, the strategy would be:
Hope this helps.
You don’t even have to oppose the two party system to support ranked choice. I like ranked choice, especially for state reps/senators, and I’m very pro two-party system
It’s not a broken system when the most popular person wins.
If you want things to change, you have to accept that it’s rarely going to be a sudden, profound moment. It’s small steps adding up over time. If people aren’t willing to take the small steps, just because they’re not big steps, then we’ll all soon find ourselves pulled backwards through our own apathy.
Definitely times I wish we were more like Australia where I’m pretty certain voting is legally required.
Yeah election day is a holiday here, and voting is open for weeks in advance leading up to it just in case people can’t find the time.
Not to mention the fact that we have preferential voting, so people are better off putting more independent/smaller parties first so they have a better chance of getting seats
Also the sausage sizzle
When I first heard about democracy sausages I thought it was a way to make fun of uncultured Americans and our bland bologna style hot dogs.
I’m so jealous that you get sausages when you vote! So much better than a sticker!!
Shit I wish. Though most Americans are lazy enough they would just fill in random bubbles to fulfill the requirement.
That’s not really a big question.
We made it this far because unlike what she thinks, her mindset is the minority stance.
Complete failure of education system?
Deliberate sabotage of the education system by the Republicans.
No child were left behind.
Powerless hate finding powerful allies
I cannot imagine how anyone could think being compared to FDR would be a black spot for a progressive. I wish he’d be at least one Judicial Procedures Reform Bill closer to FDR.
MTG doesn’t do much thinking at all.
What makes you think progressives were the target audience for her speech? The kind of person who likes fdr was almost certainly going to be voting blue regardless, and nothing she said would realistically change it, so why bother trying?
WHOOSH. Or, the point is she is so dumb she accidentally makes good arguments for her opponents.
Right? Those would only be good things if the right people benefited from them and everyone else (all the people in the outgroups who might as well not be thought of as people) is cut off from them.