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It’s all PR b******* even the hate. these sociopaths just appeal to the people that will make them the most money.
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Yeah fair, plenty of the hate is real. But I’m willing to bet a lot of the hate is just so their rich friends will like them.
That, but also when you’re that fucking wealthy no one is going to tell you you’re wrong because the only people around you are there for financial reasons.
I honestly think if be just had one decent friend, an actual friend, he be a (possibly) different person.
Def not apologizing or excusing this fuck wad but in my experience, it only takes another view point from the heart to change ideals.
im pretty sure musk was a cunt before this also, it just wasnt public, would check out from his fathers (probably) slave labor mines.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s had a public image obsession for some time now.
Damn, did he want her to sound like Elizabeth Holmes?
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That’s so sad.
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That makes me glad. To see a happy “ending” coming from that.
So you’re saying Elon wanted his child to transition away from her natural gender presentation. Ironic.
Maybe if he wasn’t yelling at her all the time, she would have been comfortable with the gender he wanted her to be in the first place.
I don’t think it works like that my friend. Unless you mean she would have been ok with suppressing herself to make him happy.
I presume there’s potentially a lot of different drivers of gender identity. I wouldn’t be surprised if early childhood abusive pressure to be a “certain brand of man, right now” could be a driver to a feminine gender identity in someone that otherwise might have had a masculine gender identity. Of the trans people who have told me their personal background, many had a somewhat traumatic relationship with a parent in childhood, with a common theme of a parent to be abusive to drive them to be more like a fully grown person while still in elementary school.
It’s not a given and it’s not the only way it works, but I think it is in the realm of possibility that Elon’s bad parenting created the very outcome he sought to suppress.
There are physiological differences in the brain structure. Now obviously that needs more research, and it doesn’t speak to nature vs nurture- I mean neuroplasticity is a crazy and wonderful thing, but I hesitate to agree that a traumatic parental relationship causes gender dysphoria.
To me, it smacks of times gone by that homosexuality was included in the DSM- a disorder to be “cured”. Gender dysphoria is a widely recognized disorder, with a known cure- gender affirming care. And one doesn’t need to experience dysphoria to be trans.
I suspect it’s a complex situation with multiple paths to get there. As it states in that paper “Further research is required”. Based on the paper, I’m not even sure they really had a comprehensive sampling, since it’s a meta-analysis and the source material is generally pretty limited. For example: “It is however noted that the small sample size (n=17) provides only weak evidence to support the finding and as such the results should be taken with caution.”
Just like there are multiple paths to having different vision (genetics, developmental anomalies, illness, environmental, trauma), I suspect there’s enough nuance in gender identity for there to be multiple paths there as well.
Do you know at what point in human development a person develops a gender identity?
Are you cis? If so, at what point did you develop an identity aligning to your assigned gender at birth? Some trans folks know from very young, others just feel that something is wrong.
I believe this is the truth of the matter. This is what happened with Rogan as well. He used to be somewhat centrist but left-leaning and open-minded. During the COVID era his audience exploded after he started inviting right-wing guests and conspiracy theorists onto the show, and the rapid shift toward that type of content was blatant thereafter. That shit went downhill fast. It was that and the Spotify money that ultimately corrupted him. But maybe he was a fucking dick all along. Hard to recall.
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You don’t just become bigoted against queer people.
im pretty sure you can. It’s not like you’re born with the gene that makes you hate gay people or something. There was that recent couple that came out denouncing the republican party due to their trans kid. queer people were once completely socially unacceptable, now they’re like, pretty socially acceptable. My guess is that musk wasn’t entirely supportive of it before, or just wasn’t very outspoken about it, or that it was actually a much longer more gradual change than it feels like.
Also let’s be honest, if someone offered either one of us a billion dollars for saying that we hate gay people, we’d take the money and run.
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You don’t just become bigoted against queer people.
Sure they do. Being a bigot is not something you are born with. It’s not inherited. It’s something learned. You become a bigot.
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People experience live altering ideas all the time. For example, sometimes a religious switch is flipped on, sometimes it’s switched off.
LGBTQ bigotry can be reverted if the right person is introduced.
But in Musk’s case I suspect all previous positive messages came from his PR and cleanup crew, maybe Grimes, not from him.
Don’t mind me just corrupting the children you are trying to protect.
Speech to text constantly does me dirty
You can turn that off…i honestly can’t remember how but I had the same problem. I want to say its in keyboard settings.
Getting their name on Epstein list makes people show their true colors
Musk: “Don’t buy our car if that’s a problem.”
Musk: “You can’t stop buying my stuff! I’ll sue you all!”
what’s happened?
He’s suing a bunch of advertising companies because they stopped advertising on his platform full of Nazis after he told them (the advertisers, not the Nazis) to “Fuck off”
And this is after he told advertisers to “fuck off” if they didn’t like how he was doing things at twitter
Thanks for reminding me, updated
Has he been checked for a worm in his brain? Just thinking about someone else that went off the rails.
I mean, was RFK Jr. ever on the rails? Him being off the rails is likely how he got his brain worm in the first place.
Sometimes I wonder if the hard right wing turn was just to sell more trucks. You’d have to be a right wing cultist to want a cybertruck
But then I realize he’s not that smart.
Doesn’t really seem to work. Right wing guys still want a truck that makes the vroom noise and has smoke coming out of it. And the main constituency for electric cars ( smug liberals with a lot of money ) don’t want to be associated with Musk so they’ll buy a different brand (luckily other automakers have mostly caught up to Tesla now).
And the main constituency for electric cars ( smug liberals with a lot of money )
You lost it right here. It’s normal people who don’t want the world to burn.
Other auromakers have caught up to Tesla because Tesla has gotten worse, not because they progressed so much. Unfortunately. In terms of software, efficiency and horses per dollar Tesla is still best. They just like to shoot themselves in the foot with weirdo decisions regarding steering wheels, removing components, etc.
The best electric car on the market IMHO is a 2022 Telsa Model 3/Y (especially given the depreciation).
It’s been eye-opening watching the reaction to my relative’s Ford F-150 Lightning. I am a smug liberal and it absolutely isn’t for me–way too big–but truck people are in awe… and purely as a vehicle, the performance and features are pretty great. So honestly I think Ford surpassed Tesla in the EV truck niche at least.
As a eurocommie we don’t get trucks at all, but I’ve heard that the cybertruck is a terrible truck.
The initial right turn was because he didn’t like California’s covid policies. But then the right started sucking up to him and the left denounced him, he just leaned further and further.
Along the way I think he realized how easy it is to play right wingers, how much they accommodate ultra rich people, and decided he likes it.
He’s right wing now for the same reason all the other ultra rich people are, not because he’s dumb.
Elon is desperate to be liked, the center of attention, a total egomaniac. He’s one of those people who will say or do whatever it takes for people to tell him he’s great and have them pay attention to him. Id argue even negative responses would be a positive to him as it’s still someone talking the time to listen to him.
Putting out messages of peace and love don’t get the same returns as messages of hate, because people expect peace and don’t need to add anything more to it. Not that long ago the scum of the internet wouldn’t bother to respond to a post like that.
But a message of hate will get the fascist voice cheering him on as one of their own and the voices for peace calling him out. On top of that, every time he posts some dumb shit it gets copied all over the socials, just like this, fueling that ego over and over.
You could just say he’s a narcissist who changes his tune as the wind turns.
I mean you guys are clearly moving the goal post here
They really had no choice but to take away abortions, we were just being unbearably woke.
Didn’t the right also move massively towards the far right nazi shit? I mean, I see how the left has moved toward beeing more progressive, but the right has shifted their positions enormously.
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They never explain how liberals moved further left when we all know they are pissed that liberals became more accepting of trans rights.
Yeah liberals didn’t go further left. Conservatives went hard right and that’s obvious from the fascist rhetoric. Just another case of projection there.
I mean it’s not totally off base though - imagine asking a Clinton era Democrat during that time period how they’d feel about a law making it a cause for civil action if someone absconded with your child to have them do transgender treatments without your knowledge or approval. I guarantee you it would have waaaaay more support from Dems then than it would from Dems now. You know, now when it’s being opposed for being transphobic.
But then we can just look at Hillary Clinton for an example of the drift in action - Hillary from that era said her politics were primarily shaped by her conservative upbringing, she strongly opposed gay marriage, and she spent some effort as first lady trying to subvert the 1st amendment with Tipper Gore because rap lyrics are naughty.
It is remarkable how allergic some far-right people in America are to being called far-right. Even Richard Spencer often refers to himself as a moderate. I think it originates from their inability to understand the views of other people and place their own in context (sometimes, of course, they are just acting in bad faith, but I think there is a real undercurrent of far-right folks who just can’t see their views for what they are).
I think they often do that because they want to be "normal” and of course dislike the “abnormal” (in their eyes) parts of society.
Honestly I think a lot of trumpers are that way too. They don’t need to look into his policies and background. They just know he’s the one their Republican friends and family like now. He’s the normal/conformist choice in their messed up world.
Maybe now, but in 2016 he definitely was not the conformist choice
It’s a new take on being self-centered.
Yeah, the Jan 6 Insurrection happens every 4 years, it is kind of a tradition at this point.
Im still for sure he started doing drugs
Or stopped.
Damn that dude went off the deep end. This is why people should never put celebrities or others on such a high pedestal.
Dude started hanging out with Joe Rogan and his virtues just got shredded by the manosphere.
Or he fired his PR team.
Interesting that multiple people in this thread seem to think the same thing.
Just a few short weeks before it all went off the rails with the “pedo guy” tweet.
Back then, that was kind of out of character for Musk’s public persona. Now, it might not even make the news.
well this was before he was exposed as a sex-pest and could appeal to people who wanted to get an EV to save a planet.
Now he wants his money out of tesla because he knows that shit is priced ridiculously and dip into some other shit.
This guy is such a fucking mess, I don’t even want to imagine their family bbq
They don’t BBQ in South Africa, they brai.
Been to one, probably the most amazing feed of my Aussie life this far.
The family BBQ is really just a race up the will standings.
I guess Elon loves Kool-Aid.
Elon knows who’s going to cover up for Epstein
right? right? right? i told you that guy wasn’t that bad just a few years ago. it’s only recently that he’s become a right-wing extreme. i wonder why/what happened.
I think it all started to unravel when he wanted to gain prestige from making a submarine to save some kids that needed to go through some flooded caves but then one of the divers embarrassed him by rejecting the idea without the kid gloves on (it was a naïve idea, the sub wouldn’t have been able to get to the kids and the divers got them out without it).
Elon then accused the guy of pedophilia because he was already on Thailand when it happened and, according to Elon, pedophilia is the only reason a man would want to travel there.
That moment was enough for me to realize the image he had created for himself as a real life Tony Stark was false, he was a billionaire who wasn’t even smart enough to stfu and bitch about something behind closed doors, plus he chose a really bad idea to throw this tantrum over.
It was probably around that time he started doing ketamine.
Yeah, wasn’t his whole “try weed for the first time on Rogan’s show” just a little while before that? He didn’t inhale properly, which I don’t think he would have done if it was an act (doubt his ego would have allowed him to appear to be a newbie if he had really been doing it the whole time). I bet he had a ton of celebrities offering all the fun stuff after that.
He certainly did not treat his trans daughter terribly well even before a few years ago. Then again he did not treat anybody around him well, but still he certainly seemed homophobic in private back then. The issue is that EVs are mostly sold to left leaning people and most tech workers are also left leaning. So he was not talking about it. Now it is out and he has a fan club, which celebrates him for it. Hence no reason to hide it anymore.
may i ask, what makes you so sure he was an asshole way back? maybe you just want to see it that way, because you want to see all billionaires in a bad light?
About is daughter: And about him being unfriendly: Rapist:
There are quite a few billionaires, which are better then this or at least better at hiding it.
There are no ethical billionaires
I’ve been saying for years that the man has had some kind of mental breakdown, and what we’re seeing now is a man that is using a mixture of hard drugs and the dopamine hit from being a billionaire right-wing edge-lord to keep himself from going utterly bonkers.
If he were a normal person his employer would have either fired him or requested that he seek help. He’s a billionaire without a boss or a support network, so he lacks that safety net. He’s the very definition of “you don’t know they’re laughing at you, not with you, right?”
Yeah, right. I can agree to this. I wonder, whether it’s the fate of all successful people to eventually turn into bad people. I really wonder.
Because he used to hide it
He thrived on the positive attention. When he started getting negative attention, it was the media/mob/etc.'s fault and never his own. When your ego prevents you from introspection, it creates monsters.
He mis-calculated who is buying his cars.
He always was incompetent and an asshole, it’s just the recently he pushed the volume to 11. If you look at past interviews with him, it’s all there already. If you read about his past behaviours you can see that he’s still the same.
once I saw him on the simpsons, that’s when I realised things were off. Anyone who goes that hard out of their way to tell others how great he is, is probably not a good person.
Failure, public humiliation, and lots of Twitter and YouTube.