You want to see the hot lady (or less regularly, the hot dude) in a sexy outfit, or naked, or whatever. I can understand that, but then you have people modding the characters’ proportions to such preposterous extremes they’re clearly just going to clip through their arms or equipment constantly. You’d think that at that point you’d achieve some kind of post-clip clarity and stop to question if you’d maybe gone a bit too far somewhere
I can just kinda wrap my head around people who are in to really extreme proportions. like excess is best, sure. But I don’t really get it.
The Skyrim mod that gives literally every creature gigantic tiddies and dongs will always have a place in my heart, though. That’s art, it really is.
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Lol that’s amazing.
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Skyrim mod that gives literally every creature gigantic tiddies and dongs
You know how in Mario games every cloud, hill and shrub has eyes? …
I hate hyper proportions so much man. Especially when they give a petite charachter massive tits. Do you even like that charachter at that point? Shes become a different thing.
Give me some nice human range proportions please.
someone shared a pic of a skyrim mod that gave Lydia such a gigantic penis that she was standing on the steps to Dragonsreach the tip was touching the water. someone else commented “it’s having a sip of water” or something like that and if that wasnt the funniest, dumbest thing to say at that moment.
yeah, no i still dont get horny mods, tho
yeah, no i still dont get horny mods, tho
And yet you’ve just advertised us one
No! Bad!
Tbh, i dont remember, it was someone here i think, probably in this comm from the last time we talked about horny mods
So, this?
Jessica Rabbit and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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If you slap some mommy milkers on her the size of aircraft carriers I MIGHT be able to get off, MIGHT.
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I laughed tho =)
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Theres that meme i dont want to look up thats a venn diagram with very little crossover thats like “people with the skills to make Skyrim mods” and “people who know whats appealing in a human”
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Yeah the mods that change NPC apperance are almost always ugly as sin and unappealing due to a need to waifuify the women.
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That one was more funny than upsetting to me because dudes were self reporting that they had never been close to a woman in their lives.
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Hire fans
holy shit you just reminded me of that completely ludicrous HL2 mod. It was called something like “cinematic mod” and the guy who made it upped the texture resolution (it looked pretty bad), fiddled with lighting (also in a bad way), remade some levels (aaand we’re three in the hole for bad) then spent the rest of his effort replacing all female characters’ models with ones that have huge boobs and skimpy outfits, it was hilarious.
And apparently some people dug into the files and the Alyx model even had a fully modeled cervix for whatever reason
fully modeled cervix
I’ll admit, I have used some of the oversized mods in the past for a laugh. Nothing beats when you go to talk to an NPC, but between the sheer breast size and the Dead or Alive physics you have one tit vertical the entire time, blocking her face. Or killing a boss, because someone took the time to extend the hitbox and the giant dong is two rooms over, rammed through four steel doors.
Running through the wilderness of Skyrim, six foot wolfcock slapping me in the face every step of the way. Not being able to play New Vegas in first person because my own chest blocked my view. Adding fat asses into Fallout 3, then watching the physics absolutely break, bouncing booties all the way up to Mothership Zeta.
You can have your fun but the moment any of those appendages clip into character models or world geometry, I’m demanding your computer be turned off for flagrant violations of the suspension of disbelief
I first thought the mod in the title was short for moderator instead of modification, and I had missed a meltdown so bad a user here was un-named.
I think the extremely goofy proportions and clipping are a feature and not a bug to those people, like they just have an extremely specific fetish.
Lights down low in the mod cave.
RE3 Remake Jill :small-brain:
RE3 Remake Jill Classic Outfit Mod :brain-normal:
RE3 Remake Jill Classic Outfit DD Cup Titties Clipping Mod
RE3 Remake Jill Classic Outfit Hyper Titties Clipping Through Level Geometry Mod :quasar-brain:
What are you talking about, everyone normally has perky z-cups and Pringle can dongs irl and it’s cool and normal
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I think the excessive cases are mostly kink or edgelord art. There’s the appeal of reverse engineering game mechanics in some of the mods depending the game.
The goal is always 2B, if the character butt is large than 2B something went wrong.
You can take my giant mommy milkers and massive dongs when you pry them from my cold dead hands!
So when they kept calling me a milk-drinker in Skyrim, they were just acknowledging my characters hornyness?
I think you forgot the apostrophe and T in the title