By Andrew Chung WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Supreme Court declined on Friday to let President Joe Biden's administration enforce a key part of a new rule protecting LGBT students from discrimination in schools and colleges based on gender identity i...
For sure, and it definitely couldn’t get worse….or reaffirm everything that’s happening right now and more?
“Guys please just vote for the blue jester instead of the red jester, if you don’t the red jester will definitely make the king kill more peasants.”
Ahhhh, yes, the “let’s just give up and say fuck it because the system is so bad.” Definitely the right answer.
The president can unilaterally do whatever they feel like doing. Fuck off
I don’t think telling me to fuck off is really part of a civil debate. What did I do to make you so upset?
The exact same thing as all the other blue MAGA
s who came here before you.
If it’s “reaffirming everything” right now, then what the fuck is the point of voting blue? Why would anyone vote to have their rights removed?
They can just vote third party, because regardless of who is in power the supreme court isn’t going to change how it works for a president.
McDonald’s can get a new manager, but the menu doesn’t change.
We have no choice but to vote blue. If Harris gets elected, maybe those Supreme Court reforms can go through. They shouldn’t have ultimate authority in matters like these (especially ones that take rights away from people).
In usa, the people are forced at gunpoint to vote blue, they don’t have a choice.
Yes, it is unfortunately a two party system here.
Why don’t the democrats ban the GOP and imprison anyone who continues supporting it if they’re such a threat and only democrats can save us?
Because that’s not how a democracy should function? GOP is a threat though — but please continue to yell at me with no other supporting evidence of a different solution you may have. Theme of this thread is Democrats aren’t our saving grace — which I’m not sure when I ever indicated they were.
It’s undemocratic to arrest peoples who want to undermine democracy? That’s naïve and idealistic at best, a functioning democracy should protect itself from movements that threaten it.
Sure, but the same logic is being applied to the far right — they want to imprison and execute anyone who disagrees with them for treason.
If we are talking about saving democracy, we should consider always creating policies that ensure there isn’t even a possibility of fascist ideologies taking over the government. To see that there is that possibility just shows we have a massive overhaul to do.
There will be no reforms, any meaningful reform will be declared unconstitutional, you know this.
Is that not what he’s trying to do, or did I miss something? I’m pretty sure he laid out a plan or reform. I think the issue would be getting the Republicans to agree to it though (considering their majority on the Supreme Court are the ones creating these catastrophes). I also feel like Biden is between a rock and a hard place. “Presidential immunity” but if Biden used that to his advantage he’d just be belittled by the Republicans. These new rules are for Republicans and the far right only.
So you’re not even sure? You’re literally telling people Biden/kamala have a plan for SC reform but you aren’t even sure if they even revealed one? If you don’t even know what the plan is (or if there even is one) then how can you convince other people to vote for this plan?
This is an art form. Immediately after telling me about a supposed plan, you proceeded to engage in damage control for this plan.
We have a plan laid out! But it probably won’t work because of Republicans!
You aren’t even sure what the plan to reform the SC is (or even that it exists) but you definitely know that it will fail because of the Republicans.
Why are you so angry and using ableist language against me? There is a plan, I felt I was being clear.
Here it is: SCOTUS Reform
“No president is above the law.” Obviously using presidential immunity as laid out by SCOTUS would go against this whole point. I agree, too, that he shouldn’t use it just because fascists want to. That would also make him a fascist.
If you were not so hellbent on belittling my intelligence, you may understand that yes, there’s no way a Dem could use the rules the far right have created for themselves — it is for them, not others.
What ableist language did I use? It’s ableist to call you out on your ignorance that you’re trying to spread to other people?
So term limits for SC justices? How does that prevent people’s rights from being taken away? So Republican justice A is kicked out because they finished their term and Republican justice B takes their place but both want to overturn marriage equality. We’ve gotten nowhere.
Using the rules everyone else uses is fascist?
calling someone out on their poor logic is “belittling their intelligence” and that makes me ableist???
How is using rules fascist? What is fascist about Biden using the same rules that Republicans use?
How is it not fascist to allow people to have their rights removed?
You used the word “insane” in reference to my previous argument. In effect, you called my argument insane, thereby calling me insane. Therefore, you used ableist language. Perhaps you deem my logic as poor, but you’ll notice that I have not tried to demean what you have been saying (nor have you offered much in the way of solutions, either. Perhaps that’s spreading….nothing to other people?).
I am in fact not ignorant and try to remain up to date on the current political landscape. This is evidenced by the fact I provided a link to Biden’s SCOTUS reform plan, which you did not comment on other than to say shorter term limits wouldn’t solve any problems. Maybe you’re right, I’m not an expert on that matter — I’m curious if you are.
The rules the GOP are using are fascist in nature. They want ultimate power for the president, something that the founders (no matter how problematic they are) didn’t intend when they created checks and balances, considering they had just left a monarchist institution. Therefore, if he just used the power given to him through the SCOTUS ruling, he’s effectively no better than the GOP and is failing to adhere to the rules laid out in the Constitution. It seems to me Biden has been trying to keep rights for folks in place, maybe not to the level most people — even me — would like to see (barring his shit with Gaza right now which is just abysmal).
You can continue to call me ignorant, I guess I could do the same to you. I guess I just don’t want to have an argument like that.
Why does this matter?
I think it only matters in the context of voters…
Voters like when you do things about bad things.
You do know the Democrats have the presidency right now, right? If they were ever planing to do that, or any of the things they promised but never did in the last 20 years for that matter, why aren’t they doing it right now when they already have their candidate in power? Why does it always have to be next time? Because they won’t do any of it ever, that’s why.
They are dangling the carrot in front of your nose to make you move forward without ever intending to actually give it to you. Yet you little donkey, instead of realizing what’s going on, you continue to trust them and go in the direction they point to you election after election.
But keep at it, I’m suuure you’re totally gonna beat the Trump led far right by voting for the party who enable them at every oportunity, normalize and expand their policies, deal with the discontent they cause for them, give free money to them and their buddies and much more.
Man, don’t use Data in a comment where you call me a donkey. Touch grass if you feel the need to call me names.
Biden actually rolled back most of the bullshit Trump did when he was in office. 🙂↕️🩷 But pls continue to spread misinformation.
Like what?
You can Google bro! Start with his environmental policies.
You know what, saved you the effort of researching.
Tarriffs against chinese solar panels
Was that also for EVs?
Bless your heart
And I suppose the entire rhetoric of the replies I’ve gotten which amount to no reasonable efforts to make any changes other than say everyone sucks seems to be the answer?
Funny how you expect the people with 0 power and, what, 3 people in office (AOC doesn’t count) to fix this and not the literal President of the United States, the party in control of the Senate, and a shitload of people in all levels of government. And all of the corporations and billionaires that back them?
It’s almost like the Democrats are OK with what’s happening 🤔
That’s never once been what I’ve said. I agree with you that this isn’t solely the responsibility of citizens who have no power. It’s on the people we elect to these offices.
I don’t agree that most of the Dems think what is happening is okay. I think they are just stuck in the old political mindset that doesn’t work anymore. They need to figure that out especially since we are facing what is essentially another attempted coup.
They’re welcome to move left anytime 😊
Those donors baby!
Oh the getting worse part is non-negotiable, that’s baked in, you have no legal means to address that.
The democrats are facilitating a genocide right now dude