Musk trying to back out of Twitter purchase… “There are more bots than what I was told.”
Musk now, “These MAGA bots, er users, are totally authentic!”
Move over Joseph Goebbels, there’s a new Propaganda Minister in town!
Except Goebbels was actually competent.
. . . more competent?
Because he gives Trump money and agrees with everything he says. It’s honestly so pathetically easy for the rich to manipulate Donald. Do you really think he would turn down money offered to go against the US’s interests??
It only cost $45 million a month to get Trump to flip flop on oil.
Honestly, that’s a much more respectable sum than what politicians usually get bought for, especially considering how profitable the payout for bought politicians are.
Still absolutely vile that it’s legal, or that people can be bought without consequence. But finding out they were bought for a couple grand donation is saddening.
He’s still going around telling that the solution to all economic issues is “Drill, Baby drill.”
All he did say was that electrical cars are good but also gas cars.
Right but trump doesn’t actually believe anything that isn’t immediately beneficial to him, personally.
“Drill baby drill” was a Sarah Palin line that got good results and so he stole it. He doesn’t even know what the original context was.
And only 45 billion to kill twitter.
Can someone please stop this constant clown show? Can we get back to being a serious country? Can someone go back in time and give trump another game show hosting contract in 2015?
Sorry, the vast swaths of sand and prairie have spoken.
More batshit chucklefuckery for you!
For what he’s paying, he has to. Just like DeVoss.
Fair is fair. Without a pro quo what’s a quid?
Prepare to have your country rebranded to X then.
Fitting, since it would be an x-democracy.
And probably an x-superpower as well given that “Management”.
Definitely. He’s literally pledged to make the US a third-world country, in the correct Cold War sense of the term.
If only he knew that the only time NATO Article 5 was invoked was after 9/11 2001 - by the USA. He probably doesn’t remember it, because back then he was only interested in allegedly owning the tallest building in New York - and that wasn’t true even back then.
Musk’s botox is reaching critical mass i see
And so he dropped just another good reason to vote Dem.
Why? Did he run out of relatives?
Millions in monthly donations. He’s buying his way in.
I could have sworn he did that last time, and Musk dipped out really fast?
Wasn’t that a thing?
Funny way to spell ‘blow me’
United states of X? President sitting in the X House.
FDA Commissioner. Job comes with a key to the locked pharmaceutical samples cabinet.
I see your Musk and raise you AOC.