Complain more on the same internet invented mostly by the country you hate?
Says the guy from the country which is by far the bigger drain of Industrial products in human history (you owe the planet something on the order of $50 trillion from the trade imbalance alone iirc). And that’s not counting for hundreds of millions killed from pollution, poverty, wars, co2 emissions and so on.
What are you going to do about it? Complain more on the same internet invented mostly by the country you hate?
It’s like you’re protesting Chinese slave labor but posting it on your slave labor produced electronics like a hypocrite.
Says the guy from the country which is by far the bigger drain of Industrial products in human history (you owe the planet something on the order of $50 trillion from the trade imbalance alone iirc). And that’s not counting for hundreds of millions killed from pollution, poverty, wars, co2 emissions and so on.
Wow what a brilliant argument you’ve put together there champ!
“You criticize society yet you live in it, curious”
Also the US didn’t have the first internet type network
And there isn’t slave labor in China
You’re living in an alternate reality.
Lmao checkmate, tankie
You don’t like slavery, yet you’re using Latin characters, who were invented by the Romans? Checkmate!