Ok boomer
Are we seriously contriving an awkwardly constructed conversation just so we can call our hypothetical wife fat?
This would be a disappointing attempt at humor if it were posted on facebook, surely we can do better
Wife bad
Boomer meme
You get that one from Facebook, grampa?
I see the husband has chosen death.
Peg: “Al, does this dress make me look fat?”
Al: “No Peg, it’s the fat that makes you look fat.”
Peg: “Oh Al, let’s fuck like wild animals!”
Al: “Ah jeez, Peg, I just got home from work, haven’t I suffered enough?”
How do clothes help starving people?
That depends on the clothes.
I guess you can cover their mouth with them
Its just a way to get rid of valueless crap and get to feel you’re “helping”
Lame tbh.
I thought this was funny because the “husband wolf” loves his shitty, lame joke so much, and the “wife wolf” looks exasperated with him. Fatphobia and sexism don’t even need be part of the equation. It’s okay to laugh!
Explain why fatphobia and sexism are funny
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I’m fat, I’ve been trying to lose weight for a couple of months now, and I can say, being fat is not good. So yeah, lose weight everybody.
I wish you all the best. Hopefully this post is not too abusive for you and you still have a sense of humor. Best regards
I don’t feel abused by the post. In a fucked up way, it’s kinda funny. But that doesn’t mean it’s fine. I’ve heard much worse. Not necessarily about fat people, but other minorities. Being transgender here is impossible, for example. I have a trans friend and I have to hear my mother bitch about whatever “advantage” trans people have, but “shouldn’t”. I’m fine, but others aren’t.
Kinda went off track there, sorry.
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Obesity is addiction, we ought not normalize it or ignore it but instead work to fix the underlying issues.
And that excuses making shitty jokes at our expense?
Do I need to fill some form and send it to the administration of humor to get my permit to joke about that?
Why is it so important that you be allowed to shit on fat people without being judged for it?
Mate, if only you would have put this energy into exercises and the proper diet.
That’s the thing that’s funny about bigoted “humor”, it’s not actually funny, it just shows how shitty you are and how low your standards for comedy are :3
Do you think that the suggestion to exercise regularly and to eat healthy food is a joke? Uh, okay. That explains the problem.
You don’t explain why it’s funny. I really need to understand.
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we should not stigmatize being fat :/
It’s objectively unhealthy. Stop trying to convince others your laziness isn’t something to look down on and ride a bike
While exercise is definitely a good thing, diet is the main factor for keeping a healthy weight. Kurzgesagt on youtube did a good video about it recently.
Here it is: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lPrjP4A_X4s
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There are many lean people that eat absolute crap, and are as unhealthy or more. I don’t think we make fun of bad eating habits; we make fun of fat people because they don’t fit into certain beauty standards.
Also, being “fat” doesn’t mean you’re not healthy. Being a bit chubby or overweight is perfectly normal, obesity is a problem.
And I think calling people “lazy” for being fat says more about you than anything. Exercise isn’t the most important factor on weight, eating habits are. Specifically, calorie intake.
An excess in fat is a comorbidity for pretty much everything, an active fat person has a higher probability of death from any health issue than an inactive thin person.
And that excuses making shitty jokes at our expense?
No, I’m just correcting what they were saying
Source? I believe you’re speaking of obese people.
Both being overweight or obese has consequences.
And that excuses making shitty jokes at our expense?
So there’s a lot of stupid fucks on this community, huh.
Educate yourself and go to school before saying crap.
Obesity is addiction.
We need to stop normalizing it.
You’re not a bad person for being fat.
That said obesity is one of the most selfish forms of addiction given the carbon footprint it takes to become obese.
You are not stuck in your disease, you can escape it. Do not normalize an unhealthy lifestyle because it is easier.
Now you are the one who called the wife fat.
there’s nothing inherently wrong with being fat
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There’s nothing morally wrong with it. There’s no reason to judge someone for it. Being fat yourself doesn’t excuse being an asshole to others for something that literally doesn’t affect you at all
What right do you have to consume more than you need especially in a time where it is readily evident that our consumption ( be it material or food ) is causing our planet to be destroyed by us.
So the argument can actually be made … yeah choosing to be obese and stay there and advocate for it is wrong.
Being fat doesn’t make you a bad person. Anyone who says that is an ass. However advocating for obesity being ok and normalizing it does.
The moral (and ethical) argument against obesity is: consuming more than you need is wasteful and selfish especially in a time where our consumption is driving the climate to the brink
That’s a shit reason what the heck xD it’s not fat people’s fault shit gets wasted my guy, that’s like blaming people who don’t garden for climate change while they’re leveling the Amazon for farm land. Stop looking for excuses to shit on fat people, or at least don’t make them so cartoonishly stupid cx