I need to be really careful here not to tread into any anti-vaxx territory here but this is just sus af. Why would they take a break from the mass-murder of children to ensure those same children are vaccinated against polio?
Not to mention that the vaccine is going to be administered by the UN - an organisation who have lost nearly 400 employees during this holocaust. Why would the Zionist entity suddenly change their tune and say “Oh, right this way, come on in!”
Is it a photo op? Are they legit worried that polio will spread to their soldiers?
There must be some ulterior motive, right? This just doesn’t make sense. WTF is going on here?
(btw be warned there’s lot of antivaxxers in the Twitter comments there, god damnit they make me so mad)
They might be using it as cover to gain intel, like how the CIA organized a fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden’s family DNA
This is absolutely the answer. Assuming the UN involvement is legitimate, Israel will use it as a cheap PR ploy while also a mass intelligence gathering opportunity - where family members are, population density, recruitment of informants via blackmail, possibly even a way to lure certain targets for assassination.
Seymour Hersh’s story about the killing of Osama Bin Laden said that was actually a rushed lie to cover up the fact that Pakistani intelligence had Bin Laden in a safehouse for months before the raid. According to the story, they actually got the DNA from a doctor that was treating Bin Laden, which honestly makes more sense to me.
The reason they had to rush to invent a lie about how they knew he was there was that they had intended to take him to the desert and say he was hit in a drone strike, and that they recovered his DNA afterward. But then they crashed a helicopter during the raid and had to make up a story that preserved the lie and the deal worked out with Pakistani intelligence.
It’s a good read: https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v37/n10/seymour-m.-hersh/the-killing-of-osama-bin-laden
I was thinking this or Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments.