Wait, I’m shocked Xitter had numbers as high as 14% when it comes to dealing with hate speech…
Once reported an obvious anti-Semitic post that I found (was curious if they actually would). Took them a week or two but they actually took it down. I was shocked.
One engagement dies down around a post they can take it down and just pretend they’re oh so backlogged to save face.
Everyone saw it already, the damage was done.
Of course, they might actually be backlogged because Musk fired almost everyone who dealt with that stuff. When you hamstring a department, they can quickly fall behind on their work.
Twitter, as far as I have recalled, has almost always been a cesspool for hot takes and hate. Just with Elon in charge the flood gates have really opened and has acquired a particular flavor mimicking his own tastes.
The real question now is if this will ultimately lead to the ban or slow death of Twitter. People really can only put up with so much vitriol.
Many countries are lining up with laws and bill coming after social media, usually under the goal or “goal” of protecting kids, so we will see how things turn out. Might even be a quicker death/change then.
Actually they’ll use anything they can to get that same fix twitter delivered before. The quality doesn’t matter if it’s their only outlet. Until a new app arrives to replace it, nothing will kill it. It’s like Davy Jones’ heart.
There are alternatives on the horizon. But they always seem to be on the horizon. Bluesky?
No idea, I really don’t use Twitter.
Yeah, Jack Dorsey should not get a second chance. Twitter was already shit before Elon made it worse.
Anything that used federated set ups like mastodon is automatically going to be too complex for most laymen users. I’m not sure is Bluesky is going to be any cop, seems to have been stuck in invite only mode for a while.
I put in for an invite months ago. They were at 50k users. I just checked and they’re at 1 million. Seems to be growing fast.
Working as intended apparently, what a dumpster fire
Of course they did.
Hey, they did managed to react on my hate speech posts… against v.putin. Rather quickly too. So yeah, if you are a dictator, its all Gucci.
“We don’t want to be the ones policing forums.”
At the same time
Elon aids the enemy in the Ukraine and Russia conflict.
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According to Elon musk, it’s a feature, not a bug.
That seems low.
That’s good isn’t it? That only means that Elon decensored that platform
Do explain how more Nazis is a good thing.
Check their post history. Next most recent comment is calling Lyft sexist for letting women select the gender of their driver, and the one after that is saying that there should be no limits on landlord’s ability to evict.
This is not someone operating in good faith.
I think their opinions are just bad
Except when elon doesn’t like what you write. Then the free speech isn’t that free any more
Depends on your understanding of free and uncensored speech. I think that’s different between the US and most of the world as a lot of countries never had the same total free speech policy and have always criminalised hate speech.
This is true both before and after it was owned by musk, it just went from left wing hate speech to right wing hate speech
What is “left wing hate speech?”
“Fascists should k*ll themselves” got me banned from xitter so that’s the kinda ‘hate speech’ they care about
Ah, the old paradox of tolerance.
It’s not hate speech to say anything bad about fascists.
in DnD it would probably be neutral good at the spiciest, possibly even lawful good.
Those billionaires have too much money and people should be able to afford a one bedroom apartment on a full time minimum wage job!
Calling for the genocide of whites, men, straight people, certain political ideologies, praising the appropriation of Western European culture to “subvert” it and rewrite it, banning books, etc…
Edit: oh shit, thought Reddit was the delusional echo chamber, maybe it’s Lemmy, too.
Who is calling for such things?
And as for banning books, are you sure it’s the left that’s doing that? Because I can share some links with you…
Almost every extreme view will likely have someone pushing those ideals through xitter at some point. Whether or not those posts gain any sort of traction or represent a greater movement could still be up for debate.
Quick note: this isn’t meant to support or oppose any side or position. Just putting information out there addressing the question that was posed.
I can’t read past the paywall, but it looks like that hashtag was meant to be sarcastic. Denying the Holocaust, praising Hitler, saying racist things… those are not done with sarcasm.
Would you accept other hate speech provided it’s qualified as “sarcastic”? How should xitter determine sarcastic messages vs serious ones?
And saying the entirety of that hashtag was used sarcastically is incredibly presumptuous. How would someone prove to you that it was used at least once seriously?
I would say that entirely depends on how it’s worded. This was a parody of another hashtag that was being used sarcastically. I would not call that hate speech in any way. I’m sorry, but “killallmen” is clearly not meant the way the hate speech being allowed on Twitter is meant now. There’s a world of difference. It’s not even comparable.
Wow, a whole list of “things that never happened.”
Please, get help to escape the conspiracy feedback loop you’re obviously in.
Dude, your mind has been totally fucked, come back to reality please.
come back to reality please.
I admire your optimism.
Would you like to show us on doll where your imaginary evil strawman touched you?
Nowhere. I was nowhere near it, and it made false allegations that I sexually assaulted it. Now my life is ruined over lies and cancel culture. —that guy, probably
Yea nooo. No one ever said that.
On another note, you must really love being a living puppet.
No one ever said that.
The hell they didn’t! I’m not the person who made the claim nor am I a Conservative but you don’t get to make up your own reality.
Calling for the genocide of whites.
It’s STILL THERE NOW - https://twitter.com/hashtag/antiwhite?src=hashtag_click
I mean this is as blatant as it can possibly be.
praising the appropriation of Western European culture to “subvert” it and rewrite it
See that book on the table in front of Gov Newsom? It’s banned in California.
It isn’t just the old literary classics either.
So what reality are you living in that this stuff doesn’t exist? It’s been blatantly all over Twitter and Tumblr for at least a decade.
It doesn’t mean that Elon is great (he isn’t) or that Republicans are good (they aren’t) but denying reality isn’t good either.
You’re tripping over edgelords on twitter?! Lmfao. I think that might be stupider than your favorite news outlet.
Are you angry about the right banning books or are you only angry at unverified trolls on twitter and other non issues?
Unhinged af. Dance puppet, dance.
How about you knock off the ad hominems and admit that there are extremists on the left, although they do not represent the majority of their political group like right wing extremists now do. You’re moving the goalposts so hard right now, and I say this as someone pretty far left myself. We don’t need to deny reality to prove that we’re right.
I’m with you on this, we can have a couple of crazies on the left and still be correct. No need to deny that they exist.
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There were a lot of shitty takes from the left on pre-Musk twitter, but shit takes are not the same as blaming a whole race of people for all the world’s financial ills or denying historical fact of genocidal events.