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Total tangent, but: the famous Stamets from Risa is also Canadian? 😀
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Oh a Newfie! 😀 I’m in / from Toronto but my dad’s side of the family are all Acadian from Nova Scotia. (That’s not me being an ignorant Torontonian assuming NS and Newfoundland are the same thing, just acknowledging they’re both that side of Canada 😂)
You’re being recognised for providing people with entertainment and joy. I’d say that’s a good thing! You’ve certainly provided me (and my friends by extension) with a ton of entertainment. To that point, if you message me your details I’ll e-transfer you $50 as thanks for all your good works.
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Neat! What area of Toronto are you in? Toronto must be so grey and bland and depressing for somebody coming from the east coast. I was born here and have been here all my life, and quite frankly I am really starting to hate it.
Speaking of Star Trek, I re-watched TNG Relics last night and it bothers me so much that they didn’t really do much to investigate the origins of the Dyson Sphere. Quite possibly the most advanced piece of engineering in the galaxy ever (well, maybe excluding Iconian gates – they transport you to Toronto’s city hall, after all), and they’re just like “yeah, it’s uninhabited; anyway, Scotty’s sad”
The world does indeed suck, so if sending a couple of bucks your way makes your day better then please let me – no pressure though! I would’ve offered to meet up and buy you a beer or two, but I don’t get out much anymore, nor do I drink often these days, so e-transfer is the next best thing for me.
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Nice! I am west end / Parkdale-adjacent. I’ve been renting for a long time in this place, and it’s an older building, so the property management probably hate me and my rent-controlled ass.
I did actually play STO briefly in the early 2010s, but don’t think I encountered any stories involving the Dyson Sphere. It’s cool that they picked up on it in a quasi-canonical way. I do wish TNG returned to the sphere in the series run, though. I’m surprised Berman didn’t tackle it in an episode of Enterprise, although they would’ve made that a season long arc, and it would have turned out the sphere builders were actually the descendants of Porthos (who became enlightened and sentient beings after all of the space-cheese Porthos ate) who travelled into the distant past to build the sphere. Or it would end up being a Barclay holodeck simulation, one or the other.
Hey, whether Ripley’s or Hanlans there’s usually a lot of stuff to look at 😂
I like helping people laugh. The world sucks and if I can be part of the day being a little better then awesome.
With this sentiment, you’ve already made my day a little better. That’s something that I also try for myself and it’s nice to see others expressing a similar view.
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Similar here. Have been lucky but have also been unemployed and couch surfing. Hope you’re doing well.
You two have fulfilled all of my stereotypes today, this was a lovely conversation below.
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Always a great sign when your geopolitical neighbors quietly start planning for you to go full fascist.
Canada also has plans for if America ever invades them.
But why would they? Let some other country mine resources that you buy at a steal.
I actually have a crackpot theory that Trump’s little attempt to buy Greenland (yeah, that happened) was really part of a plan Putin had dictated. And that Putin was trying to align USA+Greenland, Russia, and then Canada. Which is like 25% of Earth’s land mass.
I base it on nothing more than maps and stuff.
Like if Putin is trying to play RISK…
Another crackpot theory I’ve always had is that Trump always sent tweets out around 3am because that’s midday in Moscow and when he got his direction from Putin.
Also Adderall
This may have some legs. It would be wildly valuable for Putin.
I think it was more regarding the strategic importance of the emerging northwest passage arctic shipping route.
Because the US is the only country that could feasibly invade Canada.
Apparently Russia regularly invades the far north. Which is why alert is way the hell up there.
Someone can correct me because I’m probably wrong.
Incursions aren’t the same thing as an invasion.
Russia can’t even hold ground in a neighbouring country, they aren’t going to be able to hold ground on another continent LOL.
Canada is drifting alarmingly rightwards too.
Hope that involves a plan for letting lgbt folks immigrate to safety instead of apologizing 80 years later like they did to the casualties of Nazi Germany who were denied safe passage
I’ve heard Canadians claiming they’re already letting LGBT folks from the US achieve refugee status, but that’s strange because Canada has a treaty with the US explicitly stating that they can’t take in refugees arriving from the US. So it seems like Canadian citizens think they’re taking in LGBT refugees from the US, and will likely be confused and push back when people try to tell them that Canada literally can’t take US refugees without the refugee doing a big, long legal song and dance. So my guess is that the Canada is going to claim they’re already doing it (when they don’t actually seem to) and then apologize again in 80yrs.
Edit: y’all wanna tell me how I’m wrong? As someone who’s head will probably be on the chopping block should republicans win the next election, I would really like to know if I can count on Canada not turning me around should I find myself having to show up at the border with my belongings.
I would love to say that I have hope that Canada will be willing to break that treaty, but Canada is still financially dependent on the US, not to mention that people who care a lot about “muh Canadian identity” would definitely be against taking Americans.
Honestly I think secessionism has more of a chance than Americans being let into Canada.
not to mention that people who care a lot about “muh Canadian identity” would definitely be against taking Americans.
I know someone who’s non-binary that’s moved to Canada (I think it was on a work visa), and they’ve talked about how Canada has been very welcoming to them in regards to their gender. However, they’ve also said that they’re very glad that their coworkers have either forgotten, or aren’t aware that they’re American because they’ve heard nothing but hate and vitriol towards Americans. No sympathy towards LGBT Americans, no sympathy towards BIPOC Americans, just generally “fuck Americans, they deserve everything that’s happening to them”.
That wasn’t something I was expecting to hear, and it seriously hurt my view of Canada and my hopes that Canada might act as a safe harbor towards LGBT and BIPOC Americans in the future (assuming republicans succeed with Project 2025).
Iirc the stipulations are convoluted. I moved closer to the Canadian border though, just in case.
Yeah, it’d be nice if I could do that. Sadly I’m not in a position to at the moment. My understanding of the whole situation is that Canada allows asylum seekers from the US, who have to go through a long, drawn-out legal process that involves having a politician personally vouch for them. Refugees, however, are automatically turned away from Canada if they come from or through the US as the US is still considered “safe harbor” for refugees of all kinds.
What’s the difference between an asylum seeker and a refugee? While asylum seekers and refugees are both fleeing their countries, personally I see asylum seekers as people with options, typically with highly desirable skills or knowledge, allowing them to choose which country to make their new home in. Refugees, on the other hand, show up at the border with the clothes on their backs and whatever they could cram into their backpack or car, because they don’t have anywhere else to go.
Canada won’t be as eager to take US refugees as you hope. I can’t think of a small population dealing with massive refugee inflows from a place that much larger. Think of how destabilising the refugee migrations from Syria were on Europe. Lots of LGBT and sympathetic cases of course but lots of crazy and the amount of entitlement would be overwhelming.
The rest of the industrialised worried will have angry Americans in their faces screaming about their first and second amendment rights every day if there is an exodus.
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Someone better take me in if shit goes south. I ain’t staying here, and I’m too poor to move myself.
That’s not how any of that works at all.
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The people we accept as refugee’s today live on the streets. You’d be better off pretending to be straight than moving to Canada now days. Doesn’t matter how accepting the government can be if they can’t actually govern and throw all the reigns of power over to corporations.
Or women who no longer have control over their own bodies and physical health
I’ve already checked. I’ve got enough qualifications that I can just migrate to Canada.
It’ll be nice to teach them about what their summers are going to be like.
Canada is going to elect a conservative government, too
The whole world is shifting hard to the right. It’s pretty crazy to see happen in real time.
Something something “weak men” something something “hard times”
Male fragility will kill us all.
Women buying into patriarchy doesn’t make it any less of a phenomenon or any less dangerous.
Good thing that comment I replied to said “male fragility” and not “the patriarchy” or I’d probably agree with them.
You’re a fool if you extrapolated that meaning from my words. The male fragility drives the culture of insecurity, greed, and competition. Women can be infected as well, but they are not the drivers of this psychosis.
Male fragility doesn’t drive the culture of insecurity. It’s an artificially introduced wedge tactic intended to keep the working class infighting.
Everyone with money and power are pretty happy with the status quo.
If you ever find yourself thinking that any regular working person is “the problem”, step back and ask yourself who baited the trap. Some external narrative drew one of you in to make the other pissed off.
Like, they kept telling Cletus that the immigrants are why his paycheck is small, and that the big city liberals want to eradicate him. He says “Damn those immigrants” and then you come out of the woodwork telling him he’s the problem with the country and then boom: you’re suddenly the liberal who he’s heard hates him, word made flesh, just as the prophecy foretold.
Like, how goddamn convenient that it’s male fragility. How awesome for the 1% that out of everyone and everything, they hand you a loaded term like that that will CERTAINLY be taken out of context as a blanket condemnation of 50% of the population by anyone who doesn’t study sociology (spoiler alert, MOST PEOPLE)
Like, if someone said to you that it was a result of a slowness of male development, and thus the Latin for “slow” was appropriate here, and that the accepted term that you should use in the world to try and initiate a thoughtful, respectful exchange of ideas in good faith, so you should say “male retardation”, would you say “ya that sounds like a great way to talk to men and I can’t comprehend any reason why anyone might be standoffish when hearing it”?
Again, you’re a chump. You’re brandishing a term INTENTIONALLY loaded to incite division among the working class. You are a useful idiot to the people oppressing you.
Like, they kept telling Cletus that the immigrants are why his paycheck is small, and that the big city liberals want to eradicate him. He says “Damn those immigrants” and then you come out of the woodwork telling him he’s the problem with the country and then boom: you’re suddenly the liberal who he’s heard hates him, word made flesh, just as the prophecy foretold.
Exactly and the flipside of this is targeting the liberals and catering to the idea they can be morally superior, and building this meritocratic notion where the “Cletus” actually deserves to be poor and stupid. This mechanism basically removes individuals from the political economy and moralizes the outcomes caused by it as representative of their individual virtue. This idea of “virtue hoarding” has been used to describe this which I think can be pretty accurate. It can’t solve anything either, and it’s actually a very conservative approach to the topic at large because it doesn’t acknowledge the economic material causes of why they’re like this or try to solve the thing that causes these disparities. It makes it all about the individual and their moral choices. A lot of what’s ignored from the people who liberals love to appropriate in their ideaology, like MLK Jr, is the radical notion of economic equality that made them so unpopular at the time, even among people who were morally opposed to racism. If you removed these prejduces from “Cletus,” a lot of the city liberal types would still find him detestable as a person, and he would probably be asked to leave if he tried to enter one of their workplaces. Despite him having more materially in common with the liberal professional worker, the liberal likely believes themselves to have more in common with their bosses.
Everyone with money and power are pretty happy with the status quo.
Counterexample: Disney in Florida.
Fascism is not actually good for business. Fascism demands that the most successful business in the state must lick boots or be punished.
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Except you’re ignoring the entire reality of male fragility in your attempt to shift the blame. The alpha males, the CEO billionaires, the dickhead fascists; they’re all fragile males. (Like you.)
Please explain to me in detail how a matriarchal social structure would solve this, with relevant historical examples to support your claims.
Also, “women are too dumb to think for themselves, they must be brainwashed” is one of the strangest supposedly left-wing takes I’ve seen on this site.
Please explain in detail how you arrived at the conclusion that I’m advocating for a matriarchal social structure. Hilarious that you’re demanding historical examples when you know they were all murdered by fragile men like you.
Ah yes, let’s red herring with gender politics and sexism.
Seriously, this isn’t productive, it’s toxic, and belongs back on Reddit and back on the gate communities there.
Lemmy “progressives” would rather argue about social politics than actually solve problems. It’s one of the far-rights greatest strengths, left-wing groups fragment at the drop of a pencil over the slightest disagreements
They were never aligned to begin with
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You got me on the furry hater. I can’t deny that one, but please translate that word spaghetti for those of us in the audience without brain damage.
It’s due to all the propaganda BS everyone needs a fairness doctrine for media at this point
I think it’s more “tech has created extremely reliable and granular methods to hijack a democracy”. Pair that with wealth inequality, and you have a recipe for billionaires able to buy their way into becoming nobility without putting a target on their backs.
This wasn’t some accident or an artifact - a small group of billionaires bought up the Western media over the last few decades, have run astroturfing operations to misrepresent public sentiment to lawmakers, and more recently have started to use social media to shape discourse. And I think we all know they do a whole lot more behind, but these are the things that are well documented publicly if you care to look
Humanity has plenty of cycles, but this was something done intentionally and systematically by a number of individuals that could fit in one room
Which is hilarious because I look at PP and all I see is a weak man and yet that’s what we will probably elect.
We won’t elect PP. We will elect whoever isn’t Mr.T.
PP isn’t doing very well even for the conservatives but they will still vote for him and the swinger voters have already made up thier mind and switched to the CPC.
Why wouldn’t you elect Mr. T? I would love to have BA Barakas leading my country
His main policy of “pity the fool” isn’t great.
Maybe if the leftwing was actually capable of doing something it would have some support.
The NDP got us national dental and doubled CERB payments, all while not even the opposition.
Also the NDP is the only party that wants to push public transit and better city design. Even if it isn’t a federal mandate.
The liberals are also pushing for 15 minute city infrastructure.
The Liberals also pushed for election reform…
They don’t need to elect anything. Fascism is inherently militaristic.
If the US goes full fascist, then it’s only a matter of time.
No place in the world will be safe.
Most places in the world were never safe from the US anyway, it has had aggressively competitive foreign policy for the last 80 years.
No argument there, but it can always get worse.
Meh, the USA won’t invade Canada. Even if we go full fascist Canada is way better as a frenemy.
Our largest trading partner won’t be able to give us a reason to invade.
Mexico on the other hand should watch out, given the amount of scapegoating our right wing throw their way.
Mexico is their largest trading partner now, just a heads up.
Facts have never had an effect on conservative feelings, despite one of their favorite sayings being “facts don’t care about your feelings”
Yeah but the fascists are already talking about invading them. And like hey, last time we did it we got our most profitable state out of it
Who’s? Canada’s or the USA? In both cases that’s false.
The Canadian economy is inextricably linked to ours (USA). Any plans they have to deal with a racist USA has to take that, and the military disparity, into account. Canada is in a very shit situation if the USA falls to fascism. Appeasement is their only realistic option.
Canada is in a very shit situation if the USA falls to fascism. Appeasement is their only realistic option.
Ah, yes, the famous stopper of fascist expansion: Appeasement.
Canada has already been identified as a valid target for decades due to South Parks “blame Canada.”
Our largest trading partner won’t be able to give us a reason to invade.
Water and farmable land?
Poilievre isn’t conservative. He’s pretty much far right.
He supports Ukraine, climate change targets, new housing construction, abortion rights, immigration, legal weed, and gay marriage. He has plenty of other extremely problematic positions and I hope he loses badly, but nevertheless, the gap between him and basically any Republican is pretty substantial.
He’s voted against abortion rights, he’s voted against gay marriage, he’s lukewarm about legal weed but tbf prob wont illegalize it, and his solution to climate change is producing more oil.
In 2020, he changed his position and said that a government led by him would never introduce a bill on the topic, and no private ones would be adopted. In 2021, Poilievre opposed a private member bill prohibiting sex-selective abortion.
Poilievre supports same-sex marriage; in a 2020 interview, he called it a “success” and stated “I voted against it 15 years ago. But I learned a lot”.
And yeah, he wants to produce more oil, but so does Biden. And for that matter, Trudeau also wants to build more oil pipelines. I wish there were more mainstream politicians who were genuinely anti-fossil-fuel but those are, unfortunately, few and far between.
- Wikipedia is not a reliable source
- They keep voting to infringe on that right as recently as this year
- Ya I don’t think that Pollievre would restrict access to gay marriage, but if he voted against it with his gay father in attendance, if that isn’t a sign of a piece of shit I don’t know what is. ( he also is courting the voters and MP’s that do want to restrict it)
- Then vote for Singh and the NDP as he’s the only Federal Leader that kind of has a chance to become PM, that opposes oil, and at least the Trudeau government is talking about removing oil subsidies.
Honestly the most daming thing about PP is that he’s been in goverance since he finished uni, never held a real job in his life. Also I’m 100% sure he’s never made a woman cum.
Two years still. Lots can change and people will see through the piss poor attempt at the Conservative rebranding of Poilievre.
People the world over have been remarkably bad at seeing through cheap far-right populist pandering. I don’t trust the electorate.
We basically flip between Liberal and Conservative on schedule. Trudeau took a gamble on positive numbers calling the last election early but I think his brand is essentially dead. PP is getting a huge image treatment right now if you’ve seen his tanned face and new persona, like they’re throwing full weight in to making him relatable, and you can tell what a massive effort that is lol. I don’t see too much of a material difference between LPC and CPC though, CPC is more shameless but the things LPC does to sovereign nations inside our country should be setting off more alarm bells than they are. People forget those treaties are with the Crown not the Canadian government. Also fuck the Liberals for not changing the vote, they campaigned so hard on that and I can’t believe I fell for it first time around. NDP are polling decently well too but with the voting being what it is they’re screwed. Although I’m not a huge fan of Jagmeet and how he became leader and think NDP need to do better with their branding and messaging, right now it’s like “we’re liberals but more authentic” but they need to be more forthcoming with the economic vision and why it will benefit everyone regardless of their identity. A straight white tradesman needs to get the message that he has just as much interest in voting NDP as a nonconforming individual, and I think they really need to tie these messages back to the economic benefit and power of having solidarity with others in achieving material political goals.
Great summary, and good insight imo
A lot of NDP voters where I am at, but PP is going to get my vote. Cost of living is my #1 voting issue and Pierre is the only one I’ve even heard talking about it.
NDP and Liberals just don’t care about how much money I have left in my pockets at the end of the month, they think it’s all theirs anyways
On housing PP wants to “remove beurocracy” for developers which means they can build what will maximize their profits with less regard for regulations, and with the huge demand for housing this allows them to cater to mid-upper range of home buyers and cut corners. Milton and north Oakille are good case studies for this strategy where it’s basically all dual-income managerial workers and white collar professionals living in blocked out subdivisions with cheaply made “luxury” homes.
Liberals just pulled their move today by waiving GST for rental unit developers but as usual it’s a pandering half-measure.
NDP share the tax GHT/HST waiving for renters in their housing policy on top of using under-utilized federal land to build social and co-op housing right away, as well as forcing developers to build affordable housing with the communities and municipalities having more say. They also want to extend CMHC insured mortgages for first-time buyers to 30 years so people’s monthly payments would be less. Although I think the down payment is the hurdle for most.
I’ll tell you a secret nothing he does well influence it. Sure cost might godown but won’t be because of any one running the country. If the president doesn’t matter for the Is economy I would assume it’s the same for us.
Short memory huh? Why do you think we are in such a mess in the first place?
We’re the only western country that didn’t see a dip in housing in 2008/2009.
Can’t wait!
im pretty sure they would close their borders and fast.
Never close your borders to another country’s brain drain
Shit. I just DQ’d myself by not knowing how to embed an image on Mobile via Thunder
Wellll maybe not never . . . Looking at operation paperclip
As an American, please nuke us if Trump wins the next election.
I have some bad news for you.
What’s the bad news?
No nukes
Seems like an oversight given history.
Better ask Papa Charles III to borrow some.
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How’s the ban evasion going?
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I kind of hope he wins but is in jail for his final term.
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This whole situation is new I’m not sure where you’re getting your information.
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Have fun jerking off to leftists.
I’m not one for kink shaming.
Let’s be real here. He jerks off everyday anyway
Tell me no one loved you as a child without telling me
I’m both curious and personally invested on what their outlook on refugees would look like. I’ve definitely considered the possibility of having to flee to Canada as a trans woman, but I guess the question is how legitimately I’d be able to enter the country and whether I’d have to go into hiding once I get there.
Right now, yeah a trans person can seek asylum in Canada. But the leader of the Conservative Party is a culture war fashy type not too dissimilar from Ron Desantis. If he gets in, it’ll be dark days north of the border too.
I’m genuinely confused as to why, knowing that the Conservative/Republican brand has always been to serve big business, deregulating while also lowering taxes for the wealthy while cutting services to working class families, why people en masse would vote for them.
I get it, 2 sides of the same coin and all that jazz, but one side of the coin is just greedy, while the other side of the coin is greedy and is actively stoking the fires of a civil war.
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Because some people bel8ve taking any kind of welfare is as immoral as molesting a child.
Don’t forget the racism so bad they’ll screw themselves as long as it also screws “the wrong people.”
It’s not that they believe welfare is immoral. They believe welfare that comes without the Jesus Strings attached (i.e., welfare from the state) undermines their ability to market Jesus by giving fully Jesus-encumbered welfare to the hard up.
Not in my experience. MY family has no problem with family help, or church help just government help.
Most of them don’t really believe that. In fact I’m pretty sure most of them don’t actually have many beliefs other than “if i just moving goalposts fast enough, I’ll never have to form a new opinion on anything.”
It doesn’t matter who did what so long as their side is right.
Ironically, the other half of their brand is actively screwing with interests of big business. Big businesses also want stability and predictable government fiscal behavior, and republicans are now famous for throwing tantrums and threatening to screw up borrowing and repayment if they don’t get their ways on issues that businesses flat out don’t care about.
I’m guessing the whole world has been doing some hard mulling since 2016…
Funny story, the whole world will arrive at the same place, just in time to kick off a third world war of stupidity.
The US DOD and intelligence services have been doing it.
We need electoral reform to avoid the same in Canada. The official opposition is actively siding with fascists.
And just like the Democrats in the USA, the Liberals don’t seem to recognize the danger. The middle of the road will never save us from the far right.
I don’t blame them. As an American I’m mulling the same.
I just hope their plan includes an asylum path for Americans sick of this doubling-down on ignorance. Not to say Canada isn’t without their dumb dumbs either…
Trade Alberta out. It’s been stinging to join the parade of idiots.
Smith and Ford give enthusiastic, limp-wristed waves.
We’ve got our dumb-dumbs, and they’re definitely importing some culture war bullshit from you guys, but the party they fall in behind (Progressive Conservatives) is closer to democrats than the republicans, in general.
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If the US goes, Canada will too. I forsee Quebec and New England allying against the plains provinces/states.
Alberta would vote to be the 51st state of the US within days.
We should trade, Alberta for Alaska. Minus that one dumbass politician
Alaska is full of dumbasses just like Alberta
You can have Alberta for free lol
Psst, I live in Onterrible, I don’t want any association with Alberta. I know exactly how stupid people are there.
Half the people I talked to said they would vote Trudeau if he legalized marijuana even though the NDP were campaigning for DECRIMINALIZATION. Bunch of retards (plz be offended) out there
Quebec would probably be “complied” in to servitude since they have mining and softwood lumber resources.
Build a wall and make us pay for it!
Best get across before Canadians start dropping anti-migrant barriers in the Great Lakes.
let me in. LET ME IN!!!
Is it them taking a hard right authoritarian shift?
No. Canada is centre-left and backed by mid left. The right and far right parties will never have enough seats to go without challenge. Most of the authoritarian parties are far right fringe parties that will like see no more than a handful of seats.
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You should take another look at what the CPC is focusing on. At their convention this month they voted on what to focus on as a party; two anti-trans policies passed the policy for affordable housing did not. Is the CPC as far right as the US Republican party, no they’re not, but Poilievre is happy to court people who are. Also he won’t answer non-vetted questions which is a different issue but still rubs me the wrong way.
And more horrifyingly: polling might not mean much this far out, but right now, the CPC is leading. Big. Skippy is terrifying, and terrifyingly close to power.
Only you guys can help your democracy internally. Never fail to vote, get your friends voting and obviously never vote for conservatives.
They’re about 40 years late on the draw, there