There needs to be a reckoning after this election. The people making threats to election workers and officials just doing their jobs need to be investigated and prosecuted. These are domestic terrorists and should be treated as such.
Good in theory, but there’s a number of them who are outright from other countries doing this to help destabilize the election. It’s not that hard to spoof a local number and someone who can do a US accent. After an investigation, sanctions could maybe occur, but this is the worldwide political landscape at this point: it’s gamed from all sides by all sides from everywhere at once.
Obviously, a number of them are also real, home-grown terrorists, but it’s hard to say whether they’re the majority or not.
Finally, how do we make those investigations happen when surely a large number of them are actually from off-duty law enforcement officers who, as they say, “work forces and burn crosses?” The boys in blue tend to have a blue wall of silence when it comes to their own crimes. Police are some of the most radicalized groups in the US, they’re primed to violently suppress the populace, they love it.
It’s not that hard to spoof a local number
Radical idea: hold the phone companies responsible for that particular shit. If someone spoofs a number that isn’t theirs, fine the phone company $1000/spoofed call.
I bet we’d all be surprised how quickly spoofed calls stop happening.
$10000, at minimum.
deleted by creator
Not much use to people with a different provider. Just give the $10k to whoever received the call.
The people making threats to election workers and officials just doing their jobs need to be investigated and prosecuted.
Yeah, we saw what happened to the January 6 dipshits. Nothing will happen. Republicans don’t want them punished and Democrats think it looks like work, so they won’t do it.
MAGA is a terrorist organization.
The enemies within is the Republican party at this point
MAGA has a big foothold in with the FBI, the State Troopers, and the Local PD. Scary shit as we get closer and closer to the possibility that their team doesn’t win.
Will the next J6 just be a police riot?
MAGAThe GOP is a terrorist organization.Republicanism is a mental illness.
Every single asshole threatening a poll worker needs to go to jail for a long time.
Every single one.
Straight to Guantanamo for the terrorists?
No, just regular prison with a proper trial, verdict and sentencing.
Actually an airlock with a hard vacuum on the other side and a red button would do lovely.
Around the country, election officials have already received death threats and packages filled with white powder. Their dogs have been poisoned, their homes swatted, their family members targeted. In Texas, one man called for a “a mass shooting of poll workers and election officials” in precincts with results he found suspicious. “The point is coercion; the point is intimidation. It’s to get you to do or not do something,” Al Schmidt, the secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, told me—to get you to “stop counting votes, or we’re going to murder your children, and they name your children,” a threat that Schmidt said he received in 2020.
Remember when Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables” and everyone criticized her for being such a snob? She wasn’t wrong.
Parasites. They’re not just deplorable, they’re fucking parasites killing their host. Many of my loved ones are in that camp but they’re a part of an existential problem.
‘Looks like your mom made lasagna tonight; she’s wearing that pretty yellow dress that she likes to wear to church,” …
Just… It’s crazy this is happening. It’s bat shit insane that somebody uttered those words in a non-fictional situation. I should be buying Halloween candy and planning Thanksgiving dinner but instead I’m reading stories about my fellow citizens being grade-A terrorists.
Absolutely fucking bonkers… The election is 2 weeks away and I’m just supposed to go to work between now and then like these 11/10 terror threats aren’t happening?
In 2020 some ballot counters barricaded themselves inside, under siege. What are the fascists going to try on the big day this time now that they’re had 4 years to organise? I think this situation is unprecedented in the United States. This needs to be taken seriously.
And where were the cops. A mob is attacking people? Where’s law fucking enforcement then?
On the other side.
“All” of those that work forces…
No, only some are on the other side. The rest stay out of it - even though they really shouldn’t: Complacency is Complicity.
Staying out of it when a mob of neonazis is attacking someone is not a neutral position
Complacency is Complicity
I think we know where the cops are…
“Greatest democracy!”
“Stop doing the thing that defines democracy!”
Republicans will argue with you about the US being a democracy.
Domestic terrorists. Merrick garland is an absolute failure.
Wonder which side…
I’ve only ever seen one side do this
DOJ doesn’t know. DOJ doesn’t care. DOJ doesn’t prosecute.
Yep, GOP needs to stop the counting before a predictable Blue Shift happens as votes come in from larger population centers (which take longer to count due to volume/population size).
It’s already been brutal but it’s gonna be a very long week and a half folks
I’m already beyond fucking exhausted.
The only real solution to this is to arm the Election Officials with M4 rifles and train them to water the Tree of Liberty with the blood of every mother’s son of these shitsniffers. Give them all “Come and Take Them” flags to fly and little bunkers. They can say things like “You and what army?” Or “The day you murder my children is the day Abraham Lincoln comes back to life and takes a shit in my kitchen.” Train the kids on the Glock 19 platform and hand-to-hand combat. Let’s get proactive here and safeguard the future of our democracy.
That’s a DUMB Idea! Why would we give THEM Guns when we can give TEACHERS guns?
The USA is degenerating into a mafia state. There is an organized criminal conspiracy to disrupt elections and take over the government. What is being done about it?
State governments need to start filing slander suits over this. Alex Jones and Rudy Giuliani got what was coming to them (for telling blatant and harmful lies in general) and they need to be the first of many.
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