So if you vote on election day but your ballot doesn’t get counted in time I guess your shit outta luck?
On another discussion post someone from there commented on that fact and I couldn’t believe it. No early voting, once the poll closes that’s it even if there’s a line, and now (for apparently the first time in history) even a late ballot in the mail is invalid. Republicans who still love their country should be outraged at this, but I guess as long as they’re winning it doesn’t matter.
Anyone who loves their country is no longer republican.
At least, the ones that love and understand their country.
Wrong. They love a country they understand perfectly, it just isn’t real.
And are those Republicans that still love their country here in the room with us now?
Election hasn’t even happened yet and Missouri already has under full fascist control over their voters. A few state-designed delays and any voters from any county go straight into the trash can.
Wait, i’m confused by US election rule, how long does the ballot open if there’s no early voting?
All 50 states have different rules. All of them. There are federal laws that apply, but our very slanted supreme court has gutted most of them.
Of the states, some are excellent, most are sane, some are insane.
The article seemed to state this was specifically about mailed ballots. Any source regarding being in line at poll close?
I think I was blocked from there for daring to say all genocide is bad, and we can criticize democrats. Anyway, I can’t see any comments there. Thank you for posting the link, though.
5th Circuit if anyone was wondering (not that it wasn’t obvious)
Oldham could just as easily fashion a bullshit reason dressed in fake legalese that only Republican votes count because the US is a constitutional republic.
These worthless jerks are always on about state’s rights. except when they aren’t, and cannot put together a legitimate argument either way.
So now we know for sure the election is rigged
Wdym clearly this is just how the founding fathers intended for our constitutional Republic to work. /s
So if you vote on election day but your ballot doesn’t get counted in time I guess your shit outta luck?
Not exactly. This applies to mail in ballots with the correct postage date but received after election Day. It’s bullshit IMO. If you got your vote in the mail by election Day then it should count.
Good thing DeJoy is still (fucking SOMEHOW) in charge of USPS so I’m sure he’ll ensure timely delivery.
It does make sense in a way, but you would think they would give a little bit of leeway.
They shouldn’t have to wait like 2 weeks before calling the results to make sure all the mail in votes have made it in, but maybe at least give it a day or two.
The cases where mail in ballots received after election day actually make a difference is negligible. This is a non-issue, and elections are generally called well before all votes are counted anyways.
The more important principle here is that all legal votes should be counted. This is just another tool in the arsenal of vote suppression enthusiasts on the right to use when the time is right (GOP in power again so they can aggressively ratfuck the USPS again just before the election).
We just had an election in my area where mail in ballots flipped a seat which was already considered won by conservatives and will potentially be the deciding factor between a minority and majority government, and they weren’t counted officially until almost 10 days after election day.
It’s just voter suppression. Just like the reason every state doesn’t have mail in ballots or how Election Day isn’t a holiday or how we don’t have the technology to do vote online. It’s just voter suppression. Like we have technology to deposit checks instantly yet we can’t have a system to vote. It’s fucking sad and depressing. The US is a joke.
Good thing the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act a while back…
Democrats could have passed the John Lewis Voting Rights Act to restore voting protections. But the Jim Crow Filibuster was more important.
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