I’m definitely gonna fluctuate between both. I’ve been enjoying BO6.
Factorio!! This work week has been hell and I have a week PTO starting Monday. So time to put in some effort in an asynchronous multi-player game with a friend.
No Man’s Sky is doing a Halloween event, too, so I might play around in that to get some unique cosmetics. And the Expeditions usually have a tailored experience that’s always fun.
I’ve been playing Papers Please in the 30 min or so I have for gaming in the evenings lately. I might play more of that to see if I can get all the endings.
Unless the weather is nice. Then I’m going fishing.
I, too, will still be playing Factorio.
I’m going to go with… Factorio :).
Project Zomboid. I finally figured out which mod was making some cars appear invisible.
It’s the Bounder_RV mod that supposedly adds new vehicles to the game.
I will be playing Stellaris intead, lol.
Not a fan of Fortnite and never got into CoD after World at War came out. Felt like they were less and less about the soldiers that gave their lives protecting their country, and more about being some romanticized war hero shooter. War is bad but I don’t think that soldiers who fought in them should be disrespected. I just feel like the new CoD games glorify war and violence more than the older games did, and I am not about that.
100% Fortnite, since I’m too cheap to buy games or pay for yet another subscription service these days.
(Especially since about half of anything I’ve wanted off Gamepass has shown up for free on Epic Games a couple of months later or has been absolute slop - looking at you, Starfield.)
God. I remember how excited I was for Starfield, only to be so disappointed.
Yeah. A space exploration game that has absolutely zero reason for you to explore anything.
I’m not sure if I’m more sad or angry that this is the best a company with no budget limits and no outside meddling can make.
No Man’s Sky or Elite: Dangerous might offer you a stellar exploration experience you would enjoy over Starfield.
No RPG elements in either, though.
I’m not personally a fan of Nuketown so I won’t be playing the 24/7 playlist but I’ll be on BO6 all weekend for sure. The game isn’t perfect by any means but it scratches the shooter itch really well.
Definitely better than the past 4 games.
Satisfactory, Forever Winter, Still Wakes the Deep.