Archived copies of the article:
How the hell can the presidential candidate of the Green Party own a MILLION DOLLARS OF OIL AND GAS SHARES? How can you complain about Israel murdering children in Gaza, when you own shares in Raytheon, which sells and produces weapons for and in Israel?
Where are you seeing this?
The article claims that she has total stock market index funds in her retirement account and not individual oil and gas shares…
They even link the full financial disclosure that reveals as much: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/un8w34x8anzochjjik2dw/2024-Stein-PFD.pdf?rlkey=no0vsygaof1096tgm3843kwup&st=10vwoc8x&dl=0
This is literally insulting to anyone with any understanding of “investments”:
In January 2024, Stein reported having between $250,001 and $500,000 invested in the Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund (VXUS), which invests in TC Energy Corp, owner of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Stein profits from the Keystone XL Pipeline she claims to oppose.
This is a super sketchy way to portray a very normal total market index funds…
Surely, if you’re the Green party leader, you would simply not invest in that particular index fund, and probably would not invest at Vanguard either. When people say you should “divest from fossil fuels”, it obviously also means taking your money out of these index funds.
It’s funny how easy it is, but no, let’s jump through hoops to justify it.
This is literally the entire stock market, excluding US. All publicly traded companies worldwide. It’s the epitomy of the “set it and forget it” investment strategy. If you don’t know how to invest, this, coupled with VTI and a bond ETF or two, would be exactly what you would own, and nothing more.
You would, if you don’t give a shit, yes.
But if you’re actually fighting for a green transition, this is definitely not what you buy. Especially if you have the kind of money available to you that she has. Putting your money where your mouth is incredibly important. I don’t even know why I am repeating this — the article put it quite succinctly.
She could’ve used fossilfreefunds.org to pick something that wasn’t invested in oil or prison slave labor.
This is also what you would invest in if you don’t want any appearance of conflict of interest with your political aspirations. Y’all gotta let this one go
Yeah, people here clearly do not understand that this is the most benign investment strategy that could exist.
And everybody knows that total market includes fossil fuel and arms companies. That is why there are ESG funds, which do exclude the really nasty companies. Those are pretty easy to buy and can also cover a large field of investments. She has lobbied for divestement from fossil fuels, so she should very much be aware that those options are around, while this has been pointed out for nearly a decade. So really no excuse for that.
I want to get rid of fossil fuels by investing with a company that gives money to fossil fuels!
Surely you can see the problem there?
You’re the reason financial literacy needs to be taught in schools. I don’t even support the existence of investing, but you need to look up how index funds work.
My biggest reason for not knowing who Jill Stein is is that Jill Stein doesn’t exist a month beyond any elections in either direction.
She is simply a spectre of a false belief in voting practices.
She was a pretty big voice in the Occupy Wall Street movement before she started taking Russian money in force. Now she’s a nobody.
Stein and the Greens are also rabidly anti-nuclear, continuing to repeat outdated and debunked nonsense. We can’t plausibly maintain this level of energy use on renewables alone.
That being said, the writer’s claim that Harris is better on climate than Stein is absolutely ridiculous. The Biden/Harris admin set records for fossil fuel extractions, strongly support fracking, waived environmental protections to build Trump’s border wall faster, and want to ban imports of EV’s and solar panels. Plus, their escalating militarism is a carbon nightmare.
Rhetoric won’t save us.
I’m pro nuclear as well but we absolutely can maintain this level of energy consumption on renewables alone.
The question is cost and risk - I’m for diversification of our grid which includes nuclear.
But it is getting to the point where renewables with backups will be cheaper than coal. That’s absolutely something you can run the entire grid off of. You can balance storage requirements with excess production capacity that gets shuttered over the summer etc etc
The backup is nuclear.
I don’t really care what it costs. We’re trying to save the habitability of the planet. Damn the cost.
OK, then we just deploy a whole lot of storage capacity as fast as we can to support solar and wind. Nuclear only makes sense if it’s cheaper than that, and it’s not.
Cheaper long term, yes. Higher upfront cost.
Not quite sure which way you’re pointing. Nuclear is ridiculously expensive up front. It has to run for a long time at 100% to make any kind of economic sense.
I’m not concerned about economic sense. I’m worried about keeping the planet habitable.
And we have another path for that. We really don’t need nuclear at this point.
Yeah, no. Nuclear is a con. Don‘t believe and spread the energy industry‘s lies. They’re shitting on renewables, because they want consumers dependant on their crap which needs to be subsidised by the state because it’s not economically viable. Thank you.
It’s easy to tell who’s been propagandized, because they care more about how much it will cost than actually saving the planet.
Ah, you assume there’s (or will be) unlimited funds set aside to fight climate change?
If that is so, why not plaster deserts with solar panels and the oceans with wind turbines. Would go a bit quicker than the 10-20 years it takes to finalise one nuclear power plant. The nuclear hype has no scientific basis.I don’t assume unlimited funds. I know that the only way we can actually address climate change is to overthrow the capitalists driving the pollution. Ending their wars would provide far more than adequate funding, even before wealth redistribution.
I can’t imagine being so uninformed that you believe the advantages of nuclear energy has no scientific basis. On par with the flat earthers.
Jesus man, you want to end capitalism but fall for one of its biggest outfits? Also, right now there is just the capitalist reality and within that science tells us, that nuclear is economically not good enough to support the green transformation. I am fine with overthrowing capitalism, but till then we have to somehow manage with a reality that is inseparable from it.
Nuclear is not capitalists’ “biggest outfit.” You’re thinking of oil, and they pay astroturfers to convince people like you to be anti-nuclear.
I’m talking about the Energy Companies
Edit: the claim that the oil industry paid anyone to stop nuclear is a right wing lie. Please look it up, I don’t have the nerve for it anymore.
I was a Green Party supporter until Jill Stein kinda took over and I began learning how hypocritical she is. That was 10+ years ago
the american green party supports greenbacks, not green nature
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Still waiting for one of these hit pieces to actually compare steins policies, activist record, financial portfolio to Harris. This one seems to be she didn’t show up to our climate protest, but neither did Harris, and that she has a retirement account with fossil fuel shares in it like Harris and nearly every other American with a retirement account.
If the dems want to win over green party supporters and win the election they need to give them some reason to support her. Or they could just keep scolding there supporters , calling them naive and dumb while calling there candidate unserious , cause that worked out so well with Trump supporters in 2016.
, calling them naive and dumb while calling there candidate unserious , cause that worked out so well with Trump supporters in 2016.
So, you’re saying you’re as stupid as Trump supporters?
That may sound harsh, but those are your own words.
That’s not what I said, I said democrats are treating stein supporters like they did Trump supporters in 2016. Thanks for showcasing that by just calling them dumb without putting forward anything positive about the Harris campaign.
I also didn’t say I voted for stein, if I was in a state that mattered I’d hold my nose and vote for Harris because I know Trump will be far worse. I want Harris to win I’m just mad that she’s making the same mistakes Hillary made in 2016 and is making this race way closer then it needs to be.
Anyone who has taken even the most superficial look at Trump’s record and isn’t voting for any opposition must be an idiot.
I have the advantage of living in New York, where we got to watch him embarrass himself for decades before taking the national stage.
He was fined for employing illegal immigrants from Poland when he was building Trump Tower.
He was fined for discriminatory actions in his Queens’ rentals.
He refused to pay off dozens of small companies in Atlantic City, driving many of them into bankruptcy.
Any one of those should be enough to disqualify him, but somehow it’s just not enough.
This one seems to be she didn’t show up to our climate protest, but neither did Harris, and that she has a retirement account with fossil fuel shares in it like Harris and nearly every other American with a retirement account.
If you’re the Presidential candidate for the Environmental Party I feel like it’s the epitome of practicing what you preach. She and her husband having investments in oil is significant when your entire political position is antithetical to big oil. Accepting donations from Republican donor companies like Home Depot, and having multiple different politicians specifically say the Green Party is meant to siphon votes from the Democratic party.
If the Green party cared, it would be appealing to both moderates in their party. They do not. If the Green party cared, they would do more in between election years and fight for political positions beyond council members and mayors (4 total btw).
And if the Green Party cared, they would post a candidate who actually believed in what the party stood for by following the convictions of the Green Party and not having investments in big oil. And maybe one who had support in Congress to actually pass policy.
Edit: Their candidates are all you need to know, too. Kyrsten Simena was a Green Party member, who also was happy taking donations and making investments in oil companies. It’s a pattern.
On some level it’s reasonable to say that you own shares in a mutual fund, not shares in the individual companies.
But the other side of that is that you can fairly easily see what the mutual fund is doing, and copy it, without the problematic companies. Yes, it will be less profitable, but you can do it, and you can do it without too much difficulty when you’re talking about millions of dollars in investments. So it seems, I dunno, weak to say that you can’t divest your own personal investments from these things. Plus, I’m pretty sure that there are at least a handful of mutual funds that entirely avoid those kind of companies in order to attract ethical investors.
Or they could just keep scolding there supporters , calling them naive and dumb
What imaginary part of the Harris/Walz campaign does that come from?
Also, they’re taking trump very serious. They say “Listen to him and take him serious”
I think you may have misunderstood, I’m talking about there campaign for green supporters, not Trump supporters. They thankfully have learned a bit since 2016 and aren’t just dismissing potential Trump supporters and have made overtures to them like copying his immigration stance. They are dismissing green supporters and have offered them very little while constantly bashing stein and any one who supports her as unserious and naive.
I don’t know anything about their politics. Mainly because they don’t do any and just show up every four years to spoil the result.
Vote for them, I won’t blame you. I got to wonder about your intentions though, and I think that’s fair game.
I’m a supporter of the greens in Europe, and they advise against her, on top of compromising pictures with her and dictators.
I didn’t vote for them, I voted for another third party candidate whose less cozy with putin since I live in California and due to our fucked up electoral system my vote for president doesn’t matter. If I was voting in a state that mattered I’d vote for Harris for harm reduction. I’m just tired of all the people on here blaming stein for Harris lack of support among progressives and Arabs instead of Harris for running a campaign that alienated them.
Their politics are the same as all the other green parties, actually address the climate crisis, defund the military and end forever wars, and implement some basic social democracy like single payer Healthcare. They can’t do any of this because they can’t get into power due to the electoral system, but that’s not there fault.
What are they supposed to do in between elections? The only time people care about politics and the only time it matters is during elections. Trying to build the party in off years is mostly a waste of time since people will just ignore you or forget about you by the time the election comes around.
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I hope it wasn’t the socialist party. Their program reminds me of the original program of the NSDAP so much.
Nah, I’m not a tankie, I wrote in west.
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The Democrats have actually passed major new policies, with Harris casting the tiebreaking vote for the Inflation Reduction Act:
It’s not yet enough, but they’ve made over a hundred policy changes in addition
By contrast, the Trump administration went out of their way to roll back as many environmental protections as possible.
Given that choice, it’s worth looking at how Stein can operate as a spoiler:
Scenario 1:
Harris: 1001 votes
Trump: 1000 votes
Stein: 0 votes
Harris wins
Scenario 2:
Harris: 1000 votes
Trump: 1000 votes
Stein: 1 vote
Tied vote, which goes to the courts and Congress, putting Trump in power
Scenario 3:
Harris: 999 votes
Trump: 1000 votes
Stein: 2 votes
Trump wins outright
This spoiler effect makes it really imperative to actively vote for Harris if you want to see any kind of climate action going forward. Republicans know this, which is why they’re the ones funding the Green Party.
It’s bad enough that the European green parties have asked her to step down.
Appears cross posted from Reddit where you’ll see tons more anti-green propaganda: https://www.reddit.com/r/climate/comments/1gimm7x/im_an_environmentalist_thats_why_i_cant_vote_green/
The green party is not a party for good. Jill Stein has no intention of trying to further the supposed goals of the green party.
Their intention - admitted to, on microphone, at an event, by their own people - is purely to give trump the presidency.
The green party is dogshit.
What??? When did that happen? Source?
Weeks ago.
A quote from Sawant at the Stein rally:
We are not in a position to win the White House, but we do have a real opportunity to win something historic. We could deny Kamala Harris the state of Michigan. And the polls show that most likely Harris cannot win the election without Michigan.
Edit: forgot to.drop some links for you. Here you go:
In her own words, the so-called socialist who is hoping for a trump win: https://www.workersstrikeback.org/news-analysis/kshama-sawant-speech-10-15
So not Stein. I think your comment is worded somewhat misleadingly but alright.
Not what I said.
I said by their own people on microphone at their own event. I think maybe you misread, its not at all misleading.
It appears the group Abandon Harris has said these things, not the Green Party. Am I not understanding something?
She was the opener for Green at her MI rally.
She is part of it, at a Green event. Her being the founder of her own party that had a short stint as a city council member does not change who she was there for, both party and candidate.
Here is the actual Abandon Harris rally if people want to watch it:
To borrow the words of Michael Moore:
- “They’re [arabs] in horrible grief right now. And they’re saddled with this awful predicament. And their conscious is not allowing them to put an ‘X’ next to the woman who has killed their family.”
- “Boy it takes a lot nerve for white people to say that they know better ‘they don’t understand that Trump’s going to be a lot worse for the Arab Americans’… Shut the fuck up.”
- “These are people that have lost relatives. These are people that have lost members of their community. They’ve been killed by me. Not just Netanyahu. Our tax dollars pay for every god damn bullet and bomb. Every carpet bombing of Gaza you’ve funded it. I’ve funded it.”
- https://youtu.be/ow6jrG6ayJY
- This was a Jill Stein rally
- This speech was to intro Stein
- This speech would have been reviewed, just like a certain comedian at MSG.
- Stein agrees with and supports the speech tacitly
You’re just apologizing for the Green Party while being OK with them working to get Trump in, who will literally ramp up the genocide.
Pure garbage.
So not Jill stein, and not an official in the green party. Further down there a quote from a kamala supporter that sums this up better:
“So she’s in trouble in Michigan, and it’s not because of Abandon Biden,” Zogby said. “It’s because Democrats abandoned Arab Americans. They stopped talking to them.”
The democrats took the Arab vote for granted in Michigan and are suffering the consequences and instead of changing there policies or accept that there policies are alienating voters and move on they just blame stein and pretend she’s pulling away potential Kamala voters from the camp, when in reality those people had already left the camp after being ignored and were just not going to vote for either.
A Jill Stein event, in a speech by a Stein supporter introducing Stein.
Too bad, this is Green. They are not a party of progressives.
I guess this is the source:
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lmao. two comments in a row that are off mark.
I hardly think Stein in Pro-Hamas. But Stein is also a Russian tool made to weaken US democracy by getting Trump elected.
If you find yourself on the same side of discussion as a genocide denying fascist, you might want to stop and reexamine your views.