I put shit in my mouth that would probably appall most of you. This is so far beyond the pale I haven’t words.
One day my toddler reached in the trash and jammed a fistful of chicken fat in her gob. Of all the nasty shit that child did, that was the one that almost made me puke.
Nobody made you post that
My kid took a bite out of raw chicken that we had marinating in the fridge for dinner. He was old enough to know better. I was disgusted, appalled, worried, and angry. I also couldn’t help but wonder if I was unknowingly starving my kid, or if he was literally retarded. Thankfully he didn’t get food poisoning.
You addressed the food poisoning question, but left many others unanswered.
deleted by creator
Ah, those are raw chicken legs?
I first thought those are some sweet things and wasn’t sure what’s wrong with the picture
I thought they were those giant marshmallows you can get until I looked closer. I prefer my theory over reality.
Man just trying to hit his macros
Honestly, I’ve been chasing macros for a month and a half now, and I can almost get in the headspace of this guy.
It’s been a big change in how I eat, and in what I cram down my gullet. Thankfully, I’m taking a long view approach to this, rather than just looking at a number and doing what I can to hit it. Instead of eating 6 chicken breast every day for the rest of my life, I’m learning meal prep, and cooking things that actually sound good and support the overall objective of my protein and carbs intake targets
Naked Pea Protein (unflavored) is the best damned supplement I’ve found. Just FYI in case you need a little extra help.
Pea protein is usually blended with rice protein to make a complete protein. Pea protein on its own isn’t complete.
It still has amino acids, just not in the quantities required to be considered complete. But if you’re supplementing a couple times per day, and still eating well, then its a great option. I added 25 pounds of lean muscle in about 9 months using pea protein as my primary supplement, and Think bars as secondary. I tried to only eat the Think bars when I was pressed for time, or on the go, since they’re kind of high in fat.
Damn bro, that’s insane growth. 25lbs of lean mass in 9 months is what I’d expect from someone who’s heavily juiced up and training/eating optimally. There’s no way that whatever you’ve got going on is applicable to the average person.
Really? 2.5 pounds per month is pretty average to my understanding if someone’s sticking with a legit program, eating well, and getting enough rest. I have a high metabolism, so I basically force feed myself when I’m working on gaining. I was doing the Phrak’s Greyskull AMRAP program. There’s a lot of leg work, which accounted for a hefty portion of the weight. I’ve always felt like I’m a hard gainer. My best friend puts on muscle just by looking at weights, and it makes me sick. LOL. I’m happy to hear that you think my results were awesome. Thank you! Oh, it wasn’t my first, or even second time putting muscle back on, so that’s probably the difference. I was gaining muscle I already had previously.
Holy shit! What the fuck? Gah! I just got salmonella looking at this picture.
One time, a friend who was very into barbecue came over and seasoned some raw chicken in my kitchen before I put it on the grill. When he was done, he sucked the spices off of his fingers, one by one, before washing his hands of the chicken juices.
I realize that’s not as egregious as this picture, but the man was a medical professional.
Chicken came out pretty well, though.
edit: fix typo.
That’s fuckin nass, man! Blech!
is that salmonella to go?
Professional chefs worry about this trick
“This isn’t what I was thinking when you told me you like it raw…”
That is not very healthy. But I do respect the commitment to the B.A.R.F. diet on display.
Why is the escalator smooth? It doesn’t look like a moving walkway, it’s at an angle…
It’s so you can use carts on them. They have magnets on them to lock them down
isn’t it rather the wheels of the trolley that gets trapped in the gaps between metal stripes?
Yeah definitely, magnets would probably not work as expected here
That’s a tralalator, and it’s angled. It is what it is.
Exit: hahaha, tralalator, one of my best typos!Resolution, misleading perspective from above, ai, an open area beside the walkway. Got me, but it’s definitely a moving walkway
“Yes, I’ll have the chicken, rare.”
Reminds me of the poster on 4chan’s fitness board who ate nothing but raw minced pork.