Mumbo’s Hut
Bass-boosted and punch it!
Your welcome
Virtually any Shpongle track.
Two Bonobo tracks have really been catching me lately. Stay the same and Shadow.
Aenema by Tool gets me in the groove.
I prefer Puscifer to Tool, and I can’t explain why. Queen B, Momma Sed, and Drunk with Power are soooo good.
I should give them another go. My half assed research involved googling them and listening to some snippets of songs. None of them really grabbed me, so I didn’t dig much deeper.
I’ll look up what you mentioned. Thanks!
It’s my favorite stuff Maynard did! Though there are some bangin Tool songs. Puscifer’s newer stuff doesn’t hit with me, but their first couple albums are amazing. V/Vagina and Conditions of my Parole are sick.
Maggot Brain by Funkadelic is life altering
I was gonna say Cosmic Slop, especially their Houston 1976 live version. But Maggot Brain is awsome too.
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Hell yes. Trip-hop in general.
Anything by Shpongle, but here’s a good album to put on! Nothing Lasts… But Nothing is Lost. Fantastic psychedelic trance music with influence from world music.
+1 for anything Shpongle related. When I’m at a 9, The Seventh Revelation makes me feel like I’m tripping
Followed by the rest of his discography.
Then take a dive into Culprate Deliverance and αριθμός τέσσερα (Number Four) albums.
I love Acid Rain so much! Not that I don’t like other stuff by Lorn, but I wish I could find other music like that song in particular. The closest I’ve found is amphetamine by mnqn
Yeh I know what you mean, acid rain is somewhat unique even within Lorns catalogue. It just has a different kind of feel and unfortunstely I can’t offer anything else really.
Dolor has some similar stuff here and there and did an EP with Lorn which is good stuff but it still isnt Acid Rain xD
I love “weigh me down”:
Yeh, definitely up there with my favourites too!
Definitely my favorite Lorn, that and Sega Sunset
I’m pretty partial to a bit of 555-5555 but I dont think I dislike any of his work tbh!
Sleep - Sonic Titan. Put some headphones on and listen to the incredible bass lines.
Or anything else in their discography really
I dunno but now I wanna hear “Bitchin’ Camero” by The Dead Milkmen
Get hella ripped
Put on noise cancelling headphones
Turn off the lights
Put on Pink Floyd at maximum volume. Doesn’t even matter what album. It will be amazing.
My problem with this is ive listened to pink floyd my whole life. I’ve been told how amazing it is but have never experienced something that everyone else experiences.
It’s like someone telling me they believe in ghosts because of an experience they have had that i haven’t and then telling me the story of their experience. Great story, but needs that experience to make it real.
So Floyd is an obvious suggestion, and that is not in any way meant to deter anyone from seeking it, but is one that is potentially problematic if it has been over hyped before you experience it in an shattered state of mind.
As a came to it in middle age fledgling stoner i feel the closest i can get to a stoned floyd experience that other people seem to be able to have, only really happens for me with finding something new that im not already familiar with, or at least that i dont have a long history with built up expectations. But not having had that stoned Floyd experience I’ve heard so much about, i could be way off if my amazing experiences with other music aren’t the same type of experience.
(Like we can all share experiences about a type of food, like spaghetti as an example, we can collectively recognize the spaghetti experience but ill never find my mom s spaghetti anywhere other than my mom’s table, even if i follow her recipe, even if the only detectable difference is that i know she didn’t make it, it won’t be the same experience)
But i think the pursuit of that experience even if you don’t find it is still awesome. And here is a picture of me trying to have that experience with a couple extra steps: outside in a hammock with a “cosmic” laser projector pointed at a patio cover. Highly recommend
Edit: spelling. Also shattered was meant to be altered but left it as is because it was a fun error that i liked
Transcendental Cha Cha Cha, makes you feel high, while sober.
The rhythm isn’t hard to find, and the big atmospheric blooms will send you flying.
Up Top by Busty and the Bass is a great one if you’re looking for some tasty bass.
Captain Hook by Vulfpeck is also a favorite.
Ocean by John Butler. It aligns the cells of my brain.
I also put as many of these as I could on a playlist.
Arcadia by Goose. It’s like a kaleidoscope.