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Destiny literally said he was pro-genocide of Palestinian people yet I doubt there will be articles about that.
That’s the accepted position in America
They don’t usually say it out loud though. This is the exact quote:
“It sounds shitty” it sounds misanthropic and awful. Shitty doesn’t cut the mustard. It’s a horrible opinion to have and only a mollycoddled dipshit could have it. You wanna see white privilege in action? It’s not a microaggression. It’s this kinda shit right fucking here.
This is the kind of opinion really sheltered people get to have; if they traveled beyond Western countries, and especially to places we designated as ‘hostile’, or ‘the enemy’, they’d realize it’s more than their opinion that’s shitty, it’s them being shitty.
Anthony Bourdain traveled to the kinds of countries Destiny would hate (like Iran) and he didn’t come away with the impression that they should be genocided. Also he traveled to the West bank:
It’s a shame he didn’t sit and speak with a Palestinian family, but honestly they probably wouldn’t have been safe from the fallout (and who’s going to do anything about the people/forces that come after them? The international community?)
Also, um, I believe the Palestinian people should have a homeland. A state to call their own. Idk, maybe texas? No people live in Texas, and parts of it have a similar climate so their culture won’t have to adapt too much.
A land without a people for a people without a land. New Palestine has the right to defend itself from those dirty Texan terrorists. I mean really, had anyone even heard of a “Texan” before this. They’re Americans, they should just go live in one of the other American states
I would argue that they’re vermin, and the world would be an objectively better place for their absence. What have Texans given the world but climate change and bigotry? The Palestinian people would be doing us a service if they took out the trash for us.
Agreed. Its really all about culture. Palestinians are prosperous now because of their industrious culture, while Texans like living in gutters and blowing things up,_Texas
So really its natural Palestinian territory. It’s always been their land.
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oh, the gusano who says racial slurs and wears blackface has a horrific opinion?
He’s a diagnosed sociopath, so his reaction makes sense
I am begging Mr. Gorbachevi to read a single book
The only thing that racist freak/loser will do is recite wikipedia and talk over obnoxiously.
Fucking always hated sweatstiny
Sure, yeah, take this bastards house and a Palestinian family can live there. It clearly doesn’t deserve to sleep inside or breathe. Holy shit.
Did he say that on twitch? Folks should go find that clip and spam report it
Destiny streams on Kick now, he was permabanned from Twitch ever since he
CW: reference to self-harm
mocked Keffals for trans suicide rates.
IIRC that was back when Keffals still called herself a communist
Destiny streams on the pedo Nazi platform?
Oh okay. So at least Twitch already handled that nerd.
There definitely won’t be, since Fox’s content for this article came from a compilation commissioned by a Destiny orbiter
Thank you, this is the EK-Fox connection; both are getting their info from destiny fans
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When the empire does violence, it’s good.
When the oppressed do violence, it’s terrorism.
That’s status quo, so it doesn’t need to be examined at all. Also, status quo violence isn’t actually violence.
He gets more pushback for his anti-Redpill content
Okay but thats just sensible right?
(Is there a lemkin emote?)