“No”, then.
Can Earth support a human future? Maybe, if we kill more rich people.
Well thats an interesting idea: how many more people can the earth support for each billionaire
You have to redistribute that wealth with socialism, killing the people who currently possess it will just create new billionaires, it won’t solve the problem.
You can have redistribution without socialism. There was a modest amount of redistribution even under Eisenhower.
Can Earth Support a Human Future? Maybe, If the Rich
Consume Lessgets consumedFTFY
Given their diet. Pretty sure that would increase methane production.
Socialism is the only answer.
So no
only if you don’t believe in guillotines.
Is the guillotine in the room with us right now?
To be clear, I support an “Eat The Rich” global policy.
the rich are the only dangerous minority
Instead of waiting for them to break their 400th consecutive pinky promise to consume less, how about No More Rich?
Time to reset the initial conditions, and this time, make sure there are safeguards to prevent this level of inequality happening again.
we need to consume the rich. There’s no other way
I reckon Earth probably can support an ant future for quite a bit longer than apes.
Refreshing to not see any comments about “You are part of the global top 1%” from people with no understanding of math.
Bring back sumptuary laws!
The Earth only can survive with Humans with Humanity, it’s not only the rich, it’s ignorance, stupidity, fanatism and greed the problem. It’s all the stupid people which vote for those which give power to the rich (MAGA rednecks, fascists, flat earther, anti-vax, influencers “Climate change is a Hoax”, buyed media fom these people with fake news, etc.)
Voting for Democrats is also voting for those that give power to the rich. But this must be looked at in the larger context of the U.S. political system, which shows that it’s not a problem of voters but of the essence of the state itself.
All of the issues in your analysis were explained over a century ago: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/
Yes US is different, because it isn’t a real Democracy, with 2 Partys, one conservative neoliberal and other extreme right wing christo-fascists.
It’s all the stupid people which vote for those which give power to the rich (MAGA rednecks
Clearly you weren’t talking ab the U.S. or implying the legitimacy of U.S. democracy.
Society developed the tools to manipulate humans based on common errs we make, and so of course the logical end-point is the continued control of those already in power. We’ve also deprived the vast majority of people from the tools for counteracting common mistakes, behind paywalls, time theft, and esoteric elitist language. By this, we’ve kept the means of inoculating ourselves against control out of reach.
The rich directly define how this world by who they lobby, what charities they fund or deprive, and what they make their news outlets pedal. They are the reason for ignorance, stupidity, and fanaticism.
First we must educate others in order to inoculate them. Then we must organize to wrench our power back to ourselves and away from the elite.
It is clear that in a cultured and informed people these policies cannot subsist, which is why they do everything in their power, helped for centuries by the church and today by related information media, study plans, etc. to keep the people ignorant, obedient and submissive. But this only shows that it cannot be solved with “eat the rich”, this would be simplifying this too much, it is this whole system that puts people in a spiral that is already very difficult to undo, until a bad awakening occurs, but then it’s late.