“It’s just a think tank bro” “its just a few people who want this” “trump won’t let them push it through”
Wait until veterans lose their benefits. Sorry for them if they voted for Harris, but when the rest lose all support, I’ll be watching Leopard Vision as they try to figure out how to turn a yellow flag into bandages for their pressure sores.
My favorite is all the seniors that voted for him, that will go homeless because they lose their benefits and the alienated their children.
Unless they live in a state with filial responsibility laws, in which case the parents will take all the kids’ money anyways.
Ehhh, those laws aren’t that binding. And if the parent doesn’t know where the child lives, it’ll be entirely impossible to find them. It’s not like they’re going to set up government agencies to hunt down thousands of children for some broke ass old folks.
“Trump didn’t know about it” “Trump doesn’t know about it” “Trump won’t allow this” “Trump has said he disavow Project 2025 huhuhuhuhu”
And lo and behold, he’s already appointed at least 4 or 5 or so members that are directly linked to Project 2025, including the chief if I understand.
But the argument isn’t that the writers weren’t serious, the argument is that they won’t be able to do it because Trump isn’t on board with it.
People thinking so are still wrong of course, but nobody is claiming it was a “joke” like the image implies.
It’s 920 pages. Trump can barely read and gets bored after one page of security briefings. He will just rubberstamp everything as long as he gets told that people will love him for it / that he gets a lot of money out of it personally. He’s incredibly lazy and also clearly in mental decline. Vance will be the actual guy doing the work, and he in turn will get his orders from Thiel, Musk and Putin (and other billionaires that buy themselves into the inner circle).
page 3 probably reads ‘25th amendment trump and replace him with an actual christian’ - and he wouldn’t know because he doesn’t read shit.
I mean, Marx kinda did
Except it was more like 50 pages
Sure, but the people who need to see this message are the ones who fell all over themselves to vote for the convicted felon on pre-sentencing release who tried to overthrow the government after the last election.
Asking them to form a sensible opinion based on hundreds of pages describing how they’re going to fuck over anybody who isn’t a rich white man — it just feels orders of magnitude more complicated and subtle than whether it makes sense to vote for the criminal who has betrayed the country and insulted service members multiple times.
Well, there was this long very boring weekend, and there was nothing on the telly, see… and the word processor was right there, right next to the bottle of sherry and one thing led to another…
No, that doesn’t work…
Have you tried adding Ambien?
The reality is the wrote up everything they thought some conservatives might want… and took it to the extreme. It is more of a menu, than anything. Trump will do whatever is best for him, whether it is in the plan or not. He doesn’t care one way or the other.
Okay. I’m just going to say it.
Project 2025 isn’t the first of its kind. It probably won’t be the last. The organization behind it has been making these “project” documents for pretty much every presidential term.
The key difference here is that Trump’s campaign all but said, out loud, with conviction, that they were going to implement it.
Or maybe they bluntly said it during their campaign, IDK, I’m not American and I’m only sort of paying attention. The group is a bunch of fascist, far-right types that should be stomped out of existence. IMO, they’re a few hoods and cross burnings away from being the KKK. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s significant overlap in membership between the two groups.
Congrats for electing those that would implement fascist and Zionist rules. GL. YF.
I man, i forgot about God.
Who hasn’t typed out a lengthy response to a comment only to be like “Fuck it” and delete everything.
We really should be giving those corpse fuckers at Heritage Foundation a pass. Maybe after typing out the Nercomanicon, these mung drinkers won’t follow through with their grand plan. Especially when these lovers of a rotten corpse control all three levels of government.
Nobody writes a 920 page manifesto and then at the very end says “Just Kidding!”
Mass shooters write massive manifestos all the time and nobody takes them seriously. Just because someone writes a manifesto doesn’t mean jack shit will happen with it.
Do they also write 920 pages of manifesto in the form of instructions with no intention of putting themselves at risk? A weeeeee bit of false equivalence there.
People risk their lives pointlessly all the time. Just look at anyone fighting for Ukraine. At the end of the day, Russia still has nukes, and Ukraine does not.
ml moment
Reality moment
Sorry, but I fail to see how we can categorize a mass shooting as “Jack shit happening”. I would actually say that mass shooters are an example that strongly supports OPs sentiment that people who write huge manifestos tend to take action. Maybe they don’t achieve all the lofty goals set out in said manifesto, but that seems like it would be small comfort to the people who got shot.
There appears to be a miscommunication. The event/s that they perform happen, but the vision they see for society changing according to their manifesto based on their actions never comes to fruition. They might shoot a bunch of people, but jack shit changes because of it. At the end of the day, it’s basically just weather in the USA.
That’s because those mass shooters don’t have the power to make those changes. The “people” who wrote project 2025 are being given that power.
Nothing that can be done about that through the two-party system. Republicans will always make things worse while Democrats will never make anything better.
So the unabomber was just a prankster were some “pranks” went wrong?
Besides killing people, what fundamentally changed because of the Unabomber? What effect did the Unabomber actually have on society besides adding a new high statistic?
Unabomber thought his mainfesto was important enough for the public to see, he resorted to terrorism to gain attention.
But im not sure what your expecting from a mentally unstable CIA project would do to change society. While the p2025 is a mainfesto for the most powerful people that absolutely can make changes.
Project 2025 is a great boogeyman: an outline of a plan by The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
People see it and somehow think there’s some grand unified conspiracy to enact it. At the end of the day it is no more or less than a list of goals by a think tank. Worrying about it assumes people in power give a shit about the heritage foundation and/or agree with it, as if Donald Trump gives a shit what anyone besides Donald Trump thinks.
When any action is taken it’s worthwhile to ask who benefits by it? Who benefits by stoking fear about some shitty essay by bowtie perverts and suit fetishists? The answer is always the Democratic Party, a useless organization that managed to be paid $1.5 billion dollars (and still end up in debt) to lose what should have been the easiest election win in history. Boy I sure wish I could be paid $1.5B by a bunch of dumbasses to be that big a fuck up.
It isn’t a conspiracy to enact it, several politicians with the power to influence policy have said they will implement it. This isn’t some secret document conspiracy theorists are blowing up, this is real policy guidelines.
Trump is a brain dead puppet that will rubberstamp anything put in front of him. All they have to do is convince him itll make him popular on tv. Its not really hard. And facism benefits a lot of people… why do you think it’s repeatedly tried?
If it’s that easy than lots of people with all kinds of agendas will try it.
They have been trying… lets hope they failed again… but it aint looking that way.
Do the mass shooters then hire the same people that helped them write the manifesto? You know, to shoot more people or run the government or something?
They’ve started off as such a clusterfuck I feel Project 2025 may well fall into an unrealized manifesto.
Despite being far better prepared, his minions still have to fight their way through his know-it-all, do-as-I-say attitude.