Hello. It’s hugely annoying to look at “community information” and find just an in-joke that won’t make sense to most people, and no explanation of what this community is about. I’m sure that’s fine for those already initiated, but I still don’t know what “risa” means!
Don’t worry, I also know you don’t care that outsiders are kept out-of-the-loop and maybe even want to keep them out…? Well, that’s fine; it’s your community, but just a reminder that the casual browser will probably filter this community after several spammed posts that don’t even clarify where their interests lie…
EDIT: Don’t worry, I’m gone, and I’ve turned off reply notifications… I have even watched Star Trek! But don’t fret, your caustic and hostile replies have ensured you’re safe from the curiosity of myself and others, they won’t bother you any more! Enjoy your gatekeeping…
c/All browser here and not a subscriber of this community. But as a fan of Star Trek, I find this post pretty hilarious. Especially as Risa is part of at least four of the shows, at least one movie, several books, multiple games, RPG manuals, and more.
I imagine a hypothetical tatooine@starwars.website where the community posts nothing but pictures of sand with titles like “The beautiful view from my apartment” and someone dropping into that community to complain “what even is a tatooine!? all i can see is brown. why are you alienating non-starwars fans?”
Or football@sport.website “Why is everyone running after spheres? Who are all these people? Why don’t you explain what a football are in your sidebar? Why are you alienating people who don’t have feet spheres?”
Not everything on the internet is for you or required to cater to you. Rather than share negativity, simply try tapping on a different hyperlink instead and find something that is for you.
What’s star track?
It’s like Rainbow Road, but made of stars
My God! It’s full of stars!
Thank you for posting an actual answer. I’m a casual Star Trek fan and haven’t seen any Risa episodes so I had no clue wtf was going on lol
It’s a resort or vacation world that’s famous / infamous for its very, uhm, welcoming and open population. Also they have a weather control matrix, making the weather always perfect.
Put it this way, Commander William Riker was a huge fan.
Who trolls Risa of all places, lol. This is the only meme community I haven’t just blocked because it’s so high quality.
We’re Risa, that’s impossible!
Also, thank you for the compliments!
attention seeking whores maybe
Just google it if you don’t understand lol. Not that hard
If you don’t understand the references you wouldn’t find the jokes funny anyways
Edit: the gif is just a joke people
You’re alienating people. Again, that’s your right, but don’t you think “Community Information” should contain information about your community…?
For the record, I have enjoyed many posts from Star Trek communities, but it’s annoying that I don’t know what this one is about and absolutely nothing is provided…
The instance sidebar has a fairly concise description of each community hosted here.
Star Trek memes and shitposts
What could that possibly mean??
Who could ever know, it’s not like that’s what every single thing in this community is
If I went to a French community and was confused cuz they were speaking French I wouldn’t start complaining that they’re alienating people lol
I was also kinda joking with the gif if that’s what bothered you
Hello! FYI, I am not bothered by your gif. If I went to a French community it would… be in French, would it not? Including the “Community Information” sidebar? That’s more information than I’ve found here, without seeking it out…
I think that’s the difference. Y’all seem to start with the assumption that everyone knows what risa is, go out of your way to not explain it, then act hostile to the casual folks curious about it (like me). These other comments are very clear about that last point. So enjoy your obfuscated gatekeeping…
You seem incredibly determined to play victim here, holy shit lmfao
this whole thing is honestly hilarious to me
Excuse me, I feel excluded, did nobody think to activate my mobile emitter for this thread?
Sorry Doctor, Neelix made mac n cheese again and your mobile emitter exploded; we had to time travel to go get a new one
I’m not even a member of this community, though I do like star trek, and I’m just so confused by this person!
yeah they’re goofy, the rest of us are cool you should come check it out
man didn’t even look at the sidebar, much less google anything
but iM bEiNg gAtEkEpT wAaAaA
Oh look it’s a space Karen
I mean they might be Kai Winn for all we know 😄
OP must be a Romulan. Only a Romulan could be this hostile and ignorant.
Or one of Worf’s alts. Dude is a real party-pooper
What is it about “Star trek memes and shitposts” you’re incapable of understanding? Can you not google “star trek risa” to see where the name comes from? Why are you all up in here trying to play the victim like everyone’s out to get you, when you’re determined to live in the ignorance a 2 second google spree and reading comprehension could solve?
(Anecdotally,) I’ve noticed over the last couple years that people both on reddit and here keep asking easily googleable questions with simple, set answers. I don’t remember it being like this before 2020, or I just wasn’t bothered by it at all
Considering Let me Google that for you has been around since 2010, it’s always been like this. People are lazy
I solved this for myself by googling Risa. It wasn’t difficult and I didn’t have to complain to anyone, or declare that I was leaving and never coming back or whatever.
yeah I think they just wanna complain, especially since this is in the sidebar where they claimed to have looked:
Nice drama bait you got there, it sure would be a shame if someone were to post ghost sex in it.
The ultimate counter haha
Hi OP.
here is the answer.
It was first found in the episode Captain’s Holiday
The Plot of Captain’s Holiday:
Strongly pressured by the crew of the Enterprise, Captain Picard reluctantly agrees to take a vacation on Risa, a pleasure planet. Shortly after he arrives, he is kissed by a woman he has never met, in her attempt to fend off a Ferengi named Sovak. Sovak accuses Picard of conspiring with the woman, Vash, who has in her possession a data disc that he wants. Picard has no interest in the quarrel and returns to his room to discover two “Vorgons” who identify themselves as time-traveling police agents from the 27th century, searching for a powerful weapon called the Tox Uthat capable of stopping the fusion reactions of a star. The 27th-century scientist who invented it traveled back in time to hide it. According to their historical records, Picard will locate this object on Risa.
Picard confronts Vash about the Tox Uthat. She claims to be the former assistant of an archaeologist who discovered the location of the Uthat, gave her the disc for safekeeping, and died. Picard and Vash use the information on the disc to determine the Uthat’s hiding place. When they arrive at the location where the Uthat is buried, the Vorgons appear to witness the discovery of the Uthat. Sovak then arrives with a phaser rifle and has Picard and Vash excavate the site at gunpoint for hours. However, the Uthat is not there. The Vorgons leave, confused because this doesn’t line up with their historical record. Sovak, in his obsession, refuses to believe that the Uthat isn’t there, throws away the rifle, and starts digging while Vash and Picard return to the resort.
After their arrival, the Enterprise returns to pick up Picard. He catches Vash attempting to sneak away from the resort and surmises that she arrived days earlier, located the Uthat, and devised a ruse to fool Sovak into thinking the Uthat was lost. She reveals the hidden Uthat and the Vorgons reappear, demanding it. When Vash suggests that the Vorgons may have ulterior motives, Picard has the Enterprise use the transporter to destroy it. The disappointed Vorgons reveal that Picard has acted just as their records said by destroying the Uthat, admit defeat, and leave. Vash and Picard have a final intimate exchange before they say goodbye to each other.
Poetic … an Inquiring Traveller asks what Risa is … followers of Risa appear and tell the lost Inquiring Traveller that they already know the answer … the Inquiring Traveller is confused and upset by the response … an antagonistic story follows where characters fight over the details and explanations … the followers of Risa watch the Inquiring Traveller as they stumble around looking for answers … the Inquiring Traveller finds the answer to the question and dismisses it
The followers of Risa: … that is what we expected of you … you have found the answer
Because it is so clear it takes a long time to realize it. If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked a long time ago.
If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked a long time ago.
Wait a minute, that’s not star trek!
Filter it then. No one is stopping you.
You could have scrolled past this thread and ignored it as well as you had nothing of value to add to the discussion…instead you chose to post gatekeeping bullshit.
Would Picard be proud of you now?
I’m really more of a Gowron fan. As for Gatekeeping, who stands in your way?
Glory to you, AND YOUR GATE
Same thing happened to me. I realized it was trek memes. Didn’t understand the relevance of Risa. Googled on memory alpha and found out. Had a good laugh at the joke as it were. Understood why there was no written out explanation of the naming. It’s part of the spirit and injokeness of the place.
The reason people are antagonistic is because it’s all coming across a bit entitled.
It’s just trek memes. Chill. You’re going to be ok man.
This time on: Loser can’t use google, claims community is alienating users.
Hi @Empricorn@feddit.nl. It’s a comedy meme sub related to Star Trek.
I want to see them pull this on Star Trek shitposting on FB.
Go watch TNG. All of TNG
That is not an answer.
That is just more of the same gate keeping Bullshit.
Would Picard be proud of you now?
Picard would just google “risa” instead of complaining about the fact that a star trek community on an instance with the domain “STARTREK.website” is making star trek jokes you don’t understand
Show me the episode where when someone asked for help he said, screw that, work it out for yourself.
He helped when someone was legitimately struggling, but you aren’t legitimately struggling. You either just have a world record for laziness, since googling risa takes a grand total of 15 seconds, or more likely you just want to complain, since you spent the time to make a post and to continue to argue
Would Picard be proud of you recycling the same comments over and over? We all know you’re OP’s alt lol
Would Picard act like you?
Yes., he often got angry and gave a verbal dressing down to those who were acting like pricks.
Maybe you should Go watch TNG. All of TNG as you don’t seem to have learned much from it.
I don’t recall him snapping off at the slightest notion. Sure at the drumhead or other opportunities he stood by his own morals, but I don’t really recall him taking liberties just cause… certainly not because of a simple disagreement.
Bro Picard didn’t get angry, that was kinda part of his whole deal
Maybe you should rewatch TNG since you wern’t paying attention to most of the episodes apparently
Maybe a better comparison is Picard vs Sisko. Picard gave infinite patience to Q, Sisko punched Q in the face.
and Sisko was normally pretty calm and collected
“Old man”
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