On an unrelated note, suddenly, boomers care about affordable housing for no apparent reason.
For them. Everyone else needs to use their bootstraps.
Suddenly boomers believe in a massive increase to social security taxes to pay for them.
I look forward to watching them die off.
That’s a hell of a lot of hate to admit to online.
I’m not saying dude’s right (not saying he’s wrong, either, mind), but Boomers have been trying to choke out everyone outside of their cohort (and a significant chunk of those in their cohort, for that matter) for decades. The sooner they’re out of the way, the sooner the rest of us can start picking up the pieces they’ve left us.
These people haven’t just hated me my entire life for being an atheist, pro LGBT, non racist, but they’ve actively done everything possible to destroy the world for everyone in it. Zero sympathy from me.
Ageist comments are weirdly popular on lemmy. Why is ageism encouraged when sexism and racism are not?
Disclaimer: These are obviously over generalizations and don’t match all individuals.
Because it’s not the age people are against, it’s the generation. The boomer generation had some of the most prosperous years in American history and wasted them. The general idea is you’re supposed to make the world a better place for the people that come next, and they did the opposite. They cut social systems, defunded education, let public transportation die, outsourced everything, and lined their pockets with investments in oil that are killing the planet.
I won’t blame someone for being old, but I will judge them by what they did and supported during their life. And as a whole, the boomers have a lot to answer for.
There is a huge subset of boomers that fought and voted for the betterment of society that were completely fucked by the system. Maybe a LITTLE bit of consolation and empathy for them?
It’s clearly not all boomers we get it.
Huge? Not greater than 50% then.
Because old people are insufferable and leech off of society while continually making things worse, even well past their expiration date.
Noticed this myself, come here less and less since it’s just as toxic as reddit ever was. Think I might be done with it since it’s just ragebait crap.
I still everyone thinks that boomer`s houses magically built themself and cost nothing. No interest was payed for the loan and the time there where built money rained from the sky.
Tell me more about how you want every to know that you know nothing about the changes to monetary policy, socio-economic issues, or regulatory change that has happened since the mid-70’s.
If you think that, I know you’re unfamiliar with the economy and real estate.
They bought them, yes. In fact, they had higher interest rates! My dad’s first mortgage in the 80s was at 17%…but the loan was less than 2 years of his salary which made his payments pretty easy. Now I’m expecting to have to pay 5-6x my salary for a similar home.
And to get ahead of some rebuttals: adjusted for inflation, I am making more than he did at the time so it’s not that. And the homes I’m looking at are in less desirable neighborhoods than I grew up in so it’s not that either.
Furthermore, his parents’ generation wasn’t hoarding real estate for Airbnb rentals.
Also, there has been a drop in new housing construction since 2008.
There was a massive multigenerational push to build new housing, with government agencies either facilitating new construction with infrastructure or helping to fund its construction.
Do you mean new housing as in individual stand alone houses, or does that also include multi unit apartment buildings?
I only ask because in the old area I used to live in it seemed like they were building new apartments left and right. Meanwhile as far as houses go I would be inclined to agree, as I haven’t really noticed any new construction going on. But that’s just in the area I live now. It’d be interesting to see nationwide numbers.Any new housing unit. There has been an increase in multifamily housing, but nowhere near enough to cover for the total drop.
Ah, I gotcha. Thanks for the answer!
if he bought his first home in the 80’s then your dad is a really young boomer to. or waited awhile for some reason. anyway there is a different with each generation over the 20 year span. not that it makes much of a difference when things are great. just older boomers had it a bit better even. The basic pattern is the younger the worse you have it if you where born in the 70’s or later. I really can’t fanthom why people are still having kids.
Hey wasn’t Airbnb started by millennials?
Hey wasn’t Ford started by Henry Ford? It’s an equally relevant question.
Are you a boomer going for some sort of gotcha here or something? Karl Marx could have started Airbnb and it wouldn’t change the situation we’re in now so…what does it matter?
The point obviously is that the relentless attacks on “boomers” conveniently and consistently leaves out that Gen X and Millennials are the landlording generations, who have grown up with cheap money.
Buy to let didn’t really take off until interests rates fell in the late 90s
But this doesnt fit the narrative, and would leave you looking like fools tricked into fighting a generational war, instead of the criticising government policy like the savvy individuals I’m sure you all are. 👍
But you’re the one inserting a generational war here, not me.
I was explaining the difference between buying a home in the 80s and buying one now and why boomers DID have it easier in that regard because you made a dumb joke about young people thinking boomers got free houses. Then in response you pulled out some unrelated millennial bullshit…? I didn’t even say BOOMERS held the rentals…I said prior generations weren’t hoarding real estate.
Neither of your replies have addressed the comments you replied to. You just kinda made up an enemy to argue with.
I didn’t make any jokes about free houses.
Read better, fool.
Millennials barely own homes, we have much lower home ownership rates and that’s only dropping more with each subsequent generation.
Who cares? It could’ve been started by anyone but the point remains: airbnb has had a negative influence on housing affordability.
Money does rain from the sky if you properly tax the rich.
Why would the rich do that to themselves?
They won’t, which is why we need to free them from their burden and do it for them.
Nobody with a brain believes that straw man.
The topic is complex and nuanced but it isn’t hard to see that, say, single family homes are harder to afford now versus in the past by several measures.
Here are some examples articles…
Though the title of the following sounds like it disproves me until you get to the part about wages not keeping up.
Now compare the rise in the median price of a home to the median income of Americans.
if you adjust for inflation, the median income of Americans has only increased by 33%. The median housing prices, however, have increased by 60%. It’s even worse when you look at the income of younger adults. For instance, the median income of people between 25 and 34 only increased by $30 in 44 years (1974 to 2017). It’s no wonder homeownership rates among Millennials are lower than for previous generations.
Particularly in the last few years things have gotten worse.
Okay boomer
Obvious troll is obvious
Nice strawman argument, clown shoes.
People also fail to factor in the difference in ameneties between boomers’ 2 bedroom, single floor, no-garage house vs what people demand today
I’m actively searching for a house to buy - smaller than the one that what I grew up in - and while you’re right about people wanting more space, it does not matter. Homes are disproportionally more expensive than they were in the 80s
The house I grew up in is now worth 1.4 million dollars.
I was going to include house much they sold it for a few years ago but I didn’t think it was a fair comparison because they added a second floor
It’s the thing I use to hammer home the idea that our lives are dramatically worse than our parents. I could not dream of paying that mortgage but my mom could pay it as a single mother of two because they bought it in the 80s for 300k and engineer salaries allowed them to pay it.
Is it demand or is it a question of builders wanting to maximize profits by building larger homes vs small starter homes?
Data from the Census Bureau shows that 40% of homes constructed in 1980 were considered entry-level homes. In 2019, only 7% of homes were entry-level, according to a 2021 report from Freddie Mac, and almost every state is building fewer starter homes.
“Because of the cost of labor and supplies, builders are mainly focused on building more expensive homes, since it no longer makes sense for them to build more affordable homes,” Carlton says.
You didn’t hear ? Things are only hard now.
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Maybe it should be. Decoupling retirement and Wall Street would probably let us take a more honest look at the costs and benefits of for profit corporations in our society.
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The amounts have changed. For 2023, the current 401K maximum is $22,500, and if you are 50 or older, $30,000.
For 2023, the total contributions you make each year to all of your traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs can’t be more than: $6,500 ($7,500 if you’re age 50 or older), or. If less, your taxable compensation for the year.
Cutting the budget to come up with an extra $28,000 is the hard part.
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agreed. retirement and healthcare should not be tied to employment. Want a snazzier retirement. Fine that is 401k/ira material. Retirement plus health insurance should be enough to pay for a retirment home private room where you won’t be molested (i.e. - pays enough that folks don’t want to lose their job)
Actually, it kind of literally was. Though it’s frustrating how common it is for people to share that misconception.
AFAIK it literally wasn’t. It was meant to be “one leg” of a “three-legged stool”. One leg was Social Securty, one leg was company pensions, and the third leg was personal retirement savings.
The thing is. Not every company had pensions. And almost none do today. The concept of personal retirement savings is not something that has ever been reliable adequate or common throughout most of human history. Both are literally the reason Social Security was enacted. It is literally a retirement syatem/social safety net. To make sure that the elderly do not starve die or fall to homelessness in their old age.
Check out question 4 on this page on the actual Social Security Administration website.
Q4: Is it true that Social Security was originally just a retirement program?
A: Yes. Under the 1935 law, what we now think of as Social Security only paid retirement benefits to the primary worker.
I don’t blame anyone for thinking that it isn’t though. Fascists/capitalists in the United States have spent decades upon decades. Honestly nearly the last 100 years trying to destroy/raid the fund for their own benefit. And gaslighting everyone else.
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Or more accurately, social security should be a proper national pension plan. Fund it by increasing contribution rates and uncapping contributions.
I stick with my underpaid government job solely for my state pension. At 55, I can start to get 70% of my final salary guaranteed, with annual COLA adjustments. I may not be rich in retirement, but I can get by.
401k plans are ripe for abuse by predatory financial advisors… a smile and a wink and your grandpa’s retirement is getting drained.
401k works fine if you actually use it. A big problem is people didn’t contribute, where pensions generally had mandatory contributions. Also letting people borrow on them was a bad idea.
And borrowing on them is just a bad idea. At least in the case of my 401k, there’s no early payoff, you don’t make interest off it while it’s borrowed, it really can hurt in the long term unless the loan amount is very small.
I looked out of curiosity because I want to buy a house somewhere in the next 5 years, and immediately ruled out any consideration of borrowing off 401k.
They should cut back on avocado toast and get rid of cable.
They should get rid of that land line, you know they still have one
Nah, they should’ve sold their houses to Aquaman, and move…
Why can I almost never see the hidden replies?
Have they tried trickle down economics or maybe pulling themselves up by their bootstraps??
Enlarged prostate and arthritis are making that difficult
It’s a good thing they have an easy to use heath care system to rely on!!
“Fuck you, I got mine” turns into “Fuck, they got mine”.
Maybe voting just for soi and against vous wasn’t that clever after all? Will they stop voting Republican?
Unfortunately, no. They’re going to watch Fox News talk about how this is all Biden’s fault and only the GOP can save them from suffering the same fate. They will continue to follow the same pied Piper that led them here.
Dear Boomers,
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. [YOU ARE HERE]
Yeah it’s like Republicans are not going to help you, other than enflaming culture wars and talking about woke. When they funnel all taxes and assets to the wealthy, and deregulate all industries, and make vaccines illegal, etc, all you’ll have left is a tattered red hat and a shopping cart full of your belongings.
It will literally continue to be like this until they die out
The best thing we can do is get them out of office.
Anyone here who comments about how they deserved this fate or how they got what was coming to them needs to grow the fuck up.
There are very, very few people in this world who have done something bad enough to have this kind of condition even be remotely justified. They’re gonna either be on the streets or in basic Medicaid nursing homes for the rest of their lives. Many will get beaten and robbed. Many will probably just commit suicide to avoid the nightmarish conditions. And people here are celebrating this?!
Newsflash, the baby boomer generation are also people who also deserve to have someone give a shit about them. You people are sick.
In any case, it’s going to overwhelmingly not be reaganites who are going homeless. If someone spent decades shilling for austerity and had it bite them in the ass, that’s one thing, but this is the economic bottom dropping out, so it’s mostly not those people.
So, the kids won’t let you move in, you’re running out of options, and you’re here on lemmy telling us how sick we are (after how many years of boomers telling millienials we are the problem) because you’re about to be homeless?
Do you not think that the vitriol against boomers is just another example of getting different groups of people to hate each other so they’re distracted from the real issues?
If it’s not immigrants and minorities, why not get different generations at each others throats. Seems to be working.
It could be. However, I’ve spent my entire life not only being shit on be boomers verbally and mentally, but I’ve been watching them PURPOSEFULLY do everything in their power to destroy this world and it’s inhabitants with every political move they make. I cannot even fathom having sympathy for a group of people so spiteful and greedy and selfish.
Oh no! It’s the consequences of my own actions!
In other news, popcorn and confetti sales skyrocketing!
Ugh, I just knew what this gross comments section was gonna look like.
Look, whatever perceived collective guilt an entire cohort of humanity has in your view, it’s really disgusting to celebrate and gloat over a report about the elderly becoming homeless.
When subsequent generations decide they have the right to dance on our graves for whatever it is they decide we did, I hope your ghosts aren’t too whiny about it.
If we made life significantly worse for our next generations, then they sure as hell should dance on our graves.
Even those that tried their best to avoid causing problems and/or /revert the effects? You’re blaming the entirety for the crimes of the minority. This is dumb.
Yes lol, because they will feel the same way. If they take it as a personal attack, then that’s just silly.
The article doesn’t say, but I’m assuming the demographics of these newly homeless boomers is not predominantly white male. I still say boomer remover tho so i’m not exactly above generational warfare, it’s just the worst boomers get hurt the least from poverty
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Tldr: collective guilt 👍
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I would like the stroganoff treatment for personal tragedies that occur in your life, please. Just inform me when something big happens.
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Can’t see the 11 replies. So frustrating.
I’m pretty sure there were Zero homeless boomers during the great depression.
But also all of them had zero homes.
“over-50 demographic”
Hey, hey, hey, don’t group all of us in with those assholes…
Enjoying the trickle down of piss? This is what you wanted
Bruh they were and still are brainwashed by so much anticommunist propaganda. They had to survive in those material conditions, and if they made it they had to buy into the lie of American Exceptionalism for their prosperity and not the Dollar becoming the worlds reserve currency and propping up European Social Democracy, Dictators, and Kings. They reaped benefits they were actively being kept in the dark about, if they are waking up cause piss is tricking down their face, i will still celebrate them waking up. We need all the people we can to wake up and realize how the elite have stolen from the working class and are only taking more and more as we continue to kill our planet to give them more wealth…
Cognitive dissonance is really strong if you have to question the way you were living your whole life when questioning the current situation. This makes those people far more likely to be easy prey for far-right propaganda than to be waking up, I’m afraid.
Solidarity friend 🤝
Like there aren’t babyboomers who also have no say in policies and those that haven’t struggled their entire lives
The more things change, the more they stay the same
As a genx I had to struggle my whole life.
Because boomers around me were arrogant morons who didn’t understand they didn’t understand anything, and they weren’t entitled just for being born.
I’m also genX and know boomers all across the spectrum from malicious to entitled to regular people to fantastic human beings - kind of like every other group or generation of people
I’m sure there were good nazis too.
if they only voted blue 😭
Don’t worry, as the saying goes “pull yourself up by the dick”, and maybe they will gain enough wealth to become expats and gain more in foreign wealth and sex on Southeast and East Asia…, /s (Edited for clarification)
Instructions unclear, tried unsuccessfully multiple times and now I just feel like God hates me.
You just gotta pull yourself back up harder, my friend, remember the bootstraps and remember you d***, that’s the important part…
There are many books and at least one Oscar-winning movie about this