I always hate plot holes where problems could be solved with money, especially when a character is super rich. Obi-wan and Anakin had years to raise the money to buy Shmi’s freedom from Watto. Qui-gon had plenty of Imperial credits, but Watto wouldn’t accept them.
So, Ani wins the podtace and then as soon as you’re off planet, hyperspace it to the nearest Republic outpost and trade the credits for some money. Go back, buy Shmi, or just cut Watto the slaver in half with a lightsaber. Obi-Wan cuts a dude’s arm off for much less.
Or, like, Jedi mind tricks don’t work on Watto, but I bet theres a Durosian jeweler across the street that isn’t immune to Jedi mind tricks. Trade his Republican credits for all the cash in his till and the nicest Aurodium necklaces in the shop.
And why couldn’t Harry take his best mate Ron shopping with him to pick out some decent dress robes or a new wand? Kid’s got a vault full of gold, and he basically lives at his friend’s house half the time.
I feel like most adventure-style movie plots need to be run as a D&D campaign before final edit.
So, you’re saying more big bad guy lairs need fire suppression systems? Or was only ever my players who restored to fire as a first, last, and often only, option?
You’re the guy casting fireball in a small room, aintcha.
If the party didn’t want to get immolated, they shouldn’t have stood so close to the flammable, whatever that was that I just fireballed. Also, I cast fireball at it, again.
I love how Dragon Ball of all franchises avoids this problem via Bulma just throwing money at every problem that can’t be solved by Goku just punching it really hard. And if she doesn’t do than Hercule aka Mr. Satan does it.
Which is lampshaded by TFS’ End of Z dub “Man I’m glad all the people with money only use it for good!”
And it’s hard to argue otherwise because weirdly enough, he’s right, in Dragon Ball excessive wealth is never actually shown to be a bad thing in and of itself. Even the characters shown to be dictators like Frieza are more concerned with causing violence than accumulating wealth.
Heck the Nazis even show up (the Red Ribbon Army) and the only thing they really want to accomplish is making their leader taller.
There’s a lot to criticize about Dragon Ball’s story telling, but weirdly enough it never occurred to me “Whitewashing of billionaires” is one of them.
Even if we get the movies involved, only two DBZ movies involve money. One of them is a billionaire who hosts a tournament, and the only problem is he screws up and accidentally hires REAL aliens instead of actors for the space theme of the final battle, and the other rich guy we see uses his wealth to create super powered clones that obey his every whim… Their only intended purpose is to debunk Hercule/Mr. Satan’s martial arts prowess, which isn’t really an evil act since Mr. Satan is considered a major celebrity due to heroic feats he never did and is incapable of.
Excuse me have you ever tried to appease a super powered, magical and immortal pink gum monstrosity with the external personality and impulses control of a 5 years old kid but with the inner sadism of a 12 years old kid?
Dude deserves that celebrity status
Maybe this is /why/ Obi Wan is a little hilt happy in ANH.
Hilt happy?
If you are genuinely asking, they are playing on “trigger happy” using “hilt” to refer to the hilt of Obi-Wan’s lightsaber. In the scene they are referencing Obi-Wan cuts off some ugly alien dudes arm in a bar in what could be perceived as a huge escalation in violence.
Ah thanks, that makes sense.
“I didn’t actually come here to free slaves.” Well then Qui-Gon, you’re a dick.
“The Jedi are against giving a fuck about anything unless it serves our interests.”
Can’t imagine why Anakin rebelled.
I don’t think I’ve seen this meme format where Anakin and Padmé are reversed. Love it.
Technically Padmé did try to free Shmi. She sent Sabé (played by Keira Knightley in the movie) to free as many slaves as she could find about four years after Episode 1, and Sabé did manage to free 25 other slaves, including Anakin’s childhood friends, but was unable to find Shmi since she had already been freed by that point and had left Mos Espa. The only sign Sabé could find was the symbol of the White Suns on the door, who were a slave liberation group (and of which Beru Lars was a member), and unfortunately they wouldn’t tell Sabé anything because they didn’t trust her, since she’d decided to try to get information out of local gangsters and criminals rather than going to the White Suns directly. Padmé wanted to send Sabé back to finish the mission, but by that point she was appointed senator and Sabé had other duties to protect her.
Where is this story told? Books?
Queen’s Shadow (2019) and Queen’s Hope (2022). It’s actually a trilogy of books. Queen’s Shadow, Queen’s Peril and Queen’s Hope.
Officially though none of that is canon right?
Canon doesn’t mean shit and hasn’t since Disney bought the license
It wasn’t in their minds at all when the film was shot, your own personal call if it counts 20 years later or not
Sadly, Anakin’s mum had already been claimed by Watto, and Padme didn’t know about unclaimsies.
(for anyone confused, this is a reference to Skeleton Crew).
After Book of Boba Fett stabbed me in the heart right where my love of Star Wars is, and then Andor twisted the knife (and got applauded for it), I don’t watch those shows anymore. What’s unclaimsies and how badly does it break the lore?
Woah woah woah. Andor rocked. What’s your beef? Genuinely asking
Well, it doesn’t feel like a Star Wars show until the prison arc which is pretty good and I’d like it a lot more, but to get there you have to suffer through the Heist arc which… ugh…
Also too much of it feels like filler. It’s called a “slow burn”, but these dinners, cereals, pointless scenes of marching, don’t add to anything or build to anything.
The Heist was just completely unforgivable, we get two episodes of the crew Andor joins being incredibly generic and unlikable. The only thing we learn about them is that they don’t like Cassian Andor because he’s “Not one of the cool kids”
Then we get to the Heist and itself and we get a stupidly long marching scene before anything happens (Obvious filler is obvious)
And the heist itself is just not worth the pay off, all these unlikable characters we spent so much time getting to know die. Only unlike Rogue One where my heart is breaking and I see how everyone is sacrificing themselves for a greater cause, I don’t feel anything because I don’t feel like the Heist accomplished anything, and I hate these characters (Except maybe the guy who was writing a book) so their deaths mean nothing to me.
Oh and the Kyber Crystal which screamed Chekov’s Gun never got used for anything. I figured maybe he’d have to sacrifice it during the heist, maybe it’d get used to make a lightsaber, no it’s just… there and he gives it back after the arc ends. Another “Glad we accomplished something”
Bullshit, garbage show. And what really sparks my hate for it, was that anytime when the show was running that I announced that I didn’t like it, I had tons of passive aggressive assholes on my case saying I wasn’t “Smart enough to get it” or “That’s okay, not everything can be pew pew.”
I can handle a slow burn, I can handle movies that are light on action and full on character development, what I will not tolerate is a show that drags its feet because it feels that my time and attention are not important.
See, I feel that the slow burns show us the general resentment of the galaxy towards the empire. They show us the cultures that have been suppressed (I recently found at that the striking metal church thing is a quirk of Romania), and they show us some of the more bleak yet sensitive moments of how the characters spend their “down” time. I really like it for its humanistic approach to its characters. No real heroes or villains, just a bunch of people caught up in the tension of the time