Could have been worse, he could have installed Vista
it stops being punishment if you ask for permission every few seconds
8 was worse. At least Vista looked like Windows instead of being some weird phone OS hybrid where I couldn’t find anything until I installed a third-party start menu. A start menu!
Vista with updates was also shockingly stable. 7 on launch was really just Vista with a new taskbar skin.
Found the Win Me fan.
Not even close. Vista wasn’t a straight-up middle finger to desktop users. Well, not by M$ standards anyway.
Shouldn’t that be 11?
I always thought there’s a line people draw when they do bdsm so the fun doesn’t become torture.
You just crossed it using a 6m pole in order to land as far as possible from the line.
Windows 11 isnt that bad
Windows 8 is terrible
We are going to die!
We’re going to die!
Windows ME
Absolutely the worst from a power user perspective
Windows Bob has entered the chat
This post is so old that the first time I saw it Windows 8.1 was still rolling out
But not old enough for this to be about Windows ME.
windows me! my first computer that was “mine”
had to reinstall so many times lol
Anyone got a boot floppy around? Actually my first would have been a hand me down 80286 system with some version of DOS on it
Windows 8 was pretty bad, but you could at least still use desktop mode just fine with a quick settings fix.
Fucking windows 11 took top, left, and right taskbar from us and then locked all the threads asking for it back, and prevented the registry hack to at least get top taskbar back.
Windows 8 was fine
I’m holding out on my work laptop until they force me to “upgrade”
Completely forgot that OS existed
What about Windows ME?
Too dangerous. No safe word can save you from windows ME.
You’ll blue screen and you’ll like it!
The safe word is <This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down>
Just need to remove “8” from that message.
I read it in Ayoade’s voice lol
Not even the worst Windows
Classic Moss!
Could have been Gentoo.
I thought 8 was ok… 8.1 was the best 8, which changed a few of the annoying things and made it fine. I agree with the other person here, this should be Vista.
Only for subs, constantly asking for permission.
I fucking loved windows 8, if I could I would still have the all screen start menu bastard.