This pisses me off intensely. We’re treated like burdens when we need help - “Can’t work? Fuck you, you leech, we’re stopping your benefits.” Need medical treatment? I’ve had multiple medical professionals complain to me about how much my meds cost the country and try to stop giving them to me - not on medical grounds but purely on cost grounds.

But can we be allowed to die peacefully with dignity? NO! The only deaths we’re allowed are starving to death like Mark Wood and Errol Graham, who starved to death after their disability benefits were stopped, DIY suicide like Jodey Whiting, who killed herself in despair after her benefits were stopped, or die of exposure after becoming homeless like Richard O’Brien and Ian Roberts. And many, many others.

The state treats me like such a burden I have to beg strangers for food. So politicians need to stop pretending they care or that they don’t see us as a burden.

  • mathemachristian [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I’ve had multiple medical professionals complain to me about how much my meds cost the country and try to stop giving them to me

    I swear when the revolution comes there will be a shortage of doctors after, its stupefying how much these people whose JOB IT IS TO HELP PEOPLE COMPLAIN ABOUT HELPING PEOPLE. Mindboggling. Also the laziness, but god forbid you do your own research because the only thing on our still green earth that is bigger than their arrogance and laziness is their ego.

    It’s the pure essence of petit-bourgeoisie, like it was distilled in a lab or something

    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Liberals think they’re saints because they don’t care if the people they’re dealing with live OR die and not that they intentionally want them dead.

      The people in charge, everyone!