In short:
Dozens of people across Australia have shared their experiences of vitamin B6 toxicity with 7.30.
Terri-Lynne South, a GP and dietitian, says the number of cases is likely to be under-reported.
What’s next:
The TGA says it is considering a proposal to tighten regulations, including changes to where and how B6 vitamins are sold.
You can put B6 in the headline.
Yeah, with ABC articles the last couple of years, generally the headline that appears on the page itself is far better than the sharing metadata headline.
Ah sorry, I didn’t realize the auto-headline didn’t already do it, I was in a rush :(
I’ll swap it for the alternative ABC headline that isn’t click-optimized
I’m waiting for someone to do the same for the “All-Natural” stevia; in almost all “Sugar Free” and “No Sugar” products that aren’t still using Aspartame or Sucralose.
As bad as Sugar is for us, (and as terrible as Fructose is for us), I am confident that Stevia is worse.
Already done, look for research about Type 2 diabetes and sweeteners. Sugar is better.
the mere taste of sweetness illicits an insulin response. all non-sugar sweeteners are bad in the same way
I used to much the leaves of the Stevia biswh we had in our garden. Quite tasty :)
how does it compare to the fucking god awful taste of commercially sweetened products?
Processed sweeteners are always much worse than their raw states. Cane, molasses, golden syrup and raw crystallised sugar are much better (and tastier) than white sugar, which is actually quite bland.
Hmmmm. RDA is 1.7mg.
Mg supplement has 60mg B6 and Zn has 10mg B6.
Holy crap.
aren’t all vitamins synthetic? they’re not extracting them from real food and then saying it’s not a substitute for real food … are they?
Sometimes (though I don’t know what proportion) vitamins/minerals in products are actually “food-sourced”. As far as I know, there is (sometimes) some legitimate reason to do so regarding bioavailability etc.
Isn’t neuropathy a key symptom? If you’re ignoring that you’re a fucking idiot
Vegemite? It’s vegemite isn’t it? Shit should be illegal to feed to dogs.
Looks like the salt reduced one has it but not regular.