We are not worried at all, because of this 99 percent chance it will miss,” said Paul Chodas, director of NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies. “But it deserves attention.”
At a time whwre once in a century / millenia events are happening every year
In astronomical terms a 1% chance is absolutely huge.
100m across. Dino killer meteor was 10km. Size scales with cube of diameter, so this is about 1/1000000 the size of the dino killer. Even if it hits, we’ll be fine.
Maybe it will land on DC
booooo let me dream
what if it’s going 1000000 times the speed as dino killer?
You jinxed it
gotta admit, I am leaning towards team asteroid right now. not sure team
earthhumanity has anything to offer in the near term.Probably should get around to watching Don’t Look Up to prepare for this, huh?
Brilliant film that. The amount of people that didn’t get it was scary though.
It made chuds so fucking mad lmao. Many other libs too.
The number of reactionaries who thought the movie was making fun of environmentalists is alarming.
I hope on that day all the rich are at a party and it lands there.
Multibody gravitational systems are chaotic so it’s impossible to predict them perfectly, far into the future. As it gets closer the modeling will get much more accurate, kind of like a weather forecast, to the point that if it were to hit we’d have a very good idea of where.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Fingers crossed
Dear meteor, if you really want to hit Earth, please let it be in the USA, Artificial Zionist State (aka Israel), England or France. Thank you
how do i send an asteroid my address?
According to the Barbault Cyclic Index the Years from 2031-2034 will have a big catastrophe, the last dip was around 2019-2022. So this could be actually hitting Earth.