Reminder that gun control was originally kicked off in reaction to the Black Panthers arming themselves, so yeah.
Please come back
create a new trans gun toting group of people; make sure that they got LOTS of publicity; and call them the t-panthers.
Why not the pink panthers, it comes with it’s own Theme music
trans tigers rise up
that’s WAY better than t-panthers!
Black Panther my love 😍
The working class and other marginalised people really must learn them and bring back a movement like this. America and the world really needs them.
America and the world really needs them.
Absolutely. But they’d be openly murdered and their organization systematically infiltrated and dismantled even faster than what happened with the original Black Panthers. Certainly at least if it were in the US and it was a BIPOC-led organization. Or am I being too doomerist?
Nah, you are right. Any organisation and method that can actually change the society in a meaningfully better way will have the state try their best to kill them. But if we work for the masses and the masses realise that, then they will also be part of the movement, and the state cannot kill everybody.
We need to learn from their weak points so that we won’t make the same mistake and last longer, and then the successive generation will learn from our weak points so that they won’t make the mistakes that we do, and last longer. That’s how I guess things might go forward.
But we also need to remember that after the Black Panthers, there has not been any organisation in the USA or any other urban area that have stayed as long and made as much of a difference, so we must also see where they went right, and emulate that in our current scenario as well.
One of the hardest going pictures in American history.
This country hates trans people more than it loves guns
This country only likes guns when they’re in the hands of white people who like to scream at black teenagers
Never forget who created California’s gun control laws
These colors don’t run
Inside every 2A right winger is a gun control lib yearning to be free
First person I’ve ever seen rock the red beret, I think you just need rizz and a gun
Actually the plate carrier really helps too, takes it to a bit of a 40K place
*first western communist I’ve ever seen rock the red beret
“Am I a joke to you?”
I wish i was that cool
I believe in you!
Amerikkkans only scream gun control when a visible minority/marginalized group practice their right of 2nd amendment.
Imagine if those same minorities/marginalized groups formed their own constitutionally protected state militias.
Oh no, I imagined it… now I’m imagining terrorism charges for DOING EXACTLY WHAT THE FAR RIGHT IS DOING.
(Sorry, the rage isn’t directed at you)
Gun control for thee, not for me
They’ll just use transmedicalism as a way to regulate only the people they don’t want to have guns
Mark my words, there will be a bipartisan push to regulate guns in cases of “mental illness”, and a completely coincidental piece of legislation will label trans people as “mentally ill”.
This is exactly how they will use transmedicalism to ban trans folks from guns
“Trans people aren’t real, but also if you’re trans you can’t have access to guns”
sorry if this is ableist, im just curious. i dont know about guns. how hard is it to fire an AK with one arm?
edit: lmao i just realized they weren’t saying they were one armed.
While you can definitely shoulder a rifle and pull the bang switch with one arm, it would be extremely difficult to control the recoil outside of some very specific firing positions
I remember I saw a video one time of Steven crowder ( right wing YouTube idiot) “infiltrate an antifa cell” and was freaking out because one of them had A KNIFE. meanwhile every other episode he’s bragging that he’s always packing his emotional support revolver.
Or the daily show going to Texas and showing reactions to white people open carrying vs black people.
Guess which one had police show up for the same type of parade
Is that a real AK? That’s not easy to get in the US. Like $3000 in fees just to apply for one.
Hi armed gunma’am here,
A “real AK” could be a real Russian parts kit that was rebuilt into an AK, a zastava which is around 1200, a Century Arms AK which is around 800, an AK74 which could be around 2-3k. “Real AK” means a lot and also nothing at the same time. Typically this is called a “AK pattern” rifle since the bolt, gas system and furniture are typically the same between them. Just like there are 1000 companies that make AR15 style rifles we would call that a “AR pattern” rifle.
You can go to any gun store that has these available, pay the cost for the gun then a transfer fee of anywhere from 25-75 dollars.
Hard to tell, it doesn’t look like an airsoft gun. Showing up to a protest with an airsoft gun would be a very bad idea.
Only if they’re automatic.