No judgment if you love yours. I am just noting how expensive ignoring existential dread can get.
Well to be fair it also has a really nice cnc aluminum enclosure, high quality mechanical switches suitable for live performance, and is hand assembled by one guy.
And to be even more fair, he made the software available. So if you want to just buy the $35 controller and build your own enclosure for cheap then you can with no real restrictions, which is awesome.
Imo it’s a great price for a small batch boutique item; it’s cheaper than a lot of plasticky buggy grooveboxes being put out by major corporations. It’s very high on my list of things to pick up if I become suddenly wealthy lol
Okay I’m intrigued, what project specifically are we talking about?
I think this is the M8 tracker from dirty wave
Oh no, now I want one
Oh, I thought it’s about Tangara
LOL…I have ome of those on the way too.
That also looks like an interesting project!
I thought they were talking about me and my polyend tracker mini
Wish I got the M8 though
I have the Polyend Tracker (full size) and I didn’t find the workflow and format inspiring. I might as well learn to master Renoise. That’s what brought me to the M8.
If you want to know if the M8 is more your vibe, just buy a Teensy 4.1 from Amazon (~$35) and run some of the headless clients.
Yeah I don’t find the polyend that inspiring either. Software is pretty janky (stereo sampling but I can’t play samples in mono???), song mode is pretty shit, etc
I’ll look into the teensy option but I need to have something mobile as my life is quite nomadic. I got invited to buy a woovebox so I might do that
If you have a Steam Deck, you can connect the Teensy to it and run the headless client that way. If not, there’s also this option.
If I had one I’d name it Paul. Or Wanker.
It is a beautiful piece of gear.
Yyyyyep. Spent about as much on a new bass guitar which barely drowns out my inner screaming, and less but still way too much on writing implements (handwriting has become a stimming action for me…) so that I can write that screaming down.
Honestly, there can be no judgement at this point, this is about survival. I would happily overthrow Money, but one person with a brick is just a security issue at best…
But at least you can put in ear plugs, sit in front of the stack, and play the soundwaves directly into your body. 🤩
Can’t think when you’re buzzing, literally.
Funny, I do a similar thing with the bass… I huddle over it, keep my chest and chin pressed against it, and play unplugged with my eyes closed. And, yeah, it’s soothing. Like having a purring cat in your lap, but one that you can modulate.
Ooh. If you want to talk amazing pens, and the art of getting something fantastic for the least possible spend. I went all in on this a while ago. Notable shout outs to Lamy, Kaweco and Pilot.
Y’know, I actually kept hearing good things about Lamy, but I fell face-forward for Parker designs every time. I have… ahem, a couple of Rollers and fountain pens. The fountain pens are, honestly, not the absolute best, kinda’ scratchy, but that may be my style - I like thin’n’heavy. The Rollers, though, are aces. Love sketching with them. The refills are pretty spicy, but they do last a good chunk of time, so there’s that.
I will most certainly start keeping a closer eye on Lamy things, I’m unfortunately still required to keep the “mainline fountain pen” position open for now… Thank you very much for the recs!
But as far as pencils and ballpoints go, Rotring all the way. Or Stabilo (which I now mainline because it’s a bit heavier).
Rotring is amazing, agree.
I’ll have a think about thin’n’heavy. Pilot make a thin version of their clicky ‘capless’ fountain pen (think it’s called decimo) that has a platinum nib. It’s one of my more expensive ones but it’s bloody amazing to write with.
Mmmm, that actually sounds interesting, I’m looking it up! Thank you!
I’ve also had a Rotring fountain pen, but it felt very dry when writing, not in terms of the flow, strictly mechanically, dunno why. My guess was the ink, but I couldn’t find better… Other than that, also tried a super-slim Cross, but that one overflows like a calligraphy pen, feels more like painting with ink. It’s not bad, because it’s obvious that the flow is very precise and intentional, it’s just really not my speed. If I could write with a blackened needle point, I would!=)))
Edit: Jeeeeesus, that’s a tiny nib! Maybe I will get that needle after all!=)))
It is a small nib but it’s flexible and writes generously. Also it looks smaller because it’s recessed into the body, very much like a Lamy 2000 nib. Wouldn’t recommend the 2000 though as a) they’re quite pricey and b) quite broad in the hand.
Joyfully cheaper options are things like the platinum preppy and kawecos. I have a kaweco sport with a gold nib which I think was about £40 and it writes like a dream.
Hope this is helping with everybody’s existential dread btw.
Damn, I did not know about the recessed thing, it’s very sexy! As for “broad in the hand,” that doesn’t much bother me, as mine are pretty square and large, what matters most is for it to have some weight to it. If it’s too floaty, I start skidding around, which is why I bought all-metal ones so far - recently bought a Parker IM Royal Roller, and it feels like I could kill someone with it and still be able to leave a note afterwards, so I love it!:)))
The 2000 is made of fibreglass, so that put me off buying it even before I saw the price tag, which sheesh!
Aww, the Platinum Preppy reminds me of high school, it’s a cute system! The Kawekos, too in a way! Hmm, and it would not hurt my wallet as much as an experiment:-? Thank you!
Well, writing has traditionally been the de facto environment for expressing the inner screaming (other than Screamo), so I’d say we’re right on theme!
That Parker looks nice. Is the grip as comfy as it looks?
You want hefty in hand then can recommend this baby:
It’s the stainless steel version of the 2000. Not cheap though. The Kawecos are a gateway drug. I’m some years in to my addictions.
It’s a piston filler so bloody loads of ink to journal the demise of civilisation.
Bleep chirp.
Bleep. Chirp. 🖖
yeah humans are really spiritual beings, we seek meaning in everything that we do. when we can’t find that meaning, we feel empty.
We’re giggling gnats on the dusty outskirts of a burning smudge, but also, divine beings of pure chaos at the infinite centre of creation. Everything we do is freighted with every possible meaning.
In other news, I’ve gained the ability to sound like I’m on mushrooms. Just finished breakfast and sober as a cat. Happy Wednesday y’all.
Quit paying my neo feudal tax to Nintenlords and the shits erased all my games. Fucking thieves rule
It was a gift. It might get homebrew if I get motivated enough to look into it
If it’s from 2017 or early 2018 it can be soft modded, otherwise you’ll have to mod the hardware.
Just flash a ROM with a programmer or more?
It’s pretty involved and has a lot of steps. Also requires a jig to enter recovery mode, which is $7 on Amazon. I was motivated to do it in early March last year when Nintendo pissed me off by going after Yuzu.
*looks to the side at a modular rack with a bunch of modules that never was used for more than making short nice Lead or Bass sounds never put together into an actual track.
EDIT: actually i made a pretty dope HiHat Sound with it, but i forgot how and i still need to fire up the old computer to get the sample into the new computer.
Peter Zapffe had some interesting thoughts on why. Warning: long & risky read
That was quite the read, I enjoyed it even if it was a special kind of macabre.
Are there any producing/music making communities on Lemmy?
Not that I have found. We need one.
I’m from, it’s a music based instance with quite a few music making communities.
Link to your set?
Bruv, I just got it. I need a minute to learn. ;-)
My Hydrasynth has been out for repair for the last while but is on a UPS truck to be returned soon. Can’t wait for my bleep bloop polyaftertouch cope.
Is this your first tracker? I am interested but not sure where to start.
I have Renoise (tracker Daw), an Polyend Tracker (full size) and the M8. I found the Polyend hardware tracker to be the worst of both worlds. Not powerful enough to compete with the relatively inexpensive Renoise DAW and not portable like the M8. The workflow of the M8 and Renoise/Polyend are vastly different.
If you want flexibility and power. Renoise.
If you want portability and inspiration. M8.
If you want Renoise but hate DAWs and want buttons and knobs. Polyend.
There are plenty of affordable VSTi software instruments that sound amazing, you don’t have to spend the money you did.
I thought this was a reference to iPods at first.