My guy vs my man
My man = You did good.
My guy = That could have gone better.
My brother in Christ = What the fuck have you done?
My God = Everyone is dead…
Does this mean the existence of woman implies there’s a woguy?
Isn’t it “gal”? As in guys and gals?
Wogal to gal is the waluigi to luigi
Wo’gal is an Ogre warlock.
Wo guy let’s not jump to conclusions now
Batman - A vigilante who fights crime in Gotham.
Bat guy - A flying rodent enthusiast who lives in Austin.
Now do it with Man-Bat!
Nice man: a wholesome, kind-hearted fellow
Nice guy: whiny, entitled incel
White guy: normal white person with unremarkable achievements
White man: symbol of racism and segregation
man is guy plus lore
Poll: is “guy” gender neutral yet? It is in my part of Northern California but I have accidentally confused people before.
It depends on usage.
“He’s a guy.” Is gendered.
“Hey you guys!” Is gender neutral.
“She’s a guy.” Is transphobic.
How about “She’s my guy”?
May work in context?
If she’s your hook up yes, but if she’s someone with whom you hook up no
I think there’s never going to be a true consensus on things like this.
A friend who is a trans woman told me that sometimes when people say “hey guys” or similar, she often feels an instinctive rush of dysphoria (especially if it’s a context where she’s the only woman in the group), but that she realises it is often intended in a gender neutral manner, so it’s not reasonable for her to feel upset at this. She considers the upset that she feels at this to be “her problem” so to speak, and doesn’t expect people to change how they speak. Since this discussion though, I have tried to be more mindful of it when using words like “dude” or “guy” as collective terms.
Yeah, it sucks that trans people have to shoulder this additional burden on top of all the other shit that society throws at them.
Context dependent - i.e. walking up to a group and saying ‘hey guys’ is gender neutral, but saying ‘I saw a guy the other day’ generally implies you saw a man.
“Guys” (plural) seems to have two meanings:
- an group of people
- a group of men
“Guy” (singular) doesn’t seem to be gender neutral, so it seemingly only means “random man.”
So, “you guys” can be gender neutral, but if you’re a guy who dates guys, you’re likely gay, bi, pan, or queer.
I’ve started using folks because I couldn’t answer that question
There’s a right wing politician here who made “folks” his trademark so I can’t bring myself to use that one either:
It depends on who you ask, but I think that when you say “guy” most people think of a man.
Fireman, fireguy
So… Is guy like- lowercase man?
Kinda, in both cases it’s a difference in formality.
- Creepy, man
- Creepy guy
More like:
Creepy guy: intimidating, gave me the ick, looked at me weird
Creepy man: call the cops on this man for what he does in his free time
innocent guy ; innocent man
I’m not your guy, man.
I’m not your man, sir.
Don’t call me sir, lay