Jon will even give elon the benefit of the doubt if you listen to the weekly podcast. What a joke.
Proof Elon is a thick cunt:
“Too set in his ways”
Immediately after
“He has changed”
Elon has neither the warmth nor depth of such a lovely piece of anatomy. He’s more like a thick, fully prolapsed, flaccid, “gaping like a wizard’s sleeve”, anus.
Elon and his ilk are not just vile and revolting but also pitiful. For all his riches and power, I would hate to be him. What a sad sack of shit.
It’s painfully obvious that for all his riches he’s just very lonely and desperate for attention. None of his kids that can make conscious decisions want to be near him and he has alienated every woman he has been with.
The fact that he was basically just hanging around Mar-a-Lago also speaks to this. Trump is also a vile asshole, but he has a family at least (even if they are just as terrible as he is and probably only spent time with him to gain influence and/or money). Musk tried to slither into this family as some sort of weird uncle figure.
“He’s too set in his ways”
That’s because reality tends to have a strong left wing bias.
Yeah, Elon is not set in his ways.
I disagree and agree.
Reality doesn’t have a left bias. People want to raise their children right with “strong” morals. E.g. “God says, don’t steal”… Ofc, most of these morals are basically be caring for others. Now that caring for others that we like to promote because it makes us feel good. That has a strong left bias.
I am strongly in the camp that I want to be a net positive for everyone else, as I was raised to care. But technically it isn’t reality itself that is bias to the left. Just no one likes dicks!
Yes it does. Right wing policies tend to be objective bullshit when measured against cold hard facts in almost every field.
I think you can say that as of today, people on the left on average have a stronger sense of reality. Reality doesn’t have a political bias, it’s just reality. We’re the ones who bring our biases to reality, not the other way around.
I mean, the whole reality denying transphobia is, of course, a right wing position. But you can be right wing without being reality denying.
Reality has a left wing bias because everytime the rightwing sets forth a policy claiming that it does something, facts prove that their policy does the opposite. “Get rid of sex education and teen pregnancy will go down” incorrect, everywhere that tries that has an increase in teen pregnancy. “We’re going to reduce welfare to make people stop being lazy” incorrect, welfare recipients already have jobs, and taking away their ability to eat makes it more likely that they won’t do those jobs well. Etcetc
Right wing policies aren’t all just American right bullshit.
Google what right wing means outside of the us. And outside of the far right Parties that parrot the American right. You would find that there are a lot of right wing policies that aren’t factually provably incorrect. Or at least not obviously less flawed than competing ideas.
I don’t like the political right but I rather admit that it doesn’t have to be completely stupid ideas, create a social awareness that there is an alternative to left wing politics that isn’t putting e.g. trans people’s lives in danger.
You can be right wing and not be a bigot. You can be right wing and support social welfare.
If you act like it is either support the left or support the full-on fascist hate mob, you get more of the full-on fascist hate mob. I rather be honest and acknowledge the existence of “non fascist hate mob” political right and by doing so, take power away from these hate mobs and protect the victims of the hate groups. othering through Demonization works best if both sides are doing it.
So which one is it? Too set in his ways, or he’s changed? Cause those are mutually exclusive. Or perhaps the 3rd option; you’re too much of a coward, needed to think up a quick excuse, panicked, and came up with something that doesn’t make sense. I’m going with the 3rd choice.
I read that as an admission that the republicans just got so crazy that Jon, who is set in his way, can no longer be considered bipartisan.
What ever nonsense deflection he needs at any given moment in order to never face criticism.
The trumpian way.
“Oh, no! Someone with something to say.”
Stewart’s damned fair with conservatives. Yeah, he pokes fun, but he asks questions and listens to the answers.
These screenshots give me no timeframe of reference. Was this before or after he recently accepted to go on?
Link to Don Lemon?
It’s fun how the algorithm has flipped it to musk makes don lemon cry. Crazy times we live in.
For the richest man in the world, he sure is fucking sensitive. Heaven forbid somebody give him some pointed questions.
Edit: he’s acting like somebody interviewing for a job they know they’re not qualified for and they know they’re failing.
The comments in that video are pure fucking cancer.
2 words and a number bots just repeating the same 3 comments word for word. Lmao.
Do we have a timestamp?
algorithm has flipped
Yeah that’s all I could find short of the whole hour.
Towards the end, around 1h, Elon is visibly upset and seems like he’s having a difficult emotional time. Questions like “what is a woke mind virus?” and “if you’re the CEO how can you blame other people for killing the company? Doesn’t the buck stop with you?”
Listening to elon speak about, “preventing societal collapse” makes me very worried. First, no one bothers to ask elon why he thinks he should take on such a monumental task on his own? Second, it’s great you spend the time to think about things but just because you are afforded the opportunity to shape the future for people what makes you think youre equipped to do it?
I had to stop listening and comment: elon said “x platform, formerly twitter” bahahaha
source? I want to see elon cry
It’s in the comments…if you just want to see elon weep look up the video of buzz aldrin hating on him.
When? When was he more bipartisan?
He wasn’t as unhinged as he is now. So people assumed a lot of things about him.
he kinda low-key shilled for israel a bit, he kinda backed down on that, knowing his audience. he dint do shtheel like fetterman.
I want that Doraemon Plushie :3
What the fuck is this a screenshot of? Twitter post with a screenshot of reddit post with a screenshot of twitter?
I can’t even comprehend shitting on musk using twitter, are these people disabled?