He forgot the Golden Rule.
Never bet on a fucking Nazi.
- Never get involved in a land war in Asia
- Never go up against a Sicilian when death is on the line
- Never bet on a fucking Nazi
Never try to invade Russia during winter
Unless you’re the Mongols of course.
Next week they’ll probably try to rename the country as United States of America sponsored by Tesla Motors.
Just the year. The start of subsidized time.
United states of Tesla sounds better.
I still prefer United States of Moronica.
Commerce Secretary is heavily invested in tesla stock.
dump that stock.
make the bank collect on Elon tesla stock loan collateral.
make Elon pay taxes on that stock.
People who take this advice are going to be disappointed when Tesla gets outcompeted by every other EV company and it drops to zero. It’s just like the trump shitcoins. Just scamming their base at every turn because they’ve gotten used to lying about everything without consequences.
matter of time before Seattle starts disregarding tariffs and dumping teslas into the harbor
They’re starting to reek of fear…
Busy draining the swamp over there…
This is most probably illegal, even in the US. But, oh well, it’s just Wednesday in naziland.
It’s almost certainly a huge ethics violation. And it’s disgusting. The gop doesn’t even pretend to have integrity anymore.
No market manipulation is illegal in the USA for quite some time now.
Illegal is only illegal if someone is willing to prosecute it. Who pray tell is going to charge the Secretary of Commerce?
Google that guy and his relationship with Tether Inc.
Okay, got it. I’m a bit confused though about how that changes my statement around the fact he won’t be charged.
I think they meant it just as a “he’s even more slimey then you think!” not an indication of if they’d be charged or not.
Got it! Yeah it’s hard not to hate how much they’re getting away with.
The Democrats are going to have to wave those little round signs extra hard.
And then vote for the bill that makes this legal.
Read up on the Hatch Act
Remember Trump 1.0 selling beans straight from the White House?
Apart from that, TSLA most certainly is not good to bet on, despite its owner being one of the richest and most powerful people in the USA rn.
It‘s a bad bet because he is so insanely rich and powerful. Just take a look at Putin‘s Gasprom. Oligarchs know how to extract money out of a company before lesser oligarchs can get their hands on it. Avoid any stocks that are too close to the government right now.
It is frankly a terrible business move for a company to align itself with the government.
I think it is funny that Zuck decided to align himself with the administration. I’m sure it was to avoid being thrown under the bus by Trump but I don’t think it is helping there general PR.
did someone say beans?!
Beans and beans and beans.
Pick 'em, hull 'em, put on the steam
On Lemmy? Impossible!
Eh, as long as he stays in Trump’s favour, Tesla will get a bunch of government contracts to keep them afloat. There was already the state department contract, they can keep slinging more contracts his way of they like.
Government needs to buy a hell of a lot of cars to minimize the losses Tesla is reeking in everywhere else.
EV sales grew by 27% still Teslas is down 70% in Germany.
Btw. who should drive them if all government workers get fired?
Am I the only person picturing a giant decommissioned airfield in Arizona completely covered in purchased and unused government Teslas?
I heard they spend so much time on lots they become bug infested.
I turn those around every time I go to the store now. They are “Goya” beans, and they are very shy.
I do not remember trump selling beans. It honestly sounds more like something from the Carter playbook. I can imagine Carter with a nice little bean farm. I cannot envision trump doing even miniscale farming.
Goya shill is unreal
This is the jackpot Snopes employees live for.
Long after Skynet gains self-awareness the people of the corpocracy will look at the picture and say: is this how we got here?
Carter literally had a peanut farm. It was so controversial that a president would own a farm that he sold it to avoid a conflict of interest.
Yeah…I feel like you think you’re explaining some radical new information, when that same information is the foundation of my comment to begin with.
Thanks Captain Plot-Summary!
I explained no plots.
What does farming have to do with anything? It was a paid endorsement, an infomercial run by the sitting President of the US. It’s disgusting.
Except for the fact that he is single handedly responsible for a massive decrease in teslas value. I would not bet on anything he touches because even if he were loved inside the US, he is now despised everywhere else. Tesla was built on left wing progressive ideals and so was spacex, and solarcity, etc etc. Musks turn to the right betrays all of those who liked his companies for ideological reasons. I don’t expect tesla stock to recover any time soon.
Just an international correction to compensate for the US’ Overton Window:
Tesla was built on
left wing progressive ideals**wealthy believers of climate change.
“Left-wing” is such a polluted term now lol.
If Tesla was built on left-wing progressive ideals it would be a workers co-op focusing on quality. It’s always been a for-profit company from day one.
Not sure how he imagined a hard pivot from the left to the right was going to pan out.
Early on I was a huge fan and kept telling others he wasn’t like the other CEOs, it wasn’t about the money. It became obvious a couple years ago I was horribly wrong. The worst part is some of the people who distrusted him before now are all in.
These people are not charismatic at all, I don’t get how they keep fooling people.
He’s been a known union buster for a long time tho
Yeah at that point I was still believing his BS about how it wouldn’t be good for the employees or the company. I just got hopped up on someone finally helping stop climate change in a meaningful way.
Simpler times…
'* * cough * * WaitButWhy * * cough * *
“Elon Musk is probably the best person to bet on I have ever met,” said Lutnick. “And I think, we all know that, I mean, gosh, in the same week that he saves astronauts with his rockets that he invented — imagine that. He’s building, he’s building the coolest robots you’ve ever seen. Go online and look up ‘Optimus’ — it’s the coolest thing you’ve ever seen, we’re all gonna be buying robots, they’re gonna cost about $30,000, you’re buying a Tesla robot, and anybody who doesn’t buy a Tesla robot is gonna be silly, no one’s gonna be keying anything. Elon Musk is the best entrepreneur and technologist in America and I’d bet on him — I wish I was allowed, but I’m not allowed to buy any stock!”
Thank you for this transcript. I doubt I could have made out anything of what Lutnick was saying given how deep into Elon’s asshole his tongue appears to be.
This literally reads like a child’s homework assignment to “write about your hero” lmao
he saves astronauts with his rockets that he invented — imagine that.
No, he didn’t.
He’s building, he’s building the coolest robots you’ve ever seen.
No, he doesn’t.
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The fascism stage lol
That’s awesome
When the government starts promoting particular products, whether it’s Goya beans or Teslas, there is a line being crossed. This administration is completely topsy-turvy.
The precedent was set with Goya. It’s now only permissible to the GOP. President sponsored private businesses is such a fucking insane thing.
Disgusting. His “joke” about running over the reporter is even worse.
tesla must be loving their image shifting from a “cool tech company” to a brand only loved by insufferable partisan pricks.
Brand that old uncool politicians go on tv and beg people to buy.
Good thing American consumers love desperation.
So the big guys want to dump, right? Is reverse Cramer still up?
Looking for bagholders lmao