A Staten Island woman buying pot from a local deli got into a misunderstanding with the cashier — who ended up macing her, dragging her outside by her hair, kicking her in the head and mistakenly calling her trans.
This is the consequence of the hatred that transphobes, garden variety conservatives and TERFs alike, have stoked. And the narrative that the media has gleefully ran with.
Being visibly trans or gender-non-conforming nowadays is genuinely scary in a way I think a lot of people don’t fully understand. And of course when femininity is being policed, women of colour tend to suffer too, even if they are cisgender.
When you’re so anti-trans you loop around and become anti-cis.
I think these people might just be anti-women.
DING DING DING. They can “get away with” hating trans women more easily, but it’s just a stepping stone on the way to Gilead for them.
Racism, Misogyny and transphobia have always come from a similar place and build off of each other. They share the same narratives and the same desire for ostracization and oppression. Bigots will always ally with other bigots, as this hatred is not rational and only someone with similarly irrational hate could support you. Dig enough in bigoted communities and you are certain to find all different kinds of hatred.
That’s why TERF communities are infested with homophobia, misogyny, racism, antisemitism and Islamophobia. Over time the concentration of white supremacy and nazism has grown exponentially in terf communities. Nazis share many of the same goals and many of the same conspiracies that terfs do. And prominent terfs like Kelly Jay Keen openly ally with Christian white nationalists around the world.
I’d argue that the TERF perspective is fundamentally anti-male rather than (or maybe in addition to) misogynistic.
The specific position TERFs hold that makes them TERFs is that you cannot become a woman if you weren’t born one and that women should be granted certain special protections and spaces of their own, kept free from men.
That’s why TERFs ALWAYS frame trans issues in the form of men dressing up as women to infiltrate women’s spaces and women’s services. They could give a shit about trans men, it’s all trans women because trans women are the ones using things that in their eyes should be the sole provenance of “real” women.
The instigators responsible will keep getting away with it. They’re very careful to use the right dog whistles and key words to avoid getting deplatformed and they still cause their followers to act like this.
Being visibly trans or gender-non-conforming nowadays
And she’s neither of those things anyhow. She will find out the guy’s name & address in Discovery & he will go to prison for hate crime + assault.
I feel we need to change that little children’s rhyme to be a bit more accurate
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can lead to pogroms” or something like that
I’ve always been partial to “sticks and stones may break my bones but words can really hurt me”.
Sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will hurt forever
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but will make me gut ya.
“Pen is mightier than sword” expresses this idea already.
They know. That’s why they do it. Most of them remember the days when it was the same for gay men.
They’ve also been stoking the “Black women look trans” narrative for a while, especially focused on Michelle Obama. I listen to Knowldge Fight so I’ve heard so many disgusting Alex Jones clips of him calling her Mike.
When she called 911 after getting home, cops showed up but she was told she needed to go back to the scene, which is in a different precinct from her home, and call 911 from there.
Cops will move heaven and earth to not prosecute the criminals they like. Especially corrupt racist-ass NYPD.
That’s fucking vile.
Summarizing my other reply, but cops often literally don’t have jurisdiction outside of their presinct. This is normal.
They should still be obligated to record and pass on the details of the crime, and get the citizen in contact with the correct people directly. Recording and reporting crime and inter-police communication is kinda their whole fucken job.
Cops don’t wanna work anymore.
If they wanted to work they wouldn’t be cops
Police in other states don’t usually force the victim to relocate. They usually call someone to come in from the proper precinct.
“Brown, a former NYPD captain, noted police are obligated to take a report no matter where the crime occurred and that forcing crime victims to return to where they were attacked is traumatizing. The NYPD said Adams told the 911 dispatcher she would go to the scene, suggesting she voluntarily offered to do so.”
"Regardless, when Adams went back to the grocery and called for police from there, it took officers four hours to show up, she said. The officers, she said, appeared to know the attacker, referring to him as “Mr. Fourth of July.”’
Not just the ones they don’t like. They’re corrupt and lazy. They don’t go after any more than they have to.
To be perfectly fair, cops often literally don’t have jurisdiction outside of their “home” precinct. If they witness a crime outside of their jurisdiction they can make a citizen’s arrest, or if they’re in pursuit of someone who started in their jurisdiction they can chase, but they legally can’t do anything otherwise.
To be perfectly fair, you’re wrong.
If they came to her home, reasonably she was wanting to file a police report. Which they absolutely can do, but they refused.
A police officer may arrest a person for a crime, pursuant to subdivision one, whether or not such crime was committed within the geographical area of such police officer’s employment, and he or she may make such arrest within the state, regardless of the situs of the commission of the crime.
Kinda sounds like yes they can. Besides, all this person tried to do was file a report. What you’re seeing here is that cops don’t feel like doing any part of the job that doesn’t involve LARPing a 90s action film.
Cops have authority anywhere in the state, which is why they can be brought in from surrounding areas for special events, riots and other incidents, and can arrest you off-duty if they witness something illegal.
They literally don’t have de-facto jurisdiction over an entire state. This is easily googlable. Additionally, I addressed doing citizen’s arrest already, which is what them doing an “off duty” arrest is.
Almost like pointless hate makes the world a bit shitter.
Disagree. Not a bit, a whole lot more shittier.
I don’t know, all that hate makes it really easy to point fingers at trans calling them a monster so you can hide wealth as the dragon lord of the land without anyone amassing to look for dragons when there are trans demons to demonize.
HEY! You leave dragons out of this! Most dragons aren’t even all that interested in amassing wealth or power, they’re just avid collectors of anything that grabs their interest. The “greedy dragon” stereotype was based on humans misunderstanding the intentions of a few coin-collecting dragons. They had no interest in wealth or power, to them the coins were like shiny rocks or pressed leaves; but the humans couldn’t understand that and thought they were being greedy, and the humans hated them for it.
Once upon a time if you wanted to see the grandest, most complete collection of coins, stamps, music, 19th century hats or really any other object, you could ask your local dragon. If they’re not collecting the thing you want to see, they probably knew a dragon that does. Nowadays, between greedy humans and anti-dragon bigotry (typically rooted in the “greedy dragon” stereotype), many dragons can no longer afford to keep large, fully complete collections, nor can many handle the social pressure to not appear greedy to humans. This is why so many dragons lash out, are addicts or in poor mental health. They’re having to suppress their own wants and needs just to please the humans who care nothing for them.
Don’t attach dragons to greedy billionaires. Dragons just want everything to be together; billionaires think everything should belong to them.
Jankle and I will put thought to this.
This is what transphobia has to offer. Transphobia and TERFS are inherently misogynistic because they start to attack every single woman that doesn’t fit into the worldview of a few people.
Yeah, transohibia, anti gay, racism, anti immigrant, anti religion - intolerance is ugly, evil and the worst of humanity
Agree, agree, agree, agree, WHAT? Bro religion is the support beam holding up most of these bigotries in a big way.
Hmm Yeah ok I probably should have used more words there :o) I’m an atheist. I don’t like what religion does to people, in general. What I meant to say - but clearly didn’t express well - is that hating people for their religion is bullshit (also, their lack of religion). The general point was that hating people for their group membership is just evil.
Yeah, there are reasons to be anti-religion and even potentially anti-immigrant, those issues have actual logically and morally consistent reasons. Whereas racism and the others are entirely emotional and based on nothing. Religion is belief literally founded on nothing.
Anti-immigrant? Bruh moment
What do you mean to say? People should be allowed to escape from war always. But there are reasons you can just go live or stay anywhere.
It’s a human right to go wherever we want, isn’t it? Lol
There are no good reasons to be anti-immigrant.
🎵🎶One of these things is not like the other🎵🎶
This one comment is fire, not every single religion and religious person (like me) are intolerant, thank you, dude (or gurl, or whatever)! :D
All forms of prejudicial arguments are wrong. Just don’t talk about speciesism though, because most people will lose their shit 10x harder.
So we’re segmenting the trans community by binary gender now? What the hell
I’m pretty sure you understood my message. I won’t take your cheap bait here.
Is it still a hate crime if they were wrong about the person’s identity? Imo it should be.
If you committed a crime because of the perception of an individual falling under a protected class, it should qualify as a hate crime. I believe this is considered a bias incident and it is treated as a hate crime in NYC.
Of course it qualifies as a hate crime. Hate crime legislation is entirely about what you think inside your head as you commit some other crime - hence the word “hate”.
Hate with your head, not with your hands,
otherwise you’ll be picking from commissary plans.It’s not entirely about what you think, it can also be about what any reasonable person might think. You could genuinely think you’re just joking, but if it’s so bad that no one else would reasonably think it was a joke you could still be found guilty.
That is good to hear. Hopefully this cunt will be in prison for a huge chunk of their life.
No, no. A cunt has depth and warmth and I don’t think the attacker in this case has either.
This is the best comment I have seen on lemmy so far.
One of my standard two comments on the use of that word.
The other one is about the ability to take a pounding.
So in a conversation about someone commiting a hate crime based on someones genetalia you decide to use a term specifically used to debase people by calling them female genetalia and it seems people even upvote you for it. Great. And you even think you are being supportive.
Don’t be such a cunt.
Ooh la la doth my language offend you so? Please accept my humblest apologies my lord/lady!
look, it’s a word most american women don’t hear directed at themselves outside of really hateful or abusive contexts. i have been called “bitch” in the grocery store. i was called “cunt” by my abuser, and only by him.
the person who challenged you has a good point - the use of that word in american culture is intended to be particularly dehumanizing and degrading to women.
compare - if you had used “n…” you would have likely been challenged there as well, regardless of your intent in using that word or your own identity.
That word is used as a generic colorful adjectives in the UK, and are considered gender-neutral there.
Go back to Facebook.
IIRC NY is a transfer of intent state, that is to say if you intended to kill X person but fucked up and killed Y person instead, you’re still guilty of 1st degree murder, because you still intended to do a murder
That’s a cool tidbit to know. What did it have to do with this story? Where did the transfer take place?
Man intended to hate crime a trans woman but was wrong about the woman being trans
Thanks, makes sense now
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I’m sorry, asking questions isn’t something you like? Go crawl back under your rock, troll.
Oh that sounds like a perfectly normal reaction to someone different from you
Wait, this is being called a misunderstanding? I don’t think whoever wrote that actually understands that word…
The misunderstanding was what started the fight (he thought she was haggling for prices, not that she was trying to verify the price of things to make sure she bought the right weed for her friend), not the transphobic attack.
We’re getting physical with people for haggling prices now? Canal street about to get wild.
I still don’t see how that misunderstanding leads to such a violent attack.
If you (mistakenly) think someone is trying to haggle with you, the correct response is “ma’am we don’t haggle here, the price is the price, pay or get out”
At what point does “she tried to haggle with me!” become an excuse for “so I bashed her face in”
As in: ‘Miss, understand, I don’t give a fuck about your rights.’
A sad reminder that transphobia and other forms of hate affect us all, not just the ones who are primarily targeted.
Haggling isn’t illegal. She needs to sue the deli owner as well for hiring & protecting that shithead. I hope she takes everything they have.
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No, it’s really not okay here.
Staten Island ≠ NYC. Place is a cesspool. And I don’t have a horse in the race, just viewing it from over the border in NJ. Nobody likes Staten Island, it’s filled with aggressive bigots.
Staten Island is literally one of the 5 boroughs of NYC. The city is more than Manhattan. But yes, SI is a cesspool.
We call it east jersey in a mean spirited way, but even Newark was less crazy than some shit I’ve seen in SI
Staten Island is a particularly shit place. We’re ok.
What does the pot have to do with someone being a hateful idiot? I’m not sure what the headline is trying to tell me
She looks like a trans and she smokes the pot! She deserved it!
/s if not obvious enough
Victim blaming. “She’s a filthy bisexual pot buyer!” It wasn’t even for her.
Not the point the (honestly fucking terrible) article was making, but this never would have happened at a formal dispensary. NY needs to get its shit together. They’ve created a system where the poor are still stuck in a dangerous illegal system while those with time and money to get across the city get to enjoy a safe and comfortable experience. My city of ~160k in the Midwest has more legal dispensaries than NYC. Answering detailed questions is part of it, and I guarantee that at least my dispensary is a safe space for trans people.
Article says it’s legal, but there’s very few dispensaries…
This was at a bodega, so likely an illegal sale in a legal state?
That’s the only way I can see it being relevant, but I don’t know why NY’s law are like. Maybe it was a legal sale?
That would also explain why the clerk freaked out. Obviously he’s a transphobe as well, but maybe he knew he was breaking the law and got nervous she was on the phone? The victim might not have even known it was an illegal sale, and didn’t make a purchase anyways.
Yes, commit felony assault and a potential felony hate crime because you’re worried about a misdemeanor charge.
Either way, this guy is a fucking idiot
Oh for sure, if it was an illegal sale it makes him more of an idiot, not less.
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The cops knew the attacker and subsequently avoided any real investigation. Classic bastard behavior.
This is so funny to me that the cops just know this guy. Like oh yeah, Mr. 4th of July. Just some insane guy who attacks people. Whatever, typical Staten islander, I’m not gonna tell him how to live his life. Jail time? For what a little scuffle? In his own shop? Just defending his territory. Never seen a bodega cashier who wasnt violent, you know? If you weren’t people would fuck with ya too much.
The headline just kept getting worse huh?
I was actually somewhat relieved it wasn’t a cop at the end. Silver linings…
oh no
buying pot
oh noo
from NYC
oh nooooooo
So glad I live in Canada where I can just go online to my provincial supplier and order an oz if needed. If I need more it requires multiple orders unfortunately. I’m not sure if they make the postal person / letter carrier make two trips though (the limit is based off what you’re supposed to be allowed to carry but how would they know if they got multiple ozs on them?). Also this is BC so may vary by province up here.
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although sometimes they beat you up for no good reason, which isn’t very convenient
That sounds like Glasgow, but without the weed.
man, if only there was a place I could both get weed and satisfy my getting-beaten-up fetish
Staten Island sounds like a great start!
Welcome to New York, baby!
Key takeaway… they sell weed at deli’s in NYC?
That’s interesting. Around here it’s all thru a licensed shop.
NY’s legalization process has been a mess. It’s been almost 3 years since it was signed, and the majority of dispensary licenses outside of a small handful of open ones are still in paperwork purgatory, so in the meantime, the grey market has picked up the slack.
Deli is a loose term, a lot of them are basically bodegas with cold sandwiches.
They got Aminita mushroom gummies in the corner stores in Boston! Head shops are also selling vape carts.
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If you do it, pay close attention to what’s supposedly inside it. Both muscimol and ibotenic acid are supposed to be hallucinogenic, and both muscimol and ibotenic acid are in fly agric mushrooms. However, muscimol appears to be fairly non-toxic while ibotenic acid is neurotoxic and can cause scarring to the brain (sciencists apparently use it to cause brain lesions in rats for testing purposes). Despite this, from what I’ve seen it’s hard to find edibles that don’t have ibotenic acid.
Also, note that I said “supposedly” a lot. I tried a chocolate bar that supposedly had muscimol in it once. I felt a little odd the first time I tried it, but that was the full extent of my experience (I tried eating half the bar at one point to see if I just have a high natural tolerance, but that had even less of an effect). Additionally, I think I read a company recently got caught selling gummies that were just straight-up psilocybin.
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You’ve never seen “How High?” or any Dave Chappelle stand up?
Are you thinking of Half Baked?
Maybe thats what they call weed shops? Or its a weed shop who realized the importance of capitalizing on munchies, and the food got more popular than the pot
In the entire state of NY, not just the city, pretty much every independent gas station or corner store sells D8, black market vapes, gummies, etc. It’s pretty much unenforced statewide
Hows that work? I assume its not on shelves. Do you just need to know the secret menu? Ask for it directly? Is there a code? Or do they treat it like normal merch and cops just ignore it?
Yeah no it’s just chilling there on the front counter behind glass. No prices listed. If you’re a cop they tell you it’s not for sale and it’s a decoration. If a cop is parked outside they put it in a paper bag, tape it, and tell you to not open it until you’re out of view. No proof of sale, no crime committed.