I bet women love being compared to a genocidal ethnostate founded on stolen land.
Germania is a slay kween
Germany, Britain, France, and the US have all represented themselves as women at one point so maybe there is some link between personifying a country as a woman and being a murderous imperialist.
the romans were the ones who started portraying Britainia as a woman while it was a colony
I thought the Germans portrayed their country as a man
Yeah but the Brits definitely ran with Britannia as a woman for many centuries after the Romans so I think it still counts.
As for Germany: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germania_(personification)
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This is just the logical progression of the West poison pilling democracy, and human rights, and vaccines, and LGBT issues, etc etc forever.
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“Innovation” always ends up meaning tax and/or labor law fraud.
Feminism has been poison pilled since the 2010s at the latest.
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this is something i would say, if for some reason i hated women
Some Polandball type shit, making out nation-states as characters in some pseudo-relatable sitcom
I’m still waiting for my sitcom where an ML, an anarchist, a Trotskyist, and a Socdem all live together and end up fucking but it’s tasteful
Wait did I just describe Boyfriends?
any imperialist* state born after 1948 can’t be good… all they know is colonize, steal they land , genocide, be zionist , eat hot chip & lie
Modern China won its revolution in 1949.
Also Palau gained independence from the USA in 1962.
gonna be honest I didn’t put that much thought into this shitpost. maybe “imperialist state” instead of just state would make it work better
Imperialist states are bad regardless of when they were born though.
Socialist Cuba was founded in the 50s
Okay maybe there’s at least one exception.
Also the PRC was technically founded in 49, but you can sort of say that it was functionally founded in like 47, when the KMT started establishing their settler-colonial shoe factory on Formosa.
I would argue the PRC was a continuation of Chinese statehood making this whole point moot
The modern colony of Israel was founded in 1917
That’s just when the British and French took the land from the Ottomans. It didn’t formally become the ethnonationalist Zionist project until 1948.
Although there were ancient varying Kingdoms of Israel in the Bronze and Iron ages in the Levant, they have basically nothing in common with the current settler colony other than the name.
It didn’t formally become the ethnonationalist Zionist project until 1948
nah I feel like that started earlier too.
iirc the israeli colonial project started in the late 19th
Someone more knowledgeable feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s my understanding that Israel wasn’t formally a state until 1948.
the states born before then were doin that too!
well those are certainly some words, and now ive seen them.
Ladies, give yourself permission to take up space
in a house that you stole with imperial violence.
Lean In … To The Occupied Territories
Actually Israel is transgender and y’all still insist on using her deadname and deadflag
all the other countries are smurfs and israel is smurfette
all the other countries are roy bryant and israel is carolyn
Women are the Israel of genders.
Go on
No, I sense I’ve made a mistake of some kind
Gatekeep Gaslight Genocide Girlboss
The words gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss get thrown arpund a lot, but…
Girls just wanna have
funan apartheid state.whispers “are women settler colonialists”
— Do you really need an argument for this one? Settler colonialism is bad.EMPATHY [Easy: Success]
— You get sad about “losing” apartments that you didn’t own and weren’t stolen from you.YOU
— What does this have to do with Israel?ENCYCLOPEDIA [Medium: Failure]
— Israel? Something about the Bible. That’s all you’ve got.HORRIFIC NECKTIE
— I’ve heard that Israel has ladies! Let’s go there now, bratan! Or better yet, let’s check out some IDF propaganda. It’s always full of them.RHETORIC
— But what if these ladies are doing settler colonialism? As I’ve said: bad.
What are the odds this person is also a terf?
I’d at least bet my shitty car on it.
Just had to reach wayyy back to Nov. 1 and she’s retweeting @EndWokeness scaremongering about white replacement theory due to displaced refugees.
Oct 31 Retweeting anti social justice because any critism of Israel is anti-Jewish keven though she says in her pinned post criticzing the government is not anti semetic)
“Qatar is Indoctronating your children, America” taking the same attacks as TERFs and transphobes.
Attacking a lesbian club in Colombia because they called out Zionist Israel’s systemic racism.
https://nitter.net/skjask/status/1716367745841873288#m her words
The events of the last two weeks have shattered the illusion that wokeness is about protecting victims and standing up for persecuted minorities. This ideology is and has always been about the one thing many of us have told you it is about for years: power
Retweeting notorius transphobe Andy NGO
Retweeting TERF Queen J.K Rowling
Retweeting transphobe Meghan McCain
I can’t go back further on nitter. But it’s interesting she follows the
pipeline in American politics and directly retweets Mossad and AIPAC while projecting harder than a drive through movie theater.