I take offense to this as someone who hasn’t even started shopping yet.
I squirrel away things I find through the year to ease my winter burden. The hard part for me is not giving the things right away so I don’t have to go buy something else. My SO especially has a hard time remembering that that gift in June WAS Xmas, so no, we are not spending bunches of money on whatever it is you want now. When we hit the lottery, then we can do both.
just get them fuzzy socks that’s what they truly want
Shopping for what?
Winter supplies, I guess? Something about a big log and not dying in icy conditions.
Love the follow up episode in the cat-people hospital.
as a clutz it feels good until I check out the angle I cut across
Until it stops randomly and tears at a 90° angle from the direction you were going…
Reminded me of the weirdest Batman villian, Onomatopoeia.
It’s called going to warp, impulse is when you have to manually chop.
Are there any good left-handed scissors?
They might have some here:
Damn, Flanders made it online!
I have several great ones. Got them at Walmart.
I found a decent pair on Amazon and I think it has helped with the regularity I am hitting that sweet spot.
i gotta admit… i thought this was going to be a play on astro glide. …hmmmmmmmmm
These or something similar are perfect, as a lefty.
Edit: but for the love of god don’t pay that much. I think they’re like $5-7 in store.
Do you have lefty scissors? I’ve never tried them before
They’re the only ones I can use, I’ve tried to use normal scissors for my whole life and still can’t figure it out. Left handed scissors have the blades reversed.
And too many people try to hand over ambi/lefty Grip scissors and think they are the same. I’ve tried to explain the blade flip to other people who look at me like I’m insane or try to explain back to me how it’s impossible. If I hadn’t gone to an awesome elementary school with an overstocked art room I would have never encountered them. They even had little blunted ones for kids, but it was the 80’s so we used the sharps anyway.
My mom bought me some for school because she figured out I couldn’t use normal scissors. I was also doing occupational therapy for some other child health issues so my parents were very attentivenat the time. This was during the mid 2000s.
Awesome on mom! They were a lil pricy back in the day so I didn’t get my own till a few years ago (after cutting open a damn cat toy package and having to go get stitches). Figured someone like Walmart or Amazon has to have them cheaper nowadays. And they did.
With all the political talk on social media I was so confused what being a lefty had to do with cutting wrapping paper lol
Okay for those of you who don’t have an electric clipper—> open the blades all the way and rock the paper along the blade a moment, you’ll eventually find a spot that lets you glide through the paper.
I’m a lefty so this may be incorrect but I think you also want to keep good tension on the paper while you do it. If that’s not a thing, then oops. Sometimes the glide works, the other 80% it bunches up about halfway through so I tend to try a few times then just give up. Also I assume it works opened more because the scissors tend to be sharper closer to the handle where they’re less used, in case that helps anyone figure out the sweet spot. So just do what usual leftys do, make the contact between scissor blades pull together with a good grip, have a nice tension on the paper and push it through slowly. Then get annoyed when it rips after it working once.
Yeah you want to hold the corner or place a bar weight if you can. If you have an empty paper tube it’s useful
This is what I do if I can a lot of the time, helps so much
Like when the turbo kicks in
I’m in my mid 20s and still can’t use normal scissors due to how left handed I am lmao. Left handed, left footed, left eye dominant. Even the left side of my face is more handsome 💀
Have you ever tried just using the scissors in a mirror? That should flip them around so that they work
Most scissors have a smaller top handle for your thumb, so when you flip it around, that small handle becomes the one the rest of your fingers are supposed to fit in, which makes it very difficult to use.
it’s barely December. Who even thinks of wrapping presents now?